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Mission... failed?

Lin Feng returned to the Continental Hotel, opened a suite, and sat beside the soft bed, wondering what happened.

According to his memory, the task should be a few days away.

Regarding the core of Perfect Hex, Lin Feng is not fully sure that he can study it, but after so many days of research with Bang Bang, he has summed up a few plans for blind cats to kill mice. At least he has to try it first. ?

But now the time has not come, the task is prompted to fail.

Remember the time wrong?

Lin Feng did not rule out such a possibility.

After so many days of busyness, Lin Feng was also confused for some time, and it was possible to forget how much time there was for this task.

But unlike playing games, Lin Feng searched around, but couldn't find anything in the quest log in the system.

Lin Feng could only temporarily turn his attention to the punishment of failure.

But what made Lin Feng even more puzzled was that he searched and searched and did not find that he had been punished.

There is no lack of arms or legs, and the gold coins in the system are not missing at all.

As for any weak state, there is no sign of confiscating the props that have been obtained.

What is this punishment for?

Bad things happened one after another, and Lin Feng finally understood what it meant to be dependent on fortune and misfortune.

Lying on the bed tossing and turning, Lin Feng found nothing more.

The systematic punishment of these three question marks is as elusive as a shadow. Lin Feng simply decided to forget about them first, and then take a nap.

After taking a hot bath and eating some modern food, Lin Feng fell asleep.



Another few days passed by.

Without Victor, this would be one of the most relaxing days for Lin Feng.

Victor still has no news.

With the recognition of his and Zaan's status, Lin Feng is now firmly seated in the seat of the king of Zaan.

The people under his command, Baron Zaan, were all convinced. Lin Feng took them to freedom and gave them autonomy. With this treatment, what more bicycles do you want?

And Lin Feng also followed this momentum and sent more people to search.

The scope of the search has continued to expand, until now, as long as a person with a leg disability will be invited to tea by the gang members.

But even under such a high-intensity search, Lin Feng still had no information about Victor.

Putting aside this annoyance, other things made Lin Feng happier.

He handed over all the technologies he had promised to the upper level, including alchemy technology, core technology of Hex, the principle of armor-piercing projectiles, and so on.

Even if these theories are ready-made, they are also novel to Picheng. It takes a while to understand them, and to the point of mass production, it will take a lot of time. After all, not everyone does it. Lin Feng, he can create a core with his bare hands.

Of course, the upper management did not say that they must use these things before fulfilling their own promises, which would be a bit too rascal.

According to the agreement, the upper level also immediately opened Zaun's right to use the Hexfly Gate and announced Zaun's equal status to the outside world. Everything was in accordance with the content of the agreement.

Even so, few Zaun use the Hexfly Gate now.

One is that some special approval procedures are still required to travel between the upper and lower levels, and the other is that the thoughtful Zaan people are still somewhat wary of the "insidious tricks" of the upper-level people.

However, this phenomenon is only temporary.

There is always the courage to be the first to eat crabs.

And as the first Zaun merchants to profit from the Hexfly Gates appear, more and more Zaun will join them.

By then, Zaun's foreign trade had officially begun.

Those minerals and stones buried deep in the ground that were not used by the Zaun people would become Zaun's most popular export products.

Seraphine also played a vital role in the relationship between Piltover and Zaun.

Lin Feng knows that idols are very powerful.

But he still underestimated Seraphine in the end!

In the past few days, Seraphine opened her first concert, and the venue was selected in the super stadium of Piltover College.

The result was an unprecedented explosion.

Lin Feng originally wanted to see Seraphine's performance, but after chatting with the captain of the guard who was in the tunnel before, he immediately gave up the idea.

Two days before Seraphine's performance, the academy's 30,000-person super stadium was already full.

Small tents were put up one by one, eating, drinking and luring were integrated, and everyone was afraid that they would be robbed of their places if they left.

And the number of people who entered the venue that day was even more numerous, not only this super stadium, the people who came to watch the performance almost broke through Piltover College.

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Under this scene, Lin Feng still gave up the idea of ​​going to the show.

Even if he really wanted to see it, he could easily get to the front row or the back of the stage, but if Seraphine saw him coming, there was no guarantee that he would do something out of the ordinary. Lin Feng thought about it and thought it was fine. .

Of course, such a grand scene is also the first time in Picheng's history. It is inevitable that there will be some quarrels caused by location or other reasons.

Generally in modern times, these things are solved by increasing the number of on-site guards.

But now, all it takes is a song by Seraphine to cool off any impulsive audience. UU Reading www.uukanshu.com

This song that directly hits the soul also has the function of calming the soul.

Seraphine's first gig was an unprecedented success.

The venue of 30,000 people was crowded by 50,000 people.

Outside the venue there was also a circle of spectators, all just to hear Seraphine's voice.

The live version of Seraphine's singing is naturally more shocking than the CD.

This idol wind started by Seraphine gradually began to grow into an idol tornado.

In the twin cities, Seraphine has almost become an existence that everyone knows about MJ.

The cohesion of the twin cities advocated by Seraphine also greatly influenced the young people in the twin cities.

At this time, the passageways on the upper and lower floors that had been sealed for a long time were also opened.

As long as the formalities are complete and the reasons are valid, all requests for access to the upper and lower floors will be approved.

More and more Zaan people want to go to Picheng, and the same is true of Picheng people, who also want to see what Zaan is like in the mouth of their idols.

In order to meet this momentum, Lin Feng also issued a heavy order.

For tourists coming down from the upper floors, no one is allowed to commit extortion or intentional harm.

Including those low-quality shimmers that have been discontinued, they cannot be sold to these tourists.

Once it is discovered that anyone has made crooked thoughts about these people, they will be severely punished!

The barons didn't understand what Lin Feng meant at first. For them, the tourists coming down from the upper floors were like a big fat sheep. How could they do it without draining them?

But under the guidance of Lin Feng, these barons soon found out that they were wrong.

Lin Feng led them to develop a new industry.


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