The experiment begins.

The method is very simple, and it is no different from when Lin Feng did it himself. Zeli's role is to put it bluntly as a power bank.

Lin Feng and Ze Li sat facing each other, grabbing Ze Li's hand, and the point of contact of their bodies would become a channel for the transmission of energy to each other.

Before the official start, Lin Feng conducted a warm-up.

Relax the lower nerve, the energy bridge between the two is opened.

It was different from the last time. Now Ze Li's body no longer has so much violent force, and Lin Feng doesn't need to find out his power to travel around in Ze Li's body.

Lin Feng controlled his energy from invading Ze Li's body, while Ze Li continued to send her own power to Lin Feng.

It can be said that this time the operation is almost reversed from the last time.

But the strange thing is that Lin Feng did not feel any strange feeling when Ming Zeli's talisman power was wandering in Lin Feng's meridians.

He became more and more certain that his previous conjectures were correct, only his energy was somewhat special.

After a simple warm-up, he noticed that nothing wrong happened, and Lin Feng started his own experiments without ink.

First took out a small piece of nano-alloy, and Lin Feng started to draw the rune with his hand as the pen as before.

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Time passed little by little.

The wonderful rune leaped at Lin Feng's fingertips, and finally left permanent traces on the alloy.

With the depiction of the runes, the whole piece of metal also began to be filled with the power of runes, glowing blue, like a gem scale from the underwater palace.

Zeli opened her bright green eyes wide and stared at Lin Feng's every move.

For Ze Li, science is a kind of magical thing, not to mention the science from Lin Feng's point of view, which is even more magical.

For the aspect of rune characterization, Ze Li is quite bad at it.

Her energy is not released based on runes, but is innate. For Zeli, these strange symbols are wordless books.

But Zeli just watched, silently conveying her energy.

Seeing Lin Feng's seriousness, Ze Li did not dare to move his fingers, for fear of disturbing Lin Feng's work.

After more than ten minutes, the rune on this small piece of metal has been carved more than half.

If it were changed to the previous situation, Lin Feng would have been bored for a long time.

But now, Lin Feng feels that he is a Saiyan.

The power in the body seems to be inexhaustible. After using a little, it will be replenished.

Although he was focused enough, Lin Feng still didn't forget to pause here for a moment, and turned his head to see Ze Li's state.

Lin Feng was relieved when he saw that Ze Li was still in a calm state.

Not daring to pause for too long, Lin Feng quickly followed the progress just now and continued. After another ten minutes, Lin Feng successfully drew a series of complete runes that can block energy.

With a sigh of relief, Lin Feng stopped using the power of rune energy and let go of Ze Li's hand, which made Ze Li a little uncomfortable for a while.

"How? How do you feel?"

Lin Feng immediately asked Ze Li's status.

Zeli shook her head:

"It feels... okay. Nothing out of the ordinary."

The huge living person was sitting opposite him, and Lin Feng could also see that Zeli should be fine.

"How long do you feel like this process can last?" Lin Feng continued to ask.

Zeli's little head was tilted, and she thought about it for a moment:

"Two...three...four...five or six hours?"

There was some embarrassment in Ze Li's eyes. After all, she seldom used the energy in her body, so she couldn't have a good estimate of Lin Feng's problem.

But hearing this in Lin Feng's ears, it revealed another message.

There are many more talisman powers in Ze Li's body!

This kind of process can last at least seven or eight back and forth.

Lin Feng wanted to give Ze Li a thumbs up.

As expected of a natural magician, this talent is truly unmatched.

He was so proud of his own power of talisman, compared to Ze Li, it was nothing but a toothpick to stir up a big pot.

Suppressing all the other topics that were extraneous, Lin Feng focused his attention on this new alloy.

With Jarvis' help, the test began right away.

Nano properties... pass.

Metal hardness...passed.

Corrosion resistance Heat resistance Cold resistance... Passed.

Rune energy storage capacity... Qualified!

Lin Feng was overjoyed. After some attribute tests, none of them were substandard, and even all the indexes completely exceeded his expectations.

Lin Feng still underestimated the power of runes.

This piece of nano-metal filled with complete rune power can hold 7-8 times more rune power than the original original version.

At this value, if it is converted into an overall battle armor, its power performance is even stronger than the previous MK2 core.

Lin Feng doesn't know how much energy a perfect Hex core has, but he can be sure that if this nano-armor really takes shape, he will no longer need to go back and forth with a Hex Core.

And even if the rune power in the metal is exhausted, there is no need to charge it from the outside. The metal itself is actually a kind of hex core, and the runes inside can continuously generate energy.

Seeing Lin Feng's smiling face, Ze Li didn't understand why.

But I don't know why, seeing Lin Feng happy, she is also happy.

This proves that it works.

Before Ze Li came today, she was a little worried that she would not be of any or that she was doing a disservice by accident, which was a common occurrence in the past.

But the current situation is tantamount to giving her a booster. Zeli silently stabilized her mentality, secretly thinking that she must continue to shine for science. Obviously she didn't do anything, but Zeli still felt like a little scientist, The experience is simply not too wonderful.

Lin Feng's original plan was to prepare these metals in batches, and even prepared to call Zeli to help him for a long time.

But now it's good, the experiment is a great success, and Zeli's power of rune is fully enough.

Weather, location, and people!

Lin Feng is confident that he will tinker with the armor today!

Silently using the system, Lin Feng opened the exchange interface and exchanged all the Ulu metal needed for the nano armor.

Although Ulu metal is expensive, the proportion of alloy required is low, and Lin Feng can still afford it.

Before, I just exchanged some for experiments. After all, I don’t know whether the experiment will be successful or not. The main thing is to have a taste.

Now, he's going to get real.

Processing directly through the system, mixing Ulu metal and titanium nano-metal together, Lin Feng pretended to open the drawer and extracted the items in the system into his hands.

In Ze Li's eyes, it seemed that Lin Feng just took out more metal from the drawer, and there was nothing unusual at all.

Pidianpidian ran back to Ze Li, Lin Feng sat down, and put the last large piece of nano-alloy on the table.

"Zeli, I will continue to carry out the process just now. If there is any problem, it's still the same sentence, don't stand it."

Unconsciously, Ze Li nodded, ready to be a little white sheep.

Lin Feng didn't write any ink, grabbed Ze Li's hand, and began to depict the runes again.

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