From Twin Cities: Unlimited Rewards for the Beginning of the War

Chapter 217: Mel's mother, minister of Noxus

Entering the house of Congressman Mel, Lin Feng noticed how big it was.

Compared with the Gilamain family, the style of Mr. Mel's home is completely different.

The Gilamain family is a native Piltover noble family, and its interior decoration is also very characteristic of Piltover.

But Congressman Mayer is different.

She was from Noxus, not exactly a native of Peel City.

Therefore, there is not too strong Picheng color in the house of Congressman Mel.

On the contrary, it added some different luxurious atmosphere.

It was obvious that Senator Mel was quite fond of jewelry.

In addition to wearing a lot of jewelry on his body, even his home is shiny, the kind that can reflect many layers of sunlight when the sun hits it.

Lin Feng is glad that he chose the right gift today.

As a necklace of hard currency, it also has a completely different excess effect in Congressman Mel.

This is rather precious information.

Lin Feng knew that, as the king of Zaan, he would definitely have to deal with the members of Picheng in the future.

[First release on this site, fastest update]

No matter how much hatred they had before, and how many hatreds they had, when they met again, they had to greet each other with a smile.

No way, people who work in this position are basically like this, and it can be called a little naive like Jace started.

After silently writing down this information, with Mel's lead, Lin Feng slowly came to the top floor of the manor villa.

From here, the view is fairly wide, with almost a bird's-eye view of most of Piltover.

Moreover, there is a swimming pool on top of this roof!

This made Lin Feng have to take another look at Congressman Mel with admiration.

Above the swimming pool on the roof, facing the front, is a great sea view.

For Mel, who was a member of the aristocracy, he couldn't choose a location like the city center, but he could choose these beautiful seasides.

Even though it's a bit expensive, it's not a big deal for a Pilgrim councillor.

As long as they beckoned, a large number of people are willing to give away the land in their hands in order to gain a favor from the Picheng Councilor.

Not to mention Mel, Lin Feng himself has a lot of experience.

In Zaun, those barons have more hearts.

Don't talk about money, as long as it is useful, it will be sent to him in one go.

Money, housing, all kinds of expensive mechanical parts and gems, even women, are all things that can be given away.

Of course, even if those girls were willing to follow him, Lin Feng was fired.

After having rights, it is a little privilege, but Lin Feng knows that this privilege must be maintained in the word 'small'.

Once one's privileges are expanded, people's greed can easily become uncontrollable.

This is human nature.

Greed is endless.

In order to avoid going down the wrong road, Lin Feng even had to give money to the fan hall before, let alone accept these bribes.

Not only does he not accept bribes, but the level of bribery within Zaun must be strictly controlled.

It's just that Lin Feng has not done this step yet.

His current new Zaun has just been established, there must be a buffer period, and the pace cannot be stretched too much.

Lin Feng also thought so when he was a child.

With the experience of his own country in modern times, every time Lin Feng watched some movies, he always imagined that he would also become the king of a country.

At that time, he will amnesty the world, reform madly, and use the moral knowledge he has learned to benefit the people.

But in fact, history has personally proven that such an approach does not work.

In the modern age where Lin Feng lived before he crossed over, there were many clear examples that happened around him.

In those very small countries, the kind that change a regime in a few days, some people have tried to do so.

And their results were all failures.

If you step too far, you will definitely be attacked.

Coming up with anti-corruption, all kinds of drastic reforms will touch the interests of the bottom of the country.

This kind of thing cannot be changed overnight. It must be done slowly, and the buffers must be filled little by little.

And the reason why Lin Feng's own country can continue to flourish is also the truth.

First focus on the economy, at least so that everyone can have a full meal, and then focus on the culture, so that everyone's psychological level can keep up, and finally the trivial matters such as corruption.

Before Zaan was fully lifted out of poverty, Lin Feng's goal was not to kill those barons of Zaan who liked to take advantage.

Eliminating them will cause dissatisfaction on the one hand, and on the other hand, there will be no replacement candidates.

Those barons of Zaun who like to claim some power, even if they are suspected of corruption, are also capable people.

As long as you push and push, you can do a lot for the development of Zaun.

This is what Lin Feng needs most now.

After arriving at the top floor, Lin Feng saw a rather sturdy back in the super spacious balcony.

If it wasn't for the hair, Lin Feng would even suspect that the back was a man. Even if it could be seen that it was a woman, the woman in the back had short hair and looked quite sturdy.

The sturdy woman is sitting in the chair on the balcony, sitting in a rather big position, with her straight leg on the knee of the other leg, looking at the seascape in the distance.

Beside it, there are some snacks and red wine.

The two maids of the Mel family are on call at any time, waiting for work.

Is this Mel's mother?

Lin Feng's mouth twitched.

He hadn't met Mel's mother.

Before seeing it, Lin Feng thought that Mel's mother would be quite After all, Mel is pretty good.

Even though Mel has dark skin, her facial features are quite delicate, and her body is on time. Overall, it's not bad at all. If you like dark skin, Mel will even find Mel quite charming, otherwise Jace won't like it. Mel.

But Lin Feng did not expect that Mel's mother would be so sturdy.

Looking at this back, he is an adult man than an adult man.

Lin Feng believed that it was a man with long hair.

As expected of a Noxian... Lin Feng could only smack his tongue secretly.

Mel's mother wore what looked like a battle armor, perhaps to the Noxians, this kind of attire could be called 'everyday'.

"That's my mother, Mr. Lin Feng."

Congressman Mel paused, smiled at Lin Feng, and said.

After all, it is the matter of Lin Feng and her mother. Although she is a member of parliament, she has nothing to do with herself, so she does not need to participate blindly.

As a congressman, Mel is more aware and less inquiries about other people's affairs.

It has nothing to do with myself, and I accidentally heard it, which is easy to cause trouble.

Lin Feng nodded and said, "Thank you Mel."

After saying that, Lin Feng said goodbye to the farewell of Mel and Jace, and walked to the chair next to Congressman Mel's mother alone.

When he came to the front, Lin Feng realized that Congressman Mel's mother was not looking up into the distance, but covered her eyes with a towel moistened with hot water, enjoying the afternoon.

Lin Feng sat down on the stool next to him.

Congressman Mel's mother raised her head and said:

"You came?"

Chapter 217 Mel's Mother, Minister of Noxus

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