Chapter 231 Noxus has changed

It was not until she saw that there was indeed no one around, Laura faced Lin Feng again.

Her expression was more solemn than ever, and she lowered her voice a little—uncommon among Noxians.

Laura continued:

"Next, almost all the nobles and politicians found that many people in the family suddenly turned against the water!"

Lin Feng's heart skipped a beat.


This kind of shock may be the most outrageous thing Lin Feng has heard in recent days.

It was so outrageous that he couldn't help but exclaimed.

His eyes were round and round, and he was speechless for a long time.

The impact was too great.

Lin Feng never dreamed that Laura gave such an explanation to his own question.

Although it sounds very simple, Lin Feng was shocked by the stormy waves in his heart.

Ordinary people can't understand why this kind of thing is surprising, isn't it just a rebellion? What does it count?

Even the average politician might think so.

Isn't it a very common political tactic?

But if anyone with real wisdom was here, they would understand how many people were shocked by what Laura said.

This is not some backcountry small country.

This is Noxus.

Noxus with a profound history!

As an ancient empire, Noxus possessed a number of nobles and its size that ordinary people could not imagine, and it was also unmatched by ordinary countries.

Among them, Piltover and Zaun.

No matter whether it is Piltover or any country in Zaun, the number of nobles it has is not an opponent of Noxus, and it is not of an order of magnitude at all.

Adding up the number of nobles in Piltover and Zaun may not be as good as Noxus. It is a bit exaggerated to say that it is the tip of the iceberg, but at best it can only reach about half the magnitude.

Such a huge number of nobles, but now Laura said that in almost all noble families, there are 'many people' who are against the water!

This "many people" does not refer to those maids who cut off the water to polish shoes, or the chefs who make a living with pots and pans in the back kitchen.

When Laura said 'many people', she definitely meant 'many people' who could affect a family.

Those maids and cooks, or those unrelated people, no matter how many people are rebelled, they will not shake the foundation of an aristocratic family.

They rebelled, and at best they had to replace another group of people.

Just some chores, what's the point?

Therefore, the "many people" who can influence a family are definitely those who have real power and status in the family.

These people are members of noble families.

Now it has been turned back!

It was as if someone suddenly told him that Steward Della of the Gilamann family suddenly rebelled, there was only shock and wonder in his ears.

Of course, it is unlikely that someone like Butler Della will be turned against. After all, he is a personal butler. In Noxus, such loyalty still exists.

But what about other people?

For example, the high-level family in charge of economics rebelled and suddenly signed some economic treaty with others that the patriarch did not know about.

Another example is that the high-level family in charge of the law rebelled and directly changed the rules and regulations of your entire family.

This kind of thing makes me shudder.

If ordinary families are turned against, Lin Feng can understand.

But that's Noxus!

Even if those supreme beings are greedy for life and fear of death, there must be many shrewd and capable loyal and righteous people in their families.

Without these people, a family, a country, would be over long ago.

These people have been turned against!

It wasn't these that shocked Lin Feng the most.

After taking 10,000 steps back, even in Noxus, Lin Feng was very detailed.

After all, there is no absolutely solid copper wall in the world.

There is a family that is rebelled, and the rebels are also rebelled. They belong to the minority among the majority, and it is a very special case.

But according to Laura, this is not a family affair.

Almost all noble families!

At least on the round table, those important noble families who really hold power!

The number of these families is several times worse than that of Piltover or Zaun. The round table has to be turned into a long table so that so many people can sit.

So many nobles have now been rebelled by that person from the inside!

Most people can't understand it, but Lin Feng can understand it best.

Because he is the king of Zaun.

To be honest, he still went half the Silko route.

Of course, Lin Feng knew about this method of infiltration from the inside. After all, it came from modern times. Not to mention the thirty-six strategies of Sun Tzu's art of war, at least Lin Feng knew a little about this method.

But Lin Feng did not want to use such a method.

But it doesn't work.

Not because of anything else, but because it's too difficult to use this method.

It is quite difficult to break into the interior of each noble and turn those nobles who hold power.

Not to mention that there are some loyal people who are unwilling to rebel. When encountering these people, they are the first troubles.

In the face of these loyal and righteous people who are unwilling to rebel, should we get rid of them or not?

If it is removed, it will cause suspicion, and it will cause bad influence, so much so that it will startle the snake.

It won't work if you don't remove it.

These people may go back and inform their superiors about The plan will also be revealed from now on.

Not to mention that these loyal and righteous people who are unwilling to rebel, it is really uncomfortable to meet another kind of person.

It's those people who are two-faced, two-faced, and two-faced.

On the surface, it says to cooperate with your actions, agree to your countermeasures, and accept your benefits.

In fact, behind his back, he told his superiors to join forces with others and play the kind of routine of Infernal Affairs.

Meeting such a person is the most difficult thing to do, and you won't find out that you've been tricked for a while.

And such people are not in the minority among noble families.

Most only those smart people can become those who hold the power in the family superiors, and those who are not smart have long been played to death in this intriguing power game.

Even if you don't mention these two types of people, throw these two types of people out, when they don't exist, the remaining people are everyone who can rebel, it's not that simple.

What do you need to turn against someone?

Interest is needed!

There is no benefit to following you, so why should you follow you?

It's not a relationship, and there is no benefit, and I don't even know if it can succeed. It's okay to take my own head as a bet, and play against it?

Only when the interests are in place can the high-ranking people in those noble families be turned away.

Not only in place, the issue of interests must be quite in place!

Those people are real nobles, or high-ranking people, and ordinary prosperity and wealth are not conspicuous.

This is only a part. Even if the benefits are sufficient, it is only given to one person. The shared benefits are not rare for those in high positions.

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