Chapter 233 Who is it?

After doing this, Lin Feng already felt deeply out of reach.

This is something he can't do, and it's even more difficult for Zaun to do now!

Among them, even if the strength of the mainland hotel is counted, it may not be possible.

It's just Zaun.

Noxus' situation is more complicated than Zaun's.

Geographically alone, Noxus' situation is far more complicated than Zaun's.

The four links are well developed, and because of this, Noxus is the place of war.

And Zaan, to put it bluntly, is just a backcountry underground. Generations of Zaan people have lived here, often using love to generate electricity.

Moreover, the area of ​​Noxus is also much larger than that of Zaun. It is full of population, so it can continue to produce soldiers who can be trained as warriors to provide the foundation of a country on which the entire country depends.

Regarding the situation of Noxus, Lin Feng didn't know much about it.

But after sitting in the position of King of Zaun, and having a relationship with Piltover, it is impossible for Lin Feng to know nothing, and he still knows a little about the specific situation.

In Noxus, if you really count all the aristocratic families who can speak a word in this country, there must be a minimum of three or four hundred.

Three or four hundred to sixty or seventy, it is several times the number of surges!

Noxus is not a country of fools.

In order to continuously supply their wars, there are many weapons or arms factories in the Noxian noble system.

The highest round table in Noxus will never allow one family to dominate.

including them.

Even though the proportion may be more, no matter which minister Noxus is, he will not allow the market and key technologies controlled by himself and other ministers to exceed the monopoly line.

Only then can those other nobles and factories below flourish.

Only when they continue to compete, the entire market will have a steady stream of vitality.

This was what Noxus knew from the war, and Lin Feng was equally as important as the market economy.

If every minister on the Noxus round table dominates the field he represents, then under the influence of capital interests and the greedy trend of human nature, the entire Noxus will fall into a state of chaos and conflict. depressed.

This is undoubtedly the biggest taboo for a country that relies on war to make money and progress.

What's the point of having a monopoly if the country is gone?

Even if the ministers are very greedy, they also understand the truth.

That being the case, I don't engage in monopoly, and neither should you.

Everyone is balanced with each other, and it is acceptable to everyone.

Anyone who violates this unwritten rule will be removed from Noxus, and will be confronted by the nobles who are usually **** for tat.

This feeling is not good.

It is precisely because of this system that Noxus has been able to stand firm in the long history of Valoran, from ancient times to the present.

Among the three or four hundred noble families, in such Noxus, it is already a conservative number.

And these noble families, if only one were taken out, would generally be larger than the nobles of Zaun.

If Zaan's rebellion is calculated according to the standard of five high-level families in a family, then Noxus will have at least seven, and even some great nobles have been handed down from ancient Noxus, and their power is even greater. The family is also larger, and the ten high-level executives may only be a small part of it.

Even if it is calculated according to the standard of five, three hundred times five, that is 1,500 people.

Fifteen hundred Noxian nobles!

One thousand five hundred high-level nobles!

Not a beggar, not Zeli!

Want to convince 1,500 high-level nobles?

After thinking about it, Lin Feng felt his head inexplicably grow bigger.

The amount of human and material resources required for this is beyond what he, a Zaun King, can even imagine.

Even if you have human and material resources, you have to consider whether others are willing to do this.

If you don't want to, it's all in vain.

Or there is another clown who says he is willing on the surface, but is actually doing two-faced tricks behind his back, then things are even more difficult to handle!

Plus three or four hundred, or even more aristocratic families, the network of communication between them will also be wider, and maybe there are secret allies or potential enemies between them. Relationships are more complicated to deal with.

For example, the condition of family A's price is 1W gold coins, and the condition of family B's price is 2W gold coins.

Of course, for a noble family in Noxus, 10,000 or 20,000 gold coins may be too little, but this is just an example.

But what if there is any hatred between this family A and family B?

Since it is a rebellion, it is a secret operation.

Since it is a secret operation, it must be fully guaranteed.

There is no hope at all, and no one will give up his head for the immediate benefit of the moment?

You must inform the other party of your allies who can rebel together, or who have successfully rebelled.

What if the A and B families know each other's existence and offer?

One asks for 10,000 gold coins, and the other asks for 20,000 gold coins. This is an unbalanced matter. The side that lacks interests will always feel unbalanced.

In addition, there are contradictions between the The contradictions between these nobles are not like the fights of elementary school students, which can be coaxed with a pack of spicy sticks.

It's okay to talk about it, if you can't talk about it...

These nobles often have a mentality:

It's okay for me to lose money, but I can't watch you make money!

Because watching you make money is more uncomfortable than what I owe!

Driven by this mentality, if one cannot agree on the distribution of interests, everything before may be in vain.

It's not alarmist at all to lose the wife and lose the army.

Just between two nobles, there are so many things to coordinate, what if there are sixty or seventy nobles?

What if three or four hundred, or even more noble families?

How to coordinate, how to coordinate?

Even after planning, how much do you have to pay?

How big is this?

But in Laura's mouth, the person who did the opposite didn't even get on the round table, just a small branch of the many families.

Lin Feng became more and more curious.

Who is this man?

How is it so powerful?

And according to what Laura said, in the whole process, not only Laura herself, but also the other old nobles at the round table knew nothing.

Instigating so many nobles, the news has not leaked.

Everything happened between the lightning and flint, and there was not even a little room for reaction.

This kind of thing seems to only exist in TV dramas or movies, and Lin Feng has never seen such a case in reality.

But now, that's the reality.

How did you do it?


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