Two days are just a blink of an eye in a long life.

Lin Feng still asked Camille to leave the tavern.

He is confident that he can compete with Camille, but the guards in Piedmont are not vegetarian.

In two days, if no prisoner can be found, the 'cleaning' will begin.

And the so-called 'cleaning', Camille did not explain too much.

Of course, there is no need to explain, Lin Feng also knows what this means.

At that time, the real war between the two cities will begin.

As a result, although it may be very tragic, there is a high probability that Picheng will win. After all, the upper level is rich in resources, and the war itself is actually a war of attrition.

At that time, all Zaun threats will be eliminated, and they will naturally not have to track down the murderer who attacked the banquet.

Once the war starts, it explodes, Caitlin, Vi, Professor one can escape the war.

This will also be their war.

Lin Feng would never allow such a thing to happen.

These two days are the deadline given by Picheng.

Being able to find out the information about the murderer within these two days, the matter has a relatively safe solution, so Lin Feng didn't deliberately make things difficult for Camille in the tavern -- Camille just came to give the final notice.

But the result still disappointed Lin Feng.

Two days later, there is still no information about this group of people.

The Wildfire Gang, Forgan Tavern, Fan Hall, Continental Hotel... Even Blitz, who was supposed to learn social habits, was sent to the task by Lin Feng. This search operation almost alarmed half of Zaun.

But even with so many people, no one found the trace of the group.

Invisible and invisible... Lin Feng had seen the power of those mysterious people in the square that day, and in the end, the explosion of those corpses made Lin Feng not see the appearance of those soldiers, which was tantamount to increasing the difficulty of searching. .

Two days have come.

Lin Feng has been in the Fugen Tavern for a long time, waiting tormented for any information to be sent here.

A minute and a second passed.

Time is up.

Not a minute, not less than a minute, those who were watching the guard outside the door of Forgan's Tavern found that an alley became silent again.

In the darkness, the terrifying woman with sharp-edged legs came out of the darkness.

Unlike the last time, this time, there were more Picheng guards standing beside Camille.

Lin Feng stood at the door, and there were only a few people who stayed at the Fugan Tavern. The others were still searching for clues.

At this moment, Camille walked in front of Lin Feng.

Lin Feng's heart suddenly stabbed.

Perhaps because of some kind of resonance with Camille's Hexheart.

"Lin Feng, have you found the person I want?"

A neat question.

Camille still raised her head and looked down at Lin Feng. This noble aura was innate to her.


Lin Feng's answer surprised Camille.

She squinted her eyes and checked again whether she had misunderstood.

Camille did not expect that this man named Lin Feng would surprise her.

In the end, Camille was disappointed.

"Looks like I'm wrong."

Camille's mechanical tone became colder.

This part of the breath is for oneself.

Not only because of a situation other than intelligence that occurred two days ago, but also because of the wrong person.

Lin Feng was also silent at this time.

His bottom line of principles has always been affected by the pre-travel.

Before crossing, he was in a country that "doesn't want to fight, but isn't afraid to fight".

This is a kind of thinking pattern formed from childhood to adulthood, so that Lin Feng rarely shakes this kind of thinking when he comes here.

War brings suffering.

Lin Feng still remembers the scene where the noble lady in white died on the square.

Lin Feng has always believed that the greater his ability, the greater his responsibility.

In his own capacity, some other things can be overcome by him.

But not this time.

Whoever stands up will die.

And reasoning with Picheng is a thing that makes Lin Feng tired, and it is also an unrealizable thing.

No matter who from Zaun attacked Picheng, as long as he carried the word 'Zuan' on his back, there would be no difference.

This is not just to find the murderer, Picheng is also taking this as an opportunity to resolve the grievances between the two cities.

Lin Feng sighed.

I don't want to fight, it's not that I'm not afraid to fight.

If there is really a battle, he wants to minimize the losses.

At least protect the people around you.

But before that, Lin Feng still intends to use the method of negotiation to try to get an opportunity in the hands of the gray lady.

After all, his magical technologies are all heavy weights.

But just when Lin Feng was about to speak, there were sudden footsteps from the alley beside him.

Lin Feng and Camille were puzzled for a while.

Logically speaking, there shouldn't be anyone around here.

In the face of such a mighty Leather City Guard, and one of the biggest local snakes in Zaun, the Fulgan Tavern, as long as you don't want to die, you will hide to the side.

Lin Feng looked over there.

Running out of the alley was a middle-aged man in a suit, sunglasses and a tie.

Lin Feng had never seen him, but Lin Feng knew who he was.

Camille did not organize men in suits to come to them.

The man in the suit ignored Camille, just walked to Lin Feng's side, and handed over the stack of documents in his hand to Lin Feng expressionlessly.

"Sir, the target you are looking for has appeared. Here is the map of the location. If there is new news, we will notify you again."

After all, without waiting for Lin Feng to answer, the man in the suit turned his head and left with a blank expression.

Come and go quickly.

This is a piece of information from the mainland hotel.

Camille couldn't see through the man in the suit the whole time. He didn't look like a Zaun, but he didn't show any hostility, and Camille didn't care too much.

"So, is this your answer?"

Camille asked coldly.

"This is my answer."

This time, Lin Feng clapped the paper on his hand:

"The location marked on this is where the attacker just appeared."

Camille's eyes moved to the paper in Lin Feng's hand.

That is indeed a map.

On the map, there is a place that is still far away from here.

Camille was secretly shocked.

She has been searching for the whereabouts of those mysterious people for the past few days in Zaun, but she has found nothing.

But what Camille didn't expect was that Lin Feng got the information she didn't get.

Just a little bit late.

Camille looked at the map and narrowed his eyes.

This time, things are different.

If there is a real murderer who can be caught and executed, Camille does not want to start a full-scale war, which will damage the interests of the family to some extent.

"You know what happens when you deceive me."

"I never lie."


Lin Feng and Camille looked at each other.

"Let's go see the situation."

After a while, Camille came back to his senses from the pair of eyes and issued an order to the guards around him.

When Camille hadn't even started, the rush in the alley sounded again.

The visitor is a girl, from the fan hall, wearing a mask.

"I just found the information you were looking for."

Although Camille's group looked a little scary, the girl from the fan hall still handed the map to Lin Feng.

the same place.

And as soon as the girl left, a new guest came from the other side of the alley.

This time it was from the Wildfire Gang.

The same content, the same information, the same location.

All the intelligence personnel sent by Lin Feng received the same feedback.

The time when this group of mysterious people appeared is now!

But just as he was about to leave, a new voice came from the alley.

This time, it's not the hasty footsteps.

It was the sound of heavy and slow footsteps.

Accompanying it, there is a rustling sound like the friction of metal parts.

Lin Feng waited for the figure in the alley to reveal his true colors for the last time.

But when Lin Feng saw who the last guest was after dozens of seconds, Lin Feng was stunned.

That's Blitz.

The bruised Blitz.

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