Fruit Tycoon

Chapter 182: The sense of superiority is bursting

Regarding the construction of a unified style villa in the village, Qin Liufu just mentioned it casually with Qin Father. As a result, Qin Father held a villager's meeting and implemented the matter.

After receiving a call from Father Qin, although Qin Liufu was a little surprised, he also understood the choices of the villagers. After all, everyone has lived in Qinghe Village for generations. Who wants to make the village beautiful?

Now that the villagers agreed, Qin Liufu took it seriously.

Once the house is built, it will not change in ten or twenty years.

Therefore, if it is not built, it must be built in one place, and not enough to save money. After the villagers have become multi-millionaires, they will have some regrets.

Moreover, not only villas, Qin Liufu is considering building a private hospital and a star-rated hotel.

The importance of the hospital does not need to be said any more. The medical standard of Bai Niu Township Health Center is dead. It is similar to those in private clinics. You can only see some common diseases, and you can not see the more serious ones. Already.

Not to mention those who need first aid.

Due to its remote location, Qinghe Village has a distance of more than seventy kilometers from the county seat. When encountering an emergency disease, waiting for the person to be sent to the county hospital may have missed the best rescue time.

Therefore, just in case, Qin Liufu thinks that a relatively strong hospital should be built in the village, not to mention the level of a top three hospital, but at least it cannot be worse than the medical level of the county hospital.

The investment in this area is certainly not small, but for the wealthy Qin Liufu, it is not a problem at all.

Since the opening of the Xianguo branch in two super first-tier cities, Shenzhen and Huadu, Qin Liufu's daily income has skyrocketed to an extremely alarming level.

Next, the Xianguo branches in other cities of Guangdong will also open one by one. It is certain that the monthly income of Qin Liufu will be a very scary figure.

Money, for Qin Liufu, is already a set of numbers.

Therefore, investing in a private hospital is completely fine in terms of funding.

The only trouble is to recruit a strong team of doctors. There are no doctors sitting in the town, and your hospital is so high-end that it is useless.

This time, look back slowly.

Next is the star hotel. There is not much need to build this now, but considering the development of Qinghe Village now, it will definitely be useful in the future. It is better to plan ahead.

Besides, who is married in the village, this hotel can also be used to receive guests from all directions.

It is even possible to have a wedding wine in the hotel, which is definitely much higher than the wine in your own home.

There is no need to say anything about village primary schools. What Qin Liufu wants to add is to build a village kindergarten. This is very necessary and urgent.

After telling Su Xiaoman these thoughts, Qin Liufu asked: "Wife, can you help me think about what other items need to be added?"

Su Xiaoman didn't even think about it, he blurted out and said, "There is still a supermarket and a vegetable market. People in the village are rich now. It is very necessary to open a supermarket and set up a vegetable market.

Moreover, after your private hospital and star-rated hotel are opened, there will definitely be a small number of people working in hospitals and hotels. In addition to the spending power of your villagers, I think we should plan a commercial street or food street in advance of.

In this way, you can buy things that you can only buy in the town and even in the county. You can also have breakfast, lunch, dinner and supper, so that you Qinghe Village can truly form a life circle! "

Qin Liufu nodded again and again and said, "It makes sense, wife, you have a good idea. It seems I have to talk to the villagers and designers well!"


When Qin Liufu's idea passed back to Qinghe Village, the villagers were stunned.

You know, they are just rich, and no one can think of it so long.

However, just listening to the description of Qin Liufu, the villagers feel unexplainable excitement. If they really built the village according to Qin Liufu's vision, wouldn't it be more comfortable than living in the city?

Regardless of whether it is a private hospital or a star hotel, whether it is a commercial street or a food street, Qin Liufu gives villagers the right to choose.

If everyone is interested, these will be built and operated by the company.

If any villagers are not interested, then Qin Liufu will pay for the construction by himself.

The money is easy to discuss. The company's current money is not enough. Qin Liufu can make advances, and it is not too late when the company makes money.

As a result, villagers said they were interested in all the projects.

In this case, the construction is run in the name of the company.

When the news spread, the entire White Bull Town was a sensation again!


Qin Lan is 46 years old. Since she was 20 years old and married to Shantang Village in Bainiu Town, she has suffered for most of her life.

With seven children, she has almost no free time, either with children or raising chickens and pigs, or she is farming and planting vegetables, so busy that the "next day" in Bainiu Town is rarely available.

At first she thought that she would work so hard in this life.

But who knows that the Qin family ancestor's grave was smoking, and suddenly his mother made a fortune.

The county TV station reported that everyone in Shantang Village knew that the people in Qinghe Village had become rich this year.

And as soon as Qinghe Village's future development plan came out, Qin Lan, the woman married in Qinghe Village, instantly became the most popular person in Shantang Village.

The first was Zhang Butcher in the village, who came to visit with a buckle.

Flattery said a basket, the ultimate goal is only one, that is, I hope Qin Lan can help, let him rent a stall in the vegetable market planned to build in Qinghe Village, sell pork!

Immediately afterwards, it was the second dog who sold chickens and ducks in the village, and also brought a chicken to visit.

Don't talk about money with a basket of good words. The ultimate goal is the same as Zhang Tufu. I hope Qin Lan can help and let him rent a stall in the vegetable market planned and built by Qinghe Village to sell chicken and duck!

There are others such as Chen Erhuan who runs a powder shop in the town, Aunt Wang who sells shoes in the town, Sister Li who sells cooked vegetables in the town, and so on.

As long as they are doing business, all of them visit the house with gifts. I hope Qin Lan can help them find a booth or shop in Qinghe Village.

In this regard, Qin Lan really felt extremely satisfied. For so many years, she had only been begging for help. Now Feng Shui has taken turns, and finally it is her turn to ask for her!

However, Qin Lan did not dare to promise, but promised to return to her maid's house to ask them to see if they could, and then inform them if they could.

Such a reply has made those people grateful!


Not only Qin Lan, but the entire Bainiu Town and even neighboring towns and villages, as long as there are women married outside Qinghe Village in the village, basically become the most popular people in the village.

Countless people who want to do business in the vegetable market, commercial street, and food street planned by Qinghe Village in the future all come to visit with gifts. Even the positions of hospitality staff and hospitality staff of star-level hotels have attracted people's minds ~ ~, which greatly satisfied the vanity of these women married outside Qinghe Village.

It is so respected in the village that you can imagine the status at home.

This is a change in the status of married women outside Qinghe Village, and the change of the status of villagers outside Qinghe Village is even more exaggerated.

In the past, villagers in Qinghe Village had little sense of presence when they went to town.

But now, the villagers of Qinghe Village appear in the town, that is really "friends all over the world."

Walking from the street to the end of the street, just the cigarettes of those "friends" can fill two or three cigarette cases.

Passing through the entrances of those restaurants, they were enthusiastically dragged in by the "friends", and each one of them was so sexually explicit that it made the villagers in Qinghe Village blush.

In short, compared with before, the status is completely different.

Let the collective superiority of the villagers of Qinghe Village burst out!

Of course, if you compare it to Qin Liufu's grandmother's house, that's a little witch!

Since the news of the wealthy village of Qinghe Village spread, Qin Liufu's grandmother's home, the villagers who came to visit her can really be said to be endless!

Fruit Gangster

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