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Chapter 171 Liu Hao: Damn it, let's go together!

"How does Captain Rocky feel about our welcome ceremony?" Tao Xuan asked with a smile on his face.

In order to show his sincerity and China's enthusiasm, and to preserve the host's reserve, Tao Xuan purposely waited for Loki and his teammates in Excellent Era's lobby, and only stood up to greet him when he saw Loki coming.

"China is indeed a country of etiquette, which makes us a little flattered." Loki said with a smile.

"Hahaha, Captain Rocky is really too polite... By the way, these are." Tao Xuan looked at the few people behind Rocky who were looking at the decoration of his club, and couldn't help frowning slightly.

Why, Yuktrasil looks down on people so much? Do you think that if Excellent Era is eliminated, it will be completely dead? What does it mean.

"No, no, Boss Tao, don't get me wrong, these... are all members of the second team of our team, but they can't do anything right now, the boss asked me to bring them to experience the style of China's Dynasty team, if it wasn't for the professional league. If so, our captain can't help but come to pay a visit in person." Loki is a smart person, and he knew what was going on in his heart just by looking at Tao Xuan's eyes, and said hastily.

"Hahaha, Uktra Hill is also a dynasty club where the sun never sets, but our Excellent Era... makes you laugh." Tao Xuan said with a smile: "Why don't we go and meet the next season together? How are your teammates?"

"I think so too."

With the existence of a translator, the conversation between the two was undoubtedly extremely smooth. Under Loki's compliment, Tao Xuan also patted his chest and agreed to help Loki introduce other Chinese teams. It is not a big deal for the two sides to have a friendly exchange big problem.

Since Team Excellent Era was eliminated, the main draft of Excellent Era seems to be a lot idle. However, today is different. They gathered together early and stayed in the training room to wait for the boss and the foreign aid from abroad.

Su Mucheng sat quietly in the corner and watched the TV series recommended by Chu Yunxiu. Sun Xiang had obviously recovered, and his spirit was obviously much better than before.

As for Liu Hao... and the other team members, it can only be said that they are still the same.

"Come on, Loki, this way please." Tao Xuan led the way with a smile, pushed open the door of the training room, and led Loki and the others in.

All members of Excellent Era in the training room focused their attention on these people who had just entered.

Fuck, what a beautiful girl.

Everyone subconsciously adjusted their clothes to make themselves look more refined, and even Sun Xiang subconsciously restrained his arrogant sitting posture.

Strange... This girl seems familiar? Su Mucheng thought about it, and then suddenly realized.

This girl is the successor of Xiaobai's foreign account that Guoguo mentioned to herself before! Hela's stepmother!

Su Mucheng began to look at Winika with great interest.

After Wenika noticed this kind of fiery stare, she also looked at Su Mucheng, who was as good-looking as her.

This girl... is so strange.

Loki didn't notice the two girls' eye contact, he was looking at these male members calmly.

There was hostility and admiration, and it was the right choice to bring Hela...

"Everyone, this is the tactician from the Uktra Hill Dynasty Club, whose ID name is Rocky. In the next year, he will be your teammate and coach." Tao Xuan cleared his throat and introduced Said: "These people behind him are also members from Uktra Hill..."

"Teammates and coach... Chick." Before Tao Xuan finished speaking, he heard Sun Xiang sneer with some disdain.

Although the other members didn't say anything, there was still suspicion and disdain in their eyes.

When did Excellent Era need such a thing as a coach? If it was Ye Xiu or other tactical masters, they wouldn't even fart, but a so-called tactical master from a foreign country?

Sorry, never heard of...

Not all foreign monks can recite local sutras!

This somewhat made Tao Xuan unable to get off the stage, but at this juncture, reprimanding his team members would inevitably make others laugh, Tao Xuan frowned, and just wanted to remind Sun Xiang to pay attention to his attitude, when Loki walked forward with a smile and stretched out his hand. After making the move, he said gently to Sun Xiang, "You must be Sun Xiang, the current captain of Team Excellent Era, right? I've heard of the name for a long time, and even in foreign countries, I have heard Captain Sun's title of young hero.

In just the second year of his debut, he took over One Autumn Leaf, who is known as the strongest fighting god in the Chinese Professional League.

Isn't there an old saying in China, Lu Bu is among the people, and Chitu is among the horses. It is well-deserved to describe Captain Sun. "

Sun Xiang was taken aback by this passage, because he had the translator that Tao Xuan purchased in advance, so he could still understand what Loki said. Especially when he later described himself as Lu Bu, it was even more helpful.

Ha, Lu Bu, that's right! This little foreigner knows a lot about Chinese culture!

Sun Xiang reluctantly stretched out his hand and shook Rocky: "Hmph, even if you know me so well, if you are not qualified enough, I still won't recognize you as coach and team leader."

"Of course, but we are exhausted. Can we be ranked lower in this test?" Loki asked with a smile.

"It should be so, you guys are not that annoying!"

The Excellent Era team members next to him were stunned, and Liu Hao couldn't help but feel a strong sense of crisis in his heart. Fuck it, this f*cking routine is exactly the same as when he coaxed Sun Xiang back then!

"Tsk tsk tsk, the boss has started again...By the way, how did he know so many things about that Sun Xiang?" Fingel poked Yemengard beside him.

The two of them came from the same place, and they both spoke the slang of their hometown, which even a translator couldn't translate.

"...I checked it in the car just now, and I saw it." Ye Mengjia said a little speechlessly: "Don't forget that Boss Rocky has a psychologist qualification certificate..."

"It's horrible, that Sun Xiang looks silly, not very smart... I wonder if that pretty girl over there has been looking at us?" Fingel asked.

"...Thinking too much, seems to be looking at Hela?"

"Ah...it's a pity, do you think Boss Tao will take us to eat authentic General Tso's chicken later?"

"I will..."

After a brief self-introduction, Tao Xuan brought Loki to his office, and handed a USB flash drive to Loki: "These are all the materials of Excellent Era's current biggest rival member, Loki Captain, why don't you take a look first?"

"Of course." Loki nodded with a smile: "I am also looking forward to meeting them earlier."

By the way, let's take a look at who is holy enough to scare a dynasty into asking for foreign aid from abroad...

"Oh? If that's the case..." Tao Xuan rolled his eyes, and asked with a smile: "Are you interested in going to see and see before the reception?"

"Oh?" Loki was a little confused.

"It's not very far from here..."

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