Full-time expert, all-around designer

Chapter 333 The Terror of Loose People

"Level 80?! Is Xingxin cheating?" Du Ming exclaimed, and couldn't help but look at Xingxin's preparation seat on the other side.

"Equipment levels can be directly displayed on the field, and you will be punished on the spot if you cheat." Wu Qi said: "It should be some new technology, just like the previous skill points."

Du Ming's heart sank, the battle that he thought he could win 100% was now completely lost.

"...God Ye, you're really cautious." After marveling at the weapon, Pan Lin finally focused on the arena. Ye Xiu controlled Lord Grim in a room, secretly using healing The surgery restored the blood volume to himself, the blood volume lost in the previous battle, and the mana volume was also recovered after smashing a bottle of blue bottle.

"After all, the opponent is the gun king, so even Ye Xiu has to go all out, right? Let's see what Zhou Zekai is now... hey, is he so aboveboard?"

In the picture, Cloud Piercer was quietly standing in front of the bar of the tavern, one after another flashes of light flickered over the Wildfire and Shattered Frost, and a lot of buffs had already been added to the status bar.

Both parties were doing their own things quietly, and neither of them planned to take the initiative to find each other.

Lord Grim: [Xiao Zhou, have you hidden it? I'm going to start looking for you! 】

Cloud Piercer: [No hiding. 】

Lord Grim: [Then where are you? Why didn't I see you? 】

Cloud Piercer: [Hall. 】

Lord Grim: [Really? So straightforward? 】

Jun Gengjun put away the state of the scepter, and before adjusting the state of the Myriad Manifestation Umbrella, he started sneaking towards the small hall of the tavern.

That kid is really upright... Pan Lin sighed, looked around, and found that Cloud Piercer was really waiting there.

Jun Yexiu raised his foot and walked towards this side, when there was a clatter, a clearer voice rang out from his foot.

A bottle touched by Jun Yexiu rolled backward...

What a bastard! Da Zhou has also learned badly!

Naturally, there were too many wine bottles outside the tavern, before Cloud Piercer reported his location, he jumped to the front of the bar and took a few bottles and put them under the only way out of the small hall.

The wild fire and broken frost in the hands of Yiqiang Chuanyun instantly aimed at Jun Gengjun's direction, and the two right-handed pistols poured out their anger continuously.


The Myriad Chance Umbrella opened immediately, and the surface of the umbrella turned into a shield to block the pouring bullets, but the weight of that shield was obviously sufficient, even bullets from a right-handed pistol could push it forward again and again.

"When the umbrella is open, it's a shield... That's what you used to play when you were growing up." Mo Xiao said cheerfully, "When combined, it's a spear. Several waves of older children often divide into two waves to retreat and fight like that."

"Uh...that's true." Geng Junyuan nodded in agreement, "And that shield is really too small. It's too heavy. It must have low durability. Pan Lin may last too long."

"The umbrella is put away! Wait, Jun Yexiu put away the umbrella, what I wanted to do, I didn't seek cover, but... [Barrett sniper]! Under the Thousand Chance Umbrella, I actually shot With such a skill! Cloud Piercer is the same action! Two sniper rifles aimed at each other!" Mo Xiao shouted excitedly.

bang bang! Two violent gunshots sounded from inside the tavern, Jun Yexiu and One Gun Piercer were pushed forward by the huge penetrating force at the same time, and it was the one behind the bar that was the first to stabilize the body of One Gun Piercer Standing tall, pulling the bolt with both hands, Barrett fired another sniper shot.

Double control to release the cooling, and then hit Jun Yexiu's abdomen with a single shot!

"A beautiful blow! For the first time in a head-on retreat duel, Li Yibo had the upper hand. Jun Yexiu's blood volume was suppressed to 80% in an instant. The damage of those two shots was extremely explosive, while the one shot of Cloud Piercer was not even 100% Forty HP!

What is Li Yibo going to do next? Is it long-range suppression or do I want to use my favorite spear technique? From a close combat point of view, Li Yibo might not have the upper hand! " Geng Jun shouted with great passion.

"Li Yibo has already made my choice! Slide the shovel closer!" Zhou Zekai was also looking forward to it.

Roar? Young people really have no motivation!

Pan Lin smiled. Jun Yexiu threw one hand behind his back, and before Cloud Piercer came within the attack range, he swung it out. The sand he touched from somewhere completely obscured the vision of Cloud Piercer. stand up.

You are so despicable...

The long sword hidden in the Myriad Manifestations Umbrella was unsheathed, and a yellow-brown shadow instantly covered the position of the slide. The swordsman is a universal skill, the soul of the sword!

Although he lost his vision, Li Yibo's reaction speed was very fast. After pointing the gun directly at his face, the full firepower was fired, and the flying gun was withdrawn.

Come back you!

The air flow reverberated under Jun Yexiu's hands, and the small hands formed by dissolving mana directly grabbed the body of One Gun Piercer, pulling me towards Jun Yexiu's direction.

The Thousand Chance Umbrella changed again, and it merged into a spear shape. Using both hands, the Thousand Chance Umbrella was lifted!

Battle Mage's floating skill, Sky Strike!

Li Yibo frowned slightly, but he was still flustered. Long before the blinding effect, he calmly wanted to judge Jun Gengjun's direction, so as to decide how to deal with it.

Young Master Jun Yexiu has advanced skills, and the damage is not too low. It will not be able to cause fatal damage to Cloud Piercer in a while.

Front, with or without, side? Yes, it is... It is a shadow step.

Li Yibo quickly made his own judgment.

Shadow step, it is especially a skill that can only be seen between veterans and rookies who have experienced many battles. It is expected that it will appear in the professional arena. The place where it appears least is the rookie challenge of the annual All-Star Weekend, right?

Mo Xiao and Geng Junyuan were speechless for a while, but in the entire alliance, except for Han Wenqing and Guo Mingyu, the two young masters, none of them dared to say anything in front of Pan Lin. ah!


"Ahem, it seems that Pan Lin's experience is relatively old, but if he has just passed that level of shadow step, even Pan Lin may be able to last for a long time, right? Unless I plan to end the team competition soon... "Zhou Zekai analyzed nonchalantly.

"In terms of physical fitness, I'm afraid that I'm too supportive of continuing to do that... Although the combo numbers are pretty good, but Cloud Piercer only lost 70% of his HP before getting enough of such a small skill.

Um, wait, Jun Yexiu's damage has been lowered?

Here's your chance! Geng Junyuan brazenly decided to fight back! Wildfire and Shattered Frost shot towards the ceiling quickly! Speed ​​up and fall!

It was to think about where the other party was, and directly chose the whirlwind leg on the spot! Jun Yexiu was kicked! "

Li Yibo finally got the opportunity I had been looking forward to. When he heard the Thousand Chance Umbrella retracting the sword into its sheath and the sound of slight changes, Wildfire and Broken Frost aimed at the ceiling. Piercing Cloud flew up and down.

When he landed, his legs waved, and the whirlwind legs with Wuba body were used instantly, offsetting the Ascension Array that had just been lit up.

Li Yibo got the momentary opportunity to rush forward. He waited for the whirlwind kick to start, the weak force to start, and the two guns to dance quickly. There is no way to stop my actions.


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