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Chapter 335 Ms. Moriarty of the Star Clock Tower

"Let's take a look at the lineups of the two sides...Xingxin's side is Ye Xiu staying on the field to prepare for the battle, Bai Mo and Zhang Jiale who have played in the individual competition, and Happy's violent self-destruct priest An Wenyi, and the rookie lineup Gui Qiao Yifan, and the sixth person is the ultimate veteran Wei Chen's formation against the wind..." Pan Lin heaved a sigh of relief, it's really hard to explain Lord Grim's individual competition, and the demand for words is obviously greater: "Oh Su Mucheng did not appear in Xingxin's lineup, and Fang Rui also sat quietly in the preparation bench.

The lineup is not as luxurious as Samsara..."

"After all, both Su Mucheng and Fang Rui were newly joined in the transfer window of the ninth season, and the team system may still need to be slowly integrated. It seems that Xingxin is very cautious. The lineup is extremely stable, and the unstable Baozi Invasion has not been added to the lineup either..." Li Yibo analyzed a wave.

"Oh? What Li Ge means is that Xingxin is bound to win the team battle?" Pan Lin asked curiously.

"I'm afraid it's like this. If the team wins, plus the previous four points, Xingxin can be said to have scored a high score of nine points! And it's facing last year's champion team Samsara." After doing this calculation, Li Yibo was a little bit tongue-tied: "Does this splendid start mean that Xingxin can enter the playoffs?"

"Hiss, it's really scary... Oh? Samsara sent Sun Xiang who just joined in the first game?" Pan Lin asked with some doubts: "Is Samsara not afraid of the problem of Sun Xiang and the team's running-in?"

"That's not the way it is said. Bai Mo was incorporated into the Samsara system and was regarded as a frontal breakthrough player. As for the teammates who can keep up with the rhythm... Well, even if it is Zhou Zekai, can the teammates be able to keep up with the rhythm?" Moriah made a joke.

After all, after reincarnation, it is a well-known one-man team, and even its own fans agree with that statement.

"Hahaha, Brother Li is right... oh? Now you have entered the map selection interface, let you see what map Xingxin will choose..." Sun Xiang said without any expectation.

"Now the right to choose the map is in Pan Lin's hands. I have almost no firmness, and I directly locked the map developed by me in the Star Clock Tower!"

"Star Clock Tower! In the first PV of Yanan Town, the boss battle about Star Clock Tower was first released. By the way, Mr. Li Yibo is your wife." Sun Xiang said nonchalantly.

"You suspect that there will be no barrage under the barrage right now where he is thinking about eating farts and drawing a knife. If you don't have a knife in hand, you will kill him first." Moriah laughed.

It sounded like he was joking, but he thought Dao could hide his gaze alone.

The countdown began, and no one was refreshed under the map.

That map is just the building without the Star Clock Tower. After all, it is a team battle map for ten people, and the map inside is also very small.

Oh... the refresh location is very wrong!

Shusha Futi raised her head, and luckily, I was refreshed in the small door of the Star Clock Tower.

Shu Shafuti stepped forward and retreated, and there was nothing in front of the small door except a chair.

Pan Lin manipulated Mariarty to close the small door, walked towards the huge chair, and then hurriedly sat on it. He even stepped back and changed his clothes, and put on the Shusha Fuxiu man. hunter outfit.

Actions... The actions of Xiunan Li Yibo that were brushed out were found in....

Pan Lin showed a smile, and the original Shusha Futi instantly turned into Li Yibo Xiunan, just like the unawakened Li Yibo Xiunan in the online game.

Originally, Mariaty's character image was almost indistinguishable from Li Yibo's nun. After Pan Lin's operation, Mariaty had completely disappeared, replaced by the nun and elder sister of the Star Clock Tower.



"Fuck!" Sun Xiang couldn't help cursing, which also meant that a small part of the commentary bonus would be deducted, but now there is no better word than that word that can express my inner feelings.

"Then, is it pointless, too..." Moriah thought for a long time before he could come up with a suitable modifier.

Shu Shafuti: [Brother Zhang, you are in place, where is he now? 】

Dante: [Luck is wrong, you also brushed in the distance. 】

Mariaty: [Slow back! 】

Dante: [Youlang and One Autumn Leaf have joined together! We're heading outside the Clocktower of the Stars! You can go through the main entrance, you have to go around from the front! 】

Mariaty: [So slow? ! Slow down now! 】

Lord Grim: [You and Dashou have joined together, and you are rushing this way now, the distance between you is not far away, and Yifan is also far away, get off the horse! 】

"Then... if Xingxin's plan can really be completed, Youlang and One Autumn Leaf will lose two more inanimate powers in the first place!" Sun Xiang's voice suddenly became louder. Now I also know what I am relaxing.

Whether Moriah answered or not, he stared at the screen seriously.

It was expected that Xingxin would choose that kind of map. After all, Pan Lin was responsible for the design of the map. He must be more unfamiliar with places that are easier to ambush than his own people.

Before Jiang Botao greeted Bai Mo, the two rushed towards the Star Clock Tower in a roundabout way.

The Star Clock Tower is very close to Xingxin's eighth person's seat, so it is still necessary to check it out. The interior of the Star Clock Tower is relatively small and empty, which is no different from a regular single-player map. Much less.

The small door of the Star Clock Tower was closed tightly, and One Autumn Leaf went down and pushed open the small door of the Star Clock Tower, while Jiang Botao's Youlang was observing Qi Zhou's environment carefully.

One Autumn Leaf: [Huh? Lao Jiang... He looked at that. 】

Youlang: [Huh? 】

The two walked back to the Star Clock Tower together, and Youlang deliberately left a gap in the small gate. Before the team battle started, there was no chance that Xingxin would pull the battle line over there, and the two of them stayed there to fight An ambush is still a good deal.

Youlang: [What the hell? 】

Youlang who turned around was also taken aback, and stopped in place, knowing for a while that he should go down.

Shusha Fuxiu in the Star Clock Tower? !

Naturally, Samsara also played that dungeon, and Jiang Botao was a little confused at that time... Is it a competition field or an online game? Could it be that the two of us are preparing for a boss battle now?

When I looked at the outline of the map later, was there no easter egg?

Youlang and One Autumn Leaf are not far away, and if you look closely, you can't see any flaws.

On the public channel, Youlang: [Dabai, what the hell is that? Why is there no Li Yibo outside the Star Clock Tower? 】

Mariaty: [Oh, this one? This is an easter egg, is it a surprise? 】

Mariaty: [So they are in the Star Clock Tower! Wait, the horse will arrive, Xiaojia will fight one-on-one! 】

Youlang: [Okay, he will come by himself! You are alone there! 】

In the team channel, Youlang: [Find a place where you can observe the inside and hide it first. 】

One Autumn Leaf: [Huh? Why does it feel like it's not the right place? There seems to be something on the left hand side of Shu Shafu. You saw a flash here just now. 】

Youlang: [Go and see! 】

One step, two steps, eight steps, there is still no one body distance from Li Yibo's man...

Jiang Botao's pupils shrank, and the shit flashed. This is Mariaty's Sherlock Holmes! Shit easter egg, what the hell is Mariaty!

Youlang: 【Kill! 】

Mariaty: [Brother Zhang, do it! 】

One Autumn Leaf moved his spear and directly poked it with a dragon tooth. Just then, there was a crisp click sound in the empty Star Clock Tower. The glass in front of the Star Clock Tower was suddenly complete, and a white object was thrown. Backed away, the smoke filled the air before rolling over two floors underground!

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