Full Time Mage Lord

Chapter 213: Level 5 Soul Power

  Chapter 213 Level 5 Soul Power

  The Lord Lord's new mansion suddenly became the focus of attention of the entire Morrowind Territory.

   itself has a lot of stone mines and iron mines, so there is no shortage of raw materials, and the trees on the mountain also have enough high-quality wood for making furniture.

   Among the new residents from the north, there is no shortage of architectural craftsmen, so the foundation of the mansion began to be built on the day the blueprint was selected.

The location was chosen to be in the center of the original town. The ruins had already been cleared out at this time. After Irwin arrived, a large number of ruins were pushed to the north of the town to build a simple protective wall. .

  For the convenience of the road to the north, the houses of the residents in the small town are all close to the north side, including the mansion where Xiu Yin is currently living is also located on the north side.

  Now it is decided to build Xiu Yin's new mansion in the center of the town. If the mansion is built in this position, it will appear as a wasteland when looking to the south.

After asking Xiu Yin's opinion, he decided to re-level a larger town square in the center of the town. Of course, the distance between the square and the lord's mansion is also considered, so as to prevent the noise in the square The sound will affect Xiu Yin's daily life.

   Moreover, Huin also mentioned that there should be more event facilities in the square. Since such a large square is to be built, it should be built in a decent manner.

  The lord's mansion was a big deal, so the manpower to build the mansion was given priority to the mining area. In the end, more than 50 people participated in the construction of the mansion, including two mercenaries under Irwin who knew engineering.

In addition to the mining area, the sound of ding ding dong dong began to appear in the southern part of the town. Autumn has arrived, and Xiu Yin's mansion must be built before the frost falls, so even at night, the sound of construction at the homestead is very loud. will not cut off.

  Someone is busy with the mansion. After seeing it twice, Xiu Yin is relieved that he doesn't need to put much energy on this matter.

   On the contrary, Xiu Yin appeared at Irwin's place from time to time, and Irwin understood Xiu Yin's anxiety.

  Although Irwin didn't know about the Mage Guild, Shuyin often appeared here, which was enough to show that the Lord Lord's crisis didn't just come from the struggle for the throne.

  At least the title of Viscount should be enough to make Xiu Yin feel at ease, but Xiu Yin did not.

  The matter of the Mage Guild made Xiu Yin very concerned, not only because he was very close to Stoke's Mage Guild, but the supporters behind the Mage Guild were what worried Xiu Yin the most.

  The brilliance of mages was short-lived. Because of the theory of the soul spar of the great scholar Mafa, they began to stand on the stage of this era. The magical power of magic once made mages the targets of all forces in the mainland.

  Powerful magic is enough to resist an army, enough to destroy a town, enough to change the status of a force on the mainland.

But for a short time, the blooming of magic is only a short period of ten years, and the peak of magic in history is just a flash in the pan. When the Qiyao family once again stabilized the world, the magicians were surprised to find that it is difficult to have their own on the peaceful continent. stage.

  Becoming a knight is still the dream of most teenagers on the mainland.

   "But if a stage suitable for mages reappears... some mages in the past, including the current mages, may not be reconciled to continue to be an audience under the stage..."

  Xiu Yin is concerned about the situation in the north, but what Master Xiao En said is right, Xiu Yin's current strength is completely just worrying about it.

   Taking advantage of the time, Xiu Yin sat alone in his room and began to meditate.

  After seeing Master Xiao En in Xinghui City last time, Master Xiao En always only cared about Xiu Yin's level of cultivation in spiritual power, and in the end he was taught by the master again.

  Earlier, Xiu Yin had never had the time to focus on the matter of "soul will" that was mentioned in the scroll that the master gave to Xiu Yin.

  The current situation makes Xiu Yin anxious, so he can only choose the path that can make him stronger as soon as possible.

  Whether it is a warrior or a mage, the skills launched by relying on soul power are regarded as soul skills. The last thing a mage reveals with his soul power is magic, while a warrior is a must-kill mystery in martial arts.

  The soul mind, according to Xiu Yin's current understanding, is the artistic conception when using soul power.

  For example, fast casting.

   Not every beginner mage can do this kind of skill, even many magician level can't do it.

  The reason is the understanding of the soul power elements and the degree of control over them when using magic for the first time.

  Shu Yin's predecessor spent several years, but his soul power remained at level 1. Moreover, it took tens of seconds or even minutes of concentration to release the simplest fireball technique.

And Xiuyin from another world will not be bound by the inherent constraints of this world in terms of thinking. Xiuyin extracts the useful things in memory, and then naturally completes the magic from soul power to concretization and becomes an entity. State of flame.

  With one mind, the fireball will appear instantly. This is a fast casting spell, and Xiu Yin releases a fireball, which can be achieved by instant casting.

  Comparison between Xiu Yin and other magicians, including Melissa, Xiu Yin does not have a superior magical talent, and he will not be linked to a genius. The only difference between him is the thinking mode from another world.

  This is Xiuyin's unique soul that is different from this world.

  In fact, Xiu Yin noticed this very early on, including from the Gate of Destiny in the Mage Tower. If Xiu Yin just followed the magic routine of this world, he would only be trapped to death in the Gate of Destiny in the end.

But Xiu Yin also wanted to complain for himself, that is, after a long period of meditation, Xiu Yin felt that he should have become stronger. This feeling had happened before, but it was different from the level of spiritual power fed back by the soul spar. Xiu Yin thought it was an illusion.

  But this time, Xiuyin decided to go to Irwin for an experiment.



  When Xiuyin used his full power to release the middle-level magic—flame bombs, and exploded in front of Irwin and the others, everyone had some surprise on their faces facing the sky filled with flames and scattered soot.

   Magicians were once called killing machines, but now it seems that they are not fake at all.

  However, what Xiu Yin cared about was not the effect of this magic, but asked Irwin, "Uncle Irwin, how strong is this magic?"

   Irwin looked at a black pit still smoking on the ground and replied, "Very strong, at least level 10 or above soul power!"

   "Spirit power above level 10?" Xiu Yin's eyes flickered, "But I only have soul power of level 5!"

  (end of this chapter)

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