How does Envoy Yang Zhi see my water village?

After three days in a row, I found nothing.

Lin Chong was a little embarrassed to be brought down the mountain to rob him.

What was even more embarrassing was Lin Chong’s own state of mind. He was a relatively proud person.

When facing people who are inferior to him, his attitude is very high.

And the fact that he looked down on passing merchants caused him to lose many opportunities.

“Four masters, why don’t you just take one? If you wait like this, how long will it take to find a suitable target?”

The old thief who followed said helplessly.

He is a bandit. He has seen many vicious people, and he has also seen many cowards.

But it’s rare to see someone as capable and picky as Lin Chong.

He’s already a loser, and he looks pitiful and refuses to kill him, that pitiful one will be let go.

Please, you are a bandit, even if you don’t kill people, you are still a bandit.

Seeing that this was not possible, I had no choice but to persuade Lin Chong.

As for Lin Chong, seeing the sun setting towards the west, he thought to himself, could it be the first day of returning home empty-handed?

Thinking of the way Wang Lun and the others and the little bosses looked at him after going back three days ago, he felt very uncomfortable.

But he really couldn’t do it if he was asked to kill ordinary people. He wanted to find someone who had some kung fu and dared to resist.

In this way, at least he won’t have the burden of beating him in his heart.

But for three days in a row, on the first day, they met an old man with a grandson. The two of them didn’t even have decent clothes, and the baskets were full of wild fruits. What’s the grab?

Lin Chong let them go and received their gratitude. When he went back, he was comforted and said that it was nothing but nothing for one day.

The next day, he met a traveling businessman. Lin Chong was planning to rob his fortune. Unfortunately, the traveling businessman cried like a dead father.

He hugged Lin Chong’s thigh and insisted on not letting go. He also said that there were old people and children at home to support.

Then he saw that he was pitiful, so he didn’t kill him and let him go. This time, no one comforted him, and of course no one said anything.

On the third day, I didn’t meet a single person, and returned empty-handed.

Although the old bandit explained that he didn’t meet anyone, it’s unknown if the others believed him.

Anyway, everyone looked at him without the respect they had before, but with a little more defense and alienation.

A white crow mixed into the crowd of crows does not mean that it will be more holy, but will be rejected by the crowd of crows.

On the fourth day, which is today, Lin Chong decided that no matter who came, he must be killed today.

He needs to gain a firm foothold in Liangshan, and he is not willing to be a powerless empty leader in Liangshan like this.


“In front is Shuibo Liangshan. I heard that a leader has been here to get a certificate of merit in the past few days. Hero, why don’t we go here and take a detour.”

On the mountain road, an old man said to the swordsman with a blue spot on his face.

It’s a pity that this swordsman was in a hurry and didn’t want to stop at all.

That’s right, this person is the blue-faced beast Yang Zhi.

Speaking of which, he was unlucky enough. The boat capsized when escorting Hua Shigang, and the other escorts blamed him.

In the end, he didn’t dare to return to Beijing, so he could only wander in the rivers and lakes. Just in time for the amnesty, he felt that his chance had come, so he planned to go to Bianliang to find a way out.

This hasty rush was to restore the official to his post one day earlier.

“What is a mere strongman afraid of? I, Yang Zhi, have a sword in my hand, and even thousands of troops dare to rush in!”

Yang Zhi said disdainfully, although what he said was a bit exaggerated, he is indeed very skilled.

If he didn’t believe in evil, he wanted to leave, but the old man who was carrying the package couldn’t help it either. Who would let him be an employer?

Sighing, he continued walking, but at an intersection, he ran into Lin Chong who jumped out.

“I planted this tree, and I opened this road. If you want to pass by here, save money to buy roads!”

The old man was terrified and looked towards Yang Zhi with a bitter expression on his face.

“Look, I told you that there are strong men, but you didn’t listen. It’s all right now, it’s hopeless!”

Yang Zhi ignored his gaze, walked to the front and said, “Where did the thief come from, dare to yell at grandpa, you will die!”

Yang Zhi was reckless enough, and he didn’t dare to say pinch, so he moved his hands directly. Lin Chong saw it, just right, a beheader came, and the vote was secured.

When the two fought together, they suddenly realized that this person (on the opposite side) was very powerful.

Forty or fifty combined, the two directly fought to a tie, and no one took advantage.

Yang Zhi looked Lin Chong up and down and said, “Your Excellency is certainly not a nobody with such skill.”

“A certain Yang Zhi Jianghu hero loves him and gave him a nickname. The green-faced beast is the Sa family. Who are you to report your name!”

Yang Zhi felt that this person was very skilled, and his martial arts clearly had the shadow of the army, so he was definitely not an ordinary person.

Of course, Lin Chong had heard of the name of the green-faced beast Yang Zhi. Speaking of which, everyone was an official in the same dynasty, even though they were all minor officials.

But now Lin Chong is asked to introduce himself, but Lin Chong can’t say it.

Seeing Lin Chong’s aloofness and silence, Yang Zhi was a little annoyed. What does this person mean? Do you look down on Yang Zhi?

In the end, Lin Chong did not speak, but the old man brought by Lin ChongThe thief spoke.

“The fourth head of my family is the head of the 800,000 Imperial Army with guns and sticks. He is also known as Lin Chong, the head of the leopard. I also ask Envoy Yang Zhi to stop.”

“I am the head of the family, and I also invite envoy Yang Zhi to come up to the mountain for a gathering.”

“I’ve already told you that if someone like Yang Zhishi passes by, if you don’t entertain him, your friends in the world may laugh at him for not being polite.”

“I also ask Envoy Yang Zhi to show you face. Don’t worry, Envoy Yang Zhi, it’s just a drink and nothing else.”

“After the reception, my head will also give away twenty taels of silver and a horse of foot power. I will definitely not embarrass Yang Zhishi.”

Good guy, it turned out that when Lin Chong and Yang Zhi were fighting, the old villain went straight up the mountain to report.

After describing Yang Zhi’s appearance, Wang Lun guessed who it was, and quickly patted the old thief down to invite him.

As for what he wanted to do, others couldn’t understand it.

At the old thief’s invitation, Yang Zhi finally agreed. After all, the road is blocked now. If he doesn’t agree, Lin Chong might stop him, so he might as well agree to them.

In fact, Yang Zhi didn’t know that Lin Chong now wished that he would leave immediately.

It turned out that when Lin Chong saw Wang Lun’s attitude towards Yang Zhi, and then thought of his attitude towards himself, he immediately felt uncomfortable.

Why, Yang Zhi, the blue-faced beast, has a bigger face than Lin Chong? You can entertain him so grandly, but you can’t be more polite to me?

But what is the use of energy? In the end, I watched people get on the boat.

After arriving at the cottage, I saw Wang Lun throwing a big banquet, and all the leaders also came out, making it just like a celebrity fan meeting.

Along the way, Yang Zhi cupped his hands in thanks, and Lin Chong felt his heart churning when he saw him.

After drinking for three rounds and eating five flavors, Wang Lun finally spoke out about his purpose: “How does Envoy Yang Zhi see my water village?”

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