Yang Zhi sells knives

Yang Guang went downstairs, and Yang Zhi’s stall on the street was already surrounded by many people.

After all, it says above, this is a treasured knife that can cut iron like mud, cut hairs at a blow, and kill without blood.

These three items alone are enough to attract people.

The advantage of attracting many people is that you can find buyers, but it also has the disadvantage of attracting hooligans.

In Bianliang City, if you want to say what special products are the most hated, the most popular one is Rogue. These rotten things don’t bite people.

Playing a rogue when you encounter someone you can’t beat, anyway, you are walking outside the red line of the government.

Even if they are caught, they are not afraid, because they know the rules and avoid punishment to the greatest extent.

And if they meet something they can eat, they will immediately turn into the most terrifying villains in the world.

Niu Er is one of the rogues in Bianliang City. This man’s family was originally rich, but it’s a pity that he will not be able to do so in his generation.

It was common to fight and drink too much, and it was also common to gamble and fight dogs. A family that was in good condition was left in dilapidated condition by him.

And he got nothing but the nickname of a hairless worm, and his family became a dilapidated household in Bianliang City.

Niu Er did not make himself angry after his family’s decline. Instead, he was completely ruined and became a rascal that no one in Bianliang City wanted to provoke.

Seeing that there is a lot of excitement today, Niu Er did not hesitate to see if there is any advantage to take advantage of.

when looking atAfter seeing the precious sword in Yang Zhi’s hand and seeing the words he wrote, his eyes rolled and he immediately had an idea.

Niu Er ran to the shop under the bridge and brought twenty copper coins, stacked them on the bridge railing, patted Yang Zhi’s chest and said, “If you can chop up the copper coins with one knife, I will give you three thousand coins!”

Yang Zhi said, “What’s the matter?”

He rolled up his sleeves, aimed well, and chopped twenty copper coins in half with one knife.

The onlookers applauded in unison.

Niu Er yelled at the crowd: “What are you trying to coax?”

Then asked Yang Zhi: “Tell me, what is the second benefit?”

“The second thing is to blow the hair off. Take a few hairs and blow them on the knife edge, and they will be broken in two immediately.”

“I don’t believe it!” Niu Er pulled out a handful of hair from his head and handed it to Yang Zhi, “Show me!”

Yang Zhi took the hair and blew hard on the knife edge. The hair really split into two and floated over the knife edge.

The crowd cheered again. At this time, more and more people watched the excitement.

Niu Er asked about the third benefit. Yang Zhi said: “The third thing is called ‘kill without blood’.”

Niu Er: “How about ‘kill without blood’?”

Yang Zhi explained: “I cut a person with a knife, but there was no blood on the knife, because the knife was too fast.”

Niu Er shook his head and said, “I don’t believe it, go and chop someone up and let me see.”

This made it difficult for Yang Zhi, so he had to say: “Who would dare to kill someone for no reason? If you don’t believe me, find a dog and I’ll kill him for you.”

Niu Er said: “You said ‘kill no blood’, you didn’t say ‘kill a dog but no blood’!”

Yang Zhi became impatient, “If you don’t want to buy it, just pull it down. Why are you messing around?”

Niu Er grabbed Yang Zhi, “I want to buy your knife!”

“If you want to buy it, bring the money.”

“I have no money!”

“Without money, why did you grab me?”

Niu Er played a rogue and said, “I want your knife!”

“I won’t give it to you!”

Yang Zhi struggled away and pushed Niu Er down.

Niu Er got up and said, “Come on, if you’re a good guy, just cut me down.”

On the other hand, he came to grab the knife from Yang Zhi’s hand.

Yang Zhi was very angry, but Niu Er beat and kicked him again.

Yang Zhi shouted to the crowd: “Everyone has seen that I, Yang Zhi, have no choice but to sell knives here. This rascal wants to steal my knives and beat me even without reason!”

Niu Erdao: “So what if I beat you to death?”

As he spoke, he punched again. The beating made Yang Zhi “fire from the heart, anger to the gallbladder”,

There was a flash of cold light, and the rogue Niu Er fell under the Yang family’s ancestral treasure knife — the blade did not smear blood.

It’s not that Yang Zhi hasn’t killed people before, but if he kills a commoner in public, even though he is a rascal, he still has an identity as a commoner of the Song Dynasty.

He, Yang Zhi, is not a bandit. He is a descendant of the Tianbo Yang family. He is a descendant of a well-known family. How could he do such a thing?

But, kill everything, Yang Zhi looked at his hand and the knife in his hand, feeling all sorts of feelings in his heart.

In the end, Yang Zhishui lowered his hands and said to the surrounding people: “Everyone, although this person beat and persecuted him, killing is killing. I, Yang Zhi, will never disgrace the livelihood of our ancestors. I will go to the Yamen to surrender myself today. If you elders can be a witness To prove that I, Yang Zhifei, is that vicious person is the greatest help to me, Yang Zhi, everyone, please.”

Yang Zhi cupped his fists and bowed to the surroundings for a while, and then in front of him, everything turned into nothingness. Yang Zhi was stunned and saw a young man who was smiling and looking at him.

In addition, there is the rogue Niu Er walking towards him, yes, the rogue Niu Er who was killed by himself, but what was that just now?

“Forbearance and restraint, and not forgetting the honor of the family, obeying the law, not losing quick wit, and knowing how to ask the people for help, although he is a bit pedantic, he can be regarded as a courageous and resourceful person, but his luck is bad, you want to recover Is your family glorious? How about coming with me?”

Yang Zhi looked in surprise at the young son-in-law who was at least a foot away from him, but the voice seemed to be in his ears. The key point was that the people around him didn’t seem to hear anything.

Yang Zhi felt excited. He knew that he had met an expert.

All the things I experienced before were probably caused by this young man.

However, before Yang Zhi could say anything, the subsequent development of the plot was exactly the same as what he had experienced before, even the lines were not even half a point off.

Yang Zhi looked at the old Yang Guang in disbelief. If it was an illusion before, now it seems that it is clearly demonstrating the future.

Niu Er didn’t know that Yang Zhi had already experienced his rascal behavior once, and was about to scramble to grab the knife.

Unexpectedly, Yang Zhi kicked him on the stomach and said, “Go away, I’m not interested in flirting with you!” After speaking, Yang Zhi walked up to Yang Guang, held the precious sword in his hand and said with both hands: “My lord! If you are lucky enough to be favored by the young master, I will present this precious sword to you, and I hope you don’t dislike it, young master.”

Yang Guang looked at Yang Zhi who was presenting the sword, nodded and took the sword from his hand, flicking the sword lightly with his fingers.

I saw that the treasured knife was emitting a golden light, and a dragon was swimming faintly above the blade, and the sound of dragon chant even rang out in everyone’s ears.

“Good saber, this saber was left by the grandfather, Old Master Yang, and has been enshrined in your Yang family for generations.”

“Now, spiritual wisdom has been produced, and the aura of humanity has appeared in it. It’s a pity that no one has consecrated it.”

“I happened to meet you, so I opened it for you. You take this knife back, so that you can fight for our human race in the future. LightThe lintel of Yaomen depends entirely on you. ”

Everyone was amazed at the change of this knife, only Yang Guang knew that everything was nonsense, the inscription he engraved on the golden light played a role, and the dragon shape and dragon chant were forcibly added by him. One thing is certain, this knife has really become a precious knife.

Of course, their embryos are also good, and they easily achieved the effect Yang Guang wanted.

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