Game Across the World

Chapter 219: Old and new

   Shen Chen didn't know the sword and sword shadow on the Kingdom Council, he just quietly waited for Dan Nuwen's response.

   After a while, Dannuwen seemed to have received some news. He lowered his head, with a bitter smile on his mouth, and said in a low mood: "I understand."

   Then he looked at Shen Chen, this time it became an order: "Bring the People's Army back!"

   At the same time, Shen Chen's mission has also become that he must find Grian, while Dupaig is reluctant.

And the task rewards have also changed: (guarantee) Guards’ favorability level 2000, 2710exp, guards officer’s ring; (Completed) Guards’ favorability 4000, 2710exp, special rewards...(new) Army Seven Ring Upgrade Challenge, learn the skills of the Royal Knights.

  Note: Other players participating can also receive the task and get certain rewards!

   This is the right way, even if you venture into the wilderness, the entire army is wiped out or you fail to complete the mission, at least you won’t lose your money, and the rewards have also been greatly increased, Shen Chen is not reserved, he said.

   "As long as I can ensure that the People's Army will not be held accountable afterwards, I am happy to go!" Of course, he still has to pay attention to his image among NPCs and players, and cannot sell them just because his own interests are in place.

"Of course, the kingdom has decided that if the People's Army gains credit in this battle, they will make Yuexi Town their resident and renamed the Yuexi Brigade!" Dan Nuwen promised that he was also very excited, which represented Those soldiers who betrayed the kingdom because of him are able to gain a foothold again.

   Shen Chen received an affirmative answer, rest assured, he also knows the importance of this task to Jason's camp, because the soldiers continue to fight, the physical strength and will of the soldiers are gradually approaching the edge, he must speed up.

Back to the city wall, he called 5 orc warriors, as well as Vesemir, follow-up thieves, Liu Wei, and Lu Mei to form a 10-person team. He did not bring all the team members and treatments, and did not even have a legal profession. .

This line of goals can be smaller, try not to attract the attention of corrupt monsters, and this line is more of a search, he will not provoke elites or large groups of enemies, the vitality of healing is in a corrupt wilderness, or It's too conspicuous.

   After confessing some defensive matters at will, he quietly left the camp with people, and from the east exit, he reached the river between Irvine and the Westfall.

   There is already a small boat waiting there. It is of course unwise to stand out from the front. They are along the front line of the river, and there seems to be not many corrupt monsters by the river, and they seem to be afraid of the twilight forest.

There were no dangers along the way. Some skeleton archers spotted the ship and shot a few rounds of arrows. Fortunately, the river was wide enough to allow them to avoid the most concentrated part of the fire, and the orc warriors had thick skins and blocked them. Inflicted a lot of damage. This is the case. The wave of thieves left that section of the river bank, and only less than 50 lives were left.

Their destination is the Tower of Mottweik. The corrupt army has a clear goal and marches directly to the north. The south is more wandering monsters, and the last news of the People’s Army comes from there; at the same time, Defias seems to have also hid from here. Of the mountains.

   Shen Chen looked for the mage tower according to his memory and landed in the nearby water plants.

   All this did not disturb the nearby monsters, the combination of a few skeleton soldiers and ghouls. The tower of Mottweik was much cleaner than he thought. There was no blood around and on the walls, no messy bones to be eaten, and no rotten flesh and blood that no longer existed everywhere.

   So why is this? Shen Chen thought in his heart, how could a pure land appear in a place occupied by monsters; without thinking, one would think that there must be a powerful but clean "thing" here.

   His body trembled a little, his teeth were unconsciously important, he forced the emotions in his heart down, and made a leave gesture.

   Around the tower, they wanted to head towards the mountains immediately. Although they didn't find a clue here, they can't go wrong if they go to the less-traveled areas.

   "I'm here, why bother to leave?" A frivolous voice suddenly exploded in Shen Chen's ears!

This caused his cold sweat to wet his back. I am afraid that his party had just arrived here and was discovered by the corrupt enemy here. He has already determined that this first attempt failed, and for a while, he can only weakly run away and wait. Next chance.

   But Shen Chen still wanted to struggle, he turned his head, and wanted to give an order to fight back.

   "You are very interesting to me, it makes me a little bit reluctant!" The voice originally came from a distance, and the moment Shen Chen turned his head, he came to his side.

A warm palm pressed the shoulder and neck on the side of Shen Chen's neck, which made him dare not move anymore. Although the palm of his hand was a little hot, it seemed to have a cold breath, and it seemed that Shen Chen’s feelings were felt from head to toe The body freezes.

   He only felt that even his thoughts had slowed down a lot, and he even almost withdrew from the advent state!

Shen Chen, who forcibly concentrated his attention, wanted to get rid of the influence of this power. He could feel that the "thing" behind him was much stronger than the mysterious person in the death mine. One was to use power to seal his actions. ; And this, just the imposing manner almost breaks oneself!

   The figure exclaimed: "Not bad!"

   Because Shen Chen forcibly twisted his body at this time, although he didn't use any strength, it has been a long time since an ordinary human being able to resist his will.

Shen Chen also saw the existence of that person clearly. He wore a purple-red noble evening dress, and his silky long hair was lightly placed on the face full of evil charm. Even the red light reflected by the blood mist could not block it. The unique feeling emanating from that young man, innocence, teasing, extravagance... is a contradiction, but it makes people take it for granted.

   He leaned in front of Shen Chen, Shen Chen could feel the word danger, coming from every corner under his skin, it seemed that his whole body was warning, stay away from this person!

   But he couldn't do it, the other party strengthened his momentum, and at the same time a faint blood mist floated into Shen Chen's nasal cavity.

   This is not corruption, the power of the holy light reacted, but this power is neither evil nor chaotic, and Shen Chen's holy power is not strong, so it was quickly suppressed.

"You are very good......"

   "Stop, Moher!" A somewhat familiar voice came from a distance, and Shen Chen felt the pressure of his whole body loosen, and the tight muscles suddenly lost their strength and slumped on the ground.

   "It's been a long time...I don't know how it's staying with you?" This voice made Shen Chen a little stunned. Isn't this the magician of the Tower of Zula, the Look of the All-Knowing Eye member?

  What the **** is going How can he be here, who is this mysterious and threatening youth, and what is the relationship between them?

  Shen Chen flashed several thoughts. He went to confirm the status of his companions for the first time, only to find that they were just stunned. At this time, he turned around and saw the stranger next to Shen Chen, and he immediately made a warning.

   Then he heard Look ask: "Are you here to find that person too?"

   Shen Chen looked suspicious. He looked at the youth, as if asking Look who this person was, and then shook his head, “I don’t know what you’re talking about, but I’m here to find the People’s Army!”

Look was stunned, and then smiled. He seemed to be happy for Stormwind Kingdom and Westfall, but he still said in disbelief: "The nobles in the kingdom who are corrupt to the roots will do this kind of thing? This is really... ...."

   "Fortunately, you are only here now, otherwise you and your companion will be turned into a corpse by Moher Vladimir!" He seemed to be grateful for Shen Chen's good luck.

   then said to the young man: "Your father thinks you have played enough outside. Go back! For so long, you should be bored with this dirty world!"

"Vladimir, it won't be that!" Shen Chen looked at Moher in disbelief. This surname is too familiar to him. Reminiscent of the youth's words and abilities, that word almost Blurted out.

   Moher licked the corner of his mouth, revealing a sweet smile that made the girl even pale: "No, I happened to find something interesting."

   While he was talking, his eyes were always on Shen Chen, which made Shen Chen somewhat pale. What does this guy think of him? I'm not very handsome. Compared with him, I'm quite different in strength, isn't it? He shook his head, not daring to think about the picturesque scene.

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