Game Across the World

Vol 3 Chapter 889: planning

Before setting off, Shen Chen had been thinking about where the first place to go to Kalimdor should be.

   Regarding this point, Shen Chen must consider what opportunities and tasks Kalimdu had to discover in the months before the expedition began.

   "The first is King Wrynn!" Shen Chen never forgot this.

   The king in Stormwind is only half of the cowardly, and retrieving the other half will not only gain further recognition from the Kingdom of Stormwind, but also the gratitude of Wrynn and Prince Anduin.

   More importantly, this is an important turning point in the plot of the black dragon, which can open the key to important dungeons such as Blackrock Mountain, Onyxia Lair, and Blackwing Lair.

   "The problem is that in memory, King Wrynn became a gladiator and has always been in the hands of the orcs, but most of the orcs are still in the wetlands. It must be impossible to find them according to the original clues!"

   Shen Chen asked Minerva to write down this question. The relevant clues must wait until they arrive in Kalimdor to start searching.

   "Secondly, the missing piece."

   When Shen Chen returned to Nanhai Town from the Plaguelands, an agent of the Seventh Army handed over the information from Log to Shen Chen's hands.

The intelligence clearly showed that the blind eye wizard, with the help of blackwater pirates and certain wealth-greedy goblins, moved the fragments to Kalimdor. The exact location is not known for the time being, but Loge also boarded the ship to that continent, I believe Can deliver information in a timely manner!

   "Night elf again!"

   Shen Chen knew that the night elves in the world of gods and demons had not been hit hard in the memory and lost the blessing of eternal life.

On Mount Hyjal, the glory of Nordrassil still shines on every inch of woodland in this ancient empire. Under the shining of Elune, the sentries and old war trees are hunting down the satyrs and demons who fled the mainland. And put them in the prison of the watchmen.

   "Their current strength is definitely the strongest existence on Azeroth, the night elves who have not been weakened, if all the druids are awakened, they will even have the power to crush the alliance's combat power!"

   Shen Chen also recorded the Cenarion Circle. After all, according to time calculations, the seal of the Wall of Beetles seemed to be close to the limit.

"there's still one."

   The Spear of Order is good, but after all, it is still in the kingdom's territory. Jia Liya treats herself well, but the future is the last word in her own hands.

   For players, how the Eastern Kingdom develops is limited to the area delineated by the NPCs, but Kalimdor has unlimited space waiting for them to develop!

   Shen Chen's fingers moved up the map. He needed to choose a suitable destination for his fleet and the Hall of Fame.

  From north to south, Shen Chen counted past, "Bustwater Port, Durotar, Ratchet City, Northern Castle, Dustwallow Marsh, Thousand Needles, and Gadgetzan."

"Among them, Bilgewater Port, Ratchet City, and Gadgetzan, these goblin ports...etc. At this time, plus there is no orc relationship, Bilgewater Port and Ratchet City may not be established. Most of the goblins are still in Kezan!"

   Shen Chen suddenly remembered this.

   Kul Tiras is expected to build two fortresses in the Southern Barrens and Durotar, like the previous life, to control this sea area without going deep inland. "

   Shen Chen did not intend to let the orcs go back to the development path of the previous life.

   Everyone still knows that even though Thrall established a city in Orgrimmar, the area nearby is not suitable for living and living. Not to mention the harsh environment and extremely dangerous animals and plants, and there are no resources that can be collected.

  In my memory, because the orcs were to avoid Lordaeron's chasers, they set off by boat in a hurry. After arriving on land, there was no chance to repent, and they could only settle down in Durotar.

It is precisely because of the barren geographical environment that the orcs have to attack Ashenvale. Only the abundant resources there can nurture the powerful reproductive ability of the orcs. At the same time, the battle of Ashenvale allowed the demons to corrupt the orcs again and make half The **** Cenarius died tragically.

   For Shen Chen who wants to gain friendship with the Cenarion Circle, this incident must be avoided.

   The environment of Wetland and Twilight Highlands is not bad, at least in terms of resources, enough to meet the needs of the orcs to multiply. With this situation, how can Thrall and the other clans of the orcs look at the place of Durotar?

   The orcs went to Kalimdor to avoid the alliance's sphere of influence, because the wetlands were surrounded by Lordaeron and the Kingdom of Stormwind.

   Going to Thousand Needles Forest and adding Un'Goro Crater will probably meet their needs for the site, and further expansion will be something that neither I nor the Alliance will allow.

   or Theramore in Dustwallow Marsh, that's not bad, the existence of the black dragon can suppress the orcs for a period of time, just let my power sprout from the roots of Mr. Kalimdor!

   Shen Chen regards the territories of the once tribes as his own private land, and builds Kalimdor into a player’s paradise. Isn’t it a better choice than grabbing resources from the npc?

   "Then go to Oge. Of course, in this world, this city should have a different name. I need to think about what it is called specifically!"


   After thinking about this, when faced with Saar’s trusted consultation, Shen Chen replied:

"This will not be a wrong choice. Only you orcs continue to prove that you can lead the interests of the Alliance, fight side by side with them, and wait time to kill each other’s hatred. I believe that, just like the dwarves and dwarves, humans Will really accept your existence."

   At the same time, he also warned: "But I also know that there are many radicals among the orcs, and they try to become the masters of this world!

But don’t forget, you are the one who destroyed your own world and the right to live in the wetlands that your ancestors exchanged for blood. Please cherish it, because there will be no other races that will give you this second chance. ! "

Facing Shen Chen’s admonition, Thrall readily accepted, but, “We really want to obtain a sky that belongs to us, rather than living under others. This is the will engraved in our blood. No one can change it. !"

"Everyone knows this." Shen Chen suddenly whispered: "We are also guarding you. We will not stabbing knives from behind at critical moments. This is the reason why the orcs are allowed to go to Kalimdor to open up a new home. You know this too well!"

   "So." Shen Chen continued, "In any case, please find out the common ground with the alliance's interests. Only common interests can keep this fragile alliance alive!"

These few words, Shen Chen took a serious and persuasive attitude. He didn't know if Thrall and the orc chief behind him would listen, but he also knew that after Kalimdor, they would no longer be intimate. Allies.

   At this time, Shen Chen turned around, "As for the direction you are heading, the south of Kalimdor is more suitable!"

   "Why?" Thrall seemed to have forgotten the conversation just The serious atmosphere became invisible, and he asked humbly at this time.

   "Several landing points in the middle, I think Kul Tiras has long been attracted to them, you want to fight with them, once the route is blocked again, the orcs will directly lose this opportunity."

   Looking at the map, Thrall agreed that this agreement only includes investigation, and there will not be many ships used, not to mention that the orcs do not have that many transport ships.

  If the landing port is established, Kul Tiras will go back, and with the current strength of the orcs, I am afraid that there is no power to transport the army there.

   "Where is it further north?" Thrall asked again.

   "The predicament of the wetland, do you want to try again?" Shen Chen asked directly.

   "Let's go south, I hope it is a suitable land for us!" Thrall also realized this, but he was just a little unwilling.

   After all, in the information sent by the orc scouts, there is news about the night elves. They occupy the north and humans occupy the middle. If they land in that area, it will still be like a wetland!

   Seeing Thrall’s expression, Shen Chen said with relief: "But the south is not necessarily bad."

  "The dusty marsh a little bit north, although the environment is not very good, but the wetland environment, you orcs are already used to it, the development in the past must be not difficult, and the wood and mineral resources there are also quite rich!

   A little further south is the Thousand Needles Forest, where there are South Sea pirates and some tauren, but if it can develop inland, Feralas and Un'Goro Ring Mountain are suitable places for orcs.

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