"I can't bear that in this era of internationalization, there are still games made by game companies that do not have foreign language versions?

"I hope that the platinum game company of the Great Xia Kingdom can apologize to our players in other countries, you can't imagine how desperate I was when I downloaded the game and found that it was all in the language of the Great Xia Kingdom, and I couldn't

understand a word!" "The platinum company is really fantastic, this game, it's too good, fortunately, I took the Daxia National Language when I was in college, and I can understand the content of the game, otherwise, I may also give a bad review!"

"Although I can understand the language of the Great Xia Kingdom, don't you think that the operation of this game is a bit anti-human?

"Upstairs, is there a possibility that people don't even think about selling the game abroad?" "

Yes, I strongly condemn Warcraft's game company, must add English as soon as possible!

"My God, I've played thousands of games, and it's the first time I've seen a single-player game with only one language, and it's not the mainstream English language!"

I hope everyone joins me in giving this Warcraft a bad review, so that this arrogant and impudent platinum company can see all of our comments!"

"I'm really curious, why has this game been on the website of the Great Xia Kingdom for almost two months, but there is no foreign language version?"

That's right, I read the announcement, and didn't say that Warcraft had any bugs that needed to be fixed, or even stopped the game, let alone updated the game content, so what are you Platinum Company busy with? Why is there no foreign language version!" "Platinum Company

, I Shrek is here to tell you that I must see that there is a multilingual version of Warcraft in one day! Otherwise, the bad review that I Shrek put here will not be modified!"

"Please God bless me, may I be able to play the English version of Warcraft as soon as possible, I am willing to contribute my money! Please Platinum Company in order to make money, update quickly!"

The entire comment area was almost caught in this group of sudden bad reviews.

Whether it is the hottest review or the latest comment, all have traces of bad English reviews.

Countless comments have messed up the original positive comment area.

Not only that, these bad reviews are almost all bad reviews in English.

And 98% of the bad reviews are because the game Warcraft does not have a foreign language version.

The other 2% are complaining about the game's operation mode, which they are really not used to.

After all, these foreign players, especially players in Western countries, have been playing VR game cabins since childhood.

What they are most accustomed to is the operation method in the game cabin, stepping on their legs when they step and doing it when they do it.

This hand holding a mouse and keyboard, clicking and going on the screen, is indeed a little unaccustomed.

However, what they don't know is that for games such as Warcraft, even games such as League of Legends that will appear in the future.

Neither 3D nor VR can do it well.

If you want to have the best gaming experience, you can only return to the computer and mouse in front of you.

Now these players are very unaccustomed to shouting.

But Chen Feng believes that one day.

When a computer and a VR game warehouse come, put it in front of a large group of players.

There will definitely be a large number of players who choose computers instead of VR game warehouses!

The anger of foreign players about the lack of a foreign version of Warcraft does not stop at the comment area.

On various forums abroad, as well as on some social media, you can also see a large number of foreign players complaining.

If it's just a few hundred or thousand, it's fine, not much.

But over time, there were no bad reviews of the Warcraft game on various social networks, and it increased exponentially.

In the blink of an eye, it reached tens of thousands or even more than 100,000.

And this wind direction on the network has also made many players in the Great Xia Dynasty notice!

The first reaction was, I can't believe it!

When did our single-player game in the Great Xia Kingdom become so popular with foreign players

? Now even the arrogant Westerners are eager to play the English version of Warcraft as soon as possible?

Immediately, they laughed so hard that their faces were about to split.

They have always been players of their Daxia Kingdom, asking foreign game companies on the Internet to make the version of Daxia language.

When, there were so many foreign players.

Come to a game under the Great Xia Kingdom and request a foreign language version?

A large number of Daxia players immediately participated in the discussion with these foreign players.

"In fact, there are also many games, only in foreign languages, but not in our Great Xia Kingdom.

"You don't need to give bad reviews here, I don't think Platinum is thinking of selling the game abroad at all!"

"TNND, in order to play your game, Lao Tzu learned a foreign language for so long, today you want to play our game of

the Great Xia Kingdom? "I finally see this day, I'm going to go back and tell my mother

!" "I fuck, when did the Great Xia Kingdom come out with such a great game? I don't even know, I'm not a fucking thing, Lao Tzu has to buy 10 copies now!"

Platinum Company raised its eyebrows this time and gave us the long face of the Great Xia Kingdom, this game Laozi even if he doesn't play it, he has

to buy it!" "This should be regarded as the first game in our Great Xia Kingdom to sell the country, right?"

"In fact, strictly speaking, it is not because these foreign players can't buy it, they can't understand it!"

TMD, I originally planned to support Baijin, but found that my ID card has been blacked out by Baijin, I regret ah, I run to Mr. Chen's Weibo every day to apologize, when can Mr. Chen forgive me, I really cried to death............

There is a discussion of Warcraft on the Internet, as well as calls for a foreign language version of Warcraft.

Naturally, it attracted the attention of many players of the Great Xia Kingdom.

There are also many up owners and bloggers who specialize in carrying foreign videos or some anecdotes on the Internet.

I also discovered these in the first place.

Without the slightest hesitation, they directly copied this grand event on the Internet.

Then it was sent back to the country.

"A domestic game that makes foreign netizens cry and cry for a foreign language version

!", "My friends abroad recommended me a single-player game of their West, I opened it and saw that it was all our language, and there was no Western language for them, what was going on?

" "It's hard to imagine that a Western fantasy game produced by a domestic game company actually exploded the entire Western player circle!"

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