Hearing Marina's doubts.

The superior knocked on the table and said with a playful expression.


"At first, I thought that this Chen Feng, rather a guy with brains, was able to develop computer games, which was also good. If he is still so talented in the future, it is not impossible to absorb him into our company.

"It's a pity that he actually gave up the opportunity to join our beautiful country, and he had such a big audacity to provoke us

!" "It's right to be young, but it's wrong for young people to be too arrogant, so unawe-inspiring, they will definitely suffer a little!" Marina's

superiors suddenly stopped the movement in their hands, picked up a pen casually, and wrote something on the table.

And gave Marina the task.

"This platinum company, as well as Chen Feng, since he provoked us, then of course we must also give him some color.

"Next, you ask the Ministry of Human Resources and headhunters to find some qualified game designers as soon as possible, preferably with a better understanding of computers

!" "I learned about the market in Daxia, computer games may not be very competitive with us, but in Daxia, and other poor countries, you can still give it a try

!" Hearing this, Marina immediately straightened her back and said loudly: "Received!"

On the night of the release of the multilingual version of Warcraft.

A piece of news that caused a global sensation suddenly came out.

It turned out that at this time, Dini Games, the global game leader, actually distributed the latest news on its own company's official website and the official accounts of many other platforms!

"Due to Platinum Games, the failure to comply with the public morality of the game industry affects and threatens the safety of the game field, and has a negative impact on the entire gaming industry.

"Therefore, from now on, we at Dini Games announced that we will publicly refuse Platinum Games to purchase the right to use our game technology!" "

This restriction will not be lifted until the self-examination results of Platinum Games are reported to us!"

And countless social platforms, more like being stirred up by a stone

, sensational! "I rely on! What the hell!" "

Wait, why does Platinum Game Company not abide by the public morality of the game industry?

The melon seed peanut beer is ready, and I am quietly waiting to eat the melon. The front row predicts how long

the platinum game company can hold out!" "Before, under the sanctions of Dini Game Company, the company that lasted the longest time was the radish head company, but unfortunately after half a year, they went bankrupt directly, fortunately, I downloaded the platinum company's game in advance

!" "My God, in that case, I better hurry up and buy Warcraft from the platinum company!"

I've played all the games of Platinum Games, and there's no problem.

"Maybe people hide bugs, so that some background vulnerabilities can be installed on your computer?"

"It's impossible!" "

A few upstairs, here are links to guide you, if you are interested, you can also search for Dini games by yourself, and the six words of sanctions, let you see what is called thief shouting to catch thief."

"That's right, I experienced the era when Dini Games was heavily sanctioned, I'm afraid that the young people now don't know, there is also news here, don't put a link in the comment area, you need to be private."

I found a lot of information, I didn't expect Dini Games Company to be so shameless, but Platinum Games is just a newly established company, I'm afraid this time will be miserable!"

"I think so, but I don't know the specific insider, but I don't know why Dini Games specifically sanctioned Platinum Games this time." This is the fourth year since the last sanction

!" "Platinum really has the first iron! Even the big brother of the industry leader dares to provoke, it seems that it will be difficult to survive

this time!" "It's terrible! I read the news given by the big guy, I didn't expect that this time Dini would use such insidious means, but we just suffered a loss in terms of technology!"

After all, every time Dini Games Sanctions other companies, it generally has to put people to death, unless you take the initiative to open an official apology, and lose money to solve it, otherwise you can only wait for bankruptcy and bankruptcy!"

"This is too ruthless! How much to lose?" "

That company lost 200 million four years ago, and several companies before it, basically ranging from tens of millions to hundreds of millions..."

Isn't it just two words

, monopoly!" "This is too shameful, it's ugly!" "

Of course, people rely on technology monopoly to pinch the necks of various game companies! Do you think that potatoes grow and glass slag they can make a lot of money every time? No, no, as long as they do VR games, they can't escape Dini's clutches!"

It turns out that Dini Games has 80% of the shares of VR Eternal Game Engine Company, no wonder they are so arrogant!"

And Dini Games has an absolute control of their family, which can be used to control all game companies that want to make VR games.


, this winning goose is also fierce internally, and it is completely groveling externally!

Disgusting, really disgusting

!" "Hehe, people want to make money, they must not feel cold!" "

I see now, I still don't understand, does Platinum have any security problems, is it because they have developed computer games, and mobile games, they are going to be sanctioned?"

At this time, a doubtful comment appeared on the latest floor.

Then someone opened his mouth to answer questions....

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