It is not difficult to build a game platform, so Luo Zhonghao's team only took less than a week to build the platform.

Of course, time is so short, and the platform built is naturally only a simple version.

Platinum Corporation.

Luo Zhonghao took the USB flash drive containing the finished product to Chen Feng's office and showed him the effect.

Chen Feng immediately nodded with satisfaction: "Not bad, put it into use." Put all of our Platinum games on this platform. After

Chen Feng's words, Luo Zhonghao was stunned.

"Mr. Chen, this diamond game platform is only the first generation we made, and it still needs to be tested, and it will not be too hasty to put it into use now."

Once the platform is launched, there are various problems, players will definitely scold us on various social platforms, moreover... The matter of this "Dungeons and Warriors" competition has not yet been handled. The

situation Luo Zhonghao said, Chen Feng naturally took it into account.

Chen Feng's side unilaterally canceled the right to host the event of the Cold Country, which was already a breach of contract compared to the contract they had signed before.

This matter, Zhang Wuhua is dealing with in the cold country, and the lawsuit has been dragging on.

Once he loses the case, Chen Feng needs to compensate a large amount of liquidated damages.

Although it is true that many players and netizens are on Chen Feng's side, there are also some people with intentions who have taken advantage of this incident to recruit a lot of trolls and deliberately smear Chen Feng.

Now the pressure of public opinion on Baijin is not small, at this time, to put this imperfect game platform on the list, I am afraid that it will be smeared by those who are red-eyed.

If it is replaced by when the platinum company is just starting out, Chen Feng will of course completely improve this diamond game platform before it is officially put on the shelves.

But now, he didn't want to wait too long.

Because the game platform on the goose factory side has too much money to divide out, and if you wait one more day, you will lose millions more, or even tens of millions.

As for the dissatisfaction of the players and the smearing of the water army, Chen Feng was not worried.

The size of the platinum company is now large enough, and it will not be casually broken because of other people's black words.

Moreover, Chen Feng has confidence in his heart, he has a way to make his own game platform completely explode!

All it takes is one game!

And this game is - League of Legends!

So Chen Feng didn't hesitate much, and said lightly: "It's okay, let's put it into use first, just in time to see the feedback from the player, if there is any problem, fix it as soon as possible."

Oh, by the way, and give all our online games a few conscience point activities, well... It is best to be the kind that can produce out-of-print props.

Luo Zhonghao understood what Chen Feng meant, immediately nodded and agreed, and went back to the office.


Goose factory.

Mr. Ma was looking at the dispute between Platinum Company and Cold Country Angel Game Company on the computer.

This angel game company is the agency of "Dungeons and Warriors" in the Cold Country.

The previous "Dungeons and Warriors" competition in South Korea was run by this company.

Mr. Ma had a faint smile on his face, and the people under him were really spoken.

This platinum Chen Feng is lawless, this time an unhappy, unilaterally cancel the right to hold the Angel Game Company, this is a breach of contract, waiting for platinum, will be a huge fine.

As for what Korean organizers favor one side in the competition, engage in black box operations and other things, but only players and netizens care about the law, but do not care about this.

Seeing that Chen Feng, an opponent who had deflated himself, was now about to suffer a fine and suffer huge losses, President Ma was naturally happy in his heart.

Just then, there was a knock on the door.

Mr. Ma smiled and picked up the teacup and said, "Come in." Outside

the house, the secretary walked in and said in a little panic: "Mr. Ma, something happened, just now the project department came to report, saying that Platinum Company removed all their games from our game platform overnight!"

President Ma was stunned for a moment, and the hand that was about to bring the cup to his mouth also paused slightly.

"All games, taken down?"

You know, the role of the game platform cannot be ignored.

It can not only provide players with convenient download channels, and smooth operation channels.

At the same time, in terms of drainage, a large game platform can also greatly promote the sales of games.

But now Platinum has removed all games from the Goose Factory's platform, which will certainly cause a lot of losses for the Goose Factory.

But for Platinum himself, it naturally has an impact, but why did Platinum do this?

As soon as Mr. Ma frowned, the secretary spoke again: "The people in the project department have asked the platinum people, according to the platinum staff, it is because our platform share is too expensive, so they have set up a game platform, called the diamond game platform." "

Got a game platform out yourself?

President Ma smiled dumbly and shook his head helplessly.

This is really in line with the style of that Baijin Chen - an arrogant guy with no common sense.

Gaming platforms are that simple things?

Just make it and use it?

You must know that each of these game platforms acquired by their goose factory has been in operation for five or six years, or even more than ten years, to have the current user volume.

This Chen Feng, think that if he makes one casually, he can be compared with these game platforms? It's a complete dream.

Mr. Ma shook his head in disdain, waved his hand lightly and said: "Okay, I know, inform the people of the project department, don't worry about this, let them fully promote the progress of the Eternal Company, if necessary, I can personally go to their president to talk."

The secretary nodded yes, closed the door, and turned to leave.


Two days later, under the platinum banner, all major game official websites issued a notice.

【Platinum Company launched a new game platform, Diamond Platform! 】 All Platinum games will be available on the Diamond platform, welcome to download. Below

the announcement, a link is attached for players to download.

A new gaming platform that didn't attract much attention from players.

However, it wasn't until these players, opening up the platform they used to use and getting ready to log in, that they realized something was wrong.

You can't log in to the game with these previous platforms.

This is even if it is acceptable to players, after all, Platinum has made its own platform, so it is reasonable to remove their own games from other people's game platforms.


When players brought up the original game file and logged in directly from the client, a pop-up window popped up again.

"Dear players, the game can only be logged in through the Diamond Games platform."

At this moment, the players finally exploded their nests, rushed into the official website, and began to spray the platinum company angrily!

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