Seeing this title, Marina could hardly believe her eyes.

Is this Chen Feng crazy?

Unexpectedly said such a big thing.

Moreover, Chen Feng's interview video has been uploaded to several forum platforms with extremely high traffic in the Great Xia Kingdom.

In less than an hour, more than 10 million people have already viewed it.

Such a big word, once blown out, can not be taken back!

Andrei on the side saw this video, couldn't help pouting, and said with a proud face: "The next game to conquer the world must be our Warcraft Battlefield, and Chen Feng must not be able to make a better game than us." Marina

next to her did not speak, she clicked on the video and quietly finished watching Chen Feng's interview.

In the interview video, Chen Feng's tone of voice is very flat, but he is full of confidence.

It was as if he didn't feel that what he said was bragging.

So why can Chen Feng be so confident?

Could it be....

Marina suddenly turned her head, and her beautiful eyes stared at Andrei on the side.

"Bad, I know what Platinum wants to do! They must be trying to copy your game! Andrei

is a technical house with no scheming after all, and when he heard Marina's words, he couldn't help but stare at him for a while: "They want to copy our Warcraft Battlefield?

Marina looked serious and nodded: "If this is not the case, why did Chen Feng make it difficult for us?" We acquired the copyright of their "Warcraft" characters, but it is a win-win good thing, coupled with his such a confident interview, then there is only one possibility, Chen Feng wants to copy our game!

In Marina's view, Chen Feng's refusal to sell the copyright of the characters in Warcraft was just to delay time.

In addition, Chen Feng has been showing so confident in interviews, and said that the next game their company will produce is competitive games.

What he said is clearly "Warcraft Battlefield"!

They have also seen Andre's "Warcraft Battlefield", and even want to dig Andre to Platinum Games, and now that the poaching fails, they definitely want to copy the game!

If it were another game concept that was copied by platinum, Marina wouldn't be worried.

After all, behind them is Dini Games, one of the world's largest game companies.

Platinum dares to copy their games, and they can casually sue Platinum and make Platinum Games lose money.

However, this "Warcraft Battlefield" designed by Andre was designed in the map editor of "Warcraft".

This makes the copyright of the game less clear.

Even if a lawsuit is really fought, it is not easy to determine who should own the copyright of this game.

So Marina got up directly and said: "Don't buy the character copyright, let's make a few additional looks according to the characters in "Warcraft", and then improve your "Warcraft Battlefield" online as soon as possible!" Be sure to get ahead of the Platinum gang!

Andrei nodded and left immediately to redevelop the heroes of Warcraft Battlefield.


Platinum Games, Inc.

Conference room.

Platinum Company, Conference Room.

Chen Feng handed over the data he had made in the past few days to Luo Zhonghao and several technical employees for viewing.

After reading it, several technical employees had strange faces.

"Mr. Chen, what kind of game is this? Just such a map?

"It's too much... It's too rough, just such a map, players play for an hour and there is no novelty.

"This operation method feels similar to Warcraft, but in Warcraft, there is a rich plot, and a huge world view, this game... There is no worldview at all. "

Several employees are talking about each other, all of them are not optimistic.

But Luo Zhonghao on the side stared at the map on the computer and remained silent.

And his eyes, from the beginning of doubt, gradually turned into shock, and then, turned into fiery!

"This game... The playability seems to be very high! Different heroes, can be matched with different equipment, then, the parameters of these small soldiers to send troops are very simple, it seems that they can also be used, well, how much is a wave of soldiers, hit the money, go back out of the equipment, and then kill the enemy hero, you can get more money....

This game is more playable than Warcraft Battlefield!

Luo Zhonghao was there talking to himself, his fingers were still drawing on the map, and the excitement on his face became more and more intense.

"Also, these heroes are very interesting! This hero called Wuji Sword Saint, his W skill can return blood, the big move is to increase the movement speed, this is a very mobile hero! Then the speed at which it makes money will definitely be faster than other heroes..." Several

other employees looked strange: "Director Luo, this is just a map, a few heroic characters, where is there anything to play."

Hearing this, Luo Zhonghao took his eyes off the computer, he looked at several employees, shook his head with a smile and said: "Although there is only one map, don't forget, this is not a single-player game, this is an online game!"

A small map holds ten players! Their cooperation with each other, the attack and defense of both enemies and us, and the distribution of the map economy, etc., are all very playable!

This game is more powerful than any game today! Moreover, this kind of game is very suitable for holding competitions! This is not an ordinary online game, but a competitive online game! Listening

to what Luo Zhonghao said, Chen Feng's face also showed a faint smile.

Indeed, in Chen Feng's previous life, this "League of Legends" game was not only extremely playable and popular all over the world, but its game e-sports was also extremely successful.

What makes Chen Feng remember vividly is when this game S8.

A team named IG, without everyone's favor, made it all the way and finally won the S8 World Finals.

You must know that before this, the Daxia National Division had never won the championship of the global finals!

It was not until the appearance of this IG that the dreams of many older generation of "League of Legends" players were finally fulfilled.

Moreover, it is worth mentioning that the official competition MV at that time happened to be "Reaching the Pinnacle"!

It matches the style of the IG team!

That year's World Championship was a visual feast of extreme operation!

Almost all League of Legends players, after watching it, are addicted.

Then S9, S10, S11, all were also very successful.

Therefore, when Chen Feng coded out the game data of "League of Legends", he had already thought in his mind that he would definitely turn the game into e-sports!

Move all the e-sports feasts from your past life to this life!

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