Game Designers: You Don’t Understand Charity

Chapter 299: Borrow the chicken and lay the egg

   "I've been thinking about it before I came overseas." Yun Feng said calmly in Mushi's reception room.

   "The high-quality games under Fengyun Studio far exceed the standards of all overseas companies. Even if there are regional and cultural differences, there are still many popular games."

   "But why do you still encounter so many difficulties in overseas development, and the progress is not as good as before?"

  Yunfeng turned to look at Henderson.

  “At first, I thought that large overseas companies were equally difficult, but after fighting in person, it was nothing more than that.”

   "Oh, it's just a bunch of backward waste." Rarely, Henderson sneered and commented.

   "That's the truth." Yun Feng's eyes met Alex's.

  “It doesn’t matter if the environment of Fengyun Studio’s games deteriorates drastically, or the player’s reaction to the first result of Mushina at the game festival is normal, or the controversy among the players is still so fierce once Assassin’s Creed comes out.”

   "Although the instigators of these are major game companies, or rhythm parties with malicious intentions." Yun Feng glanced at everyone.

   "It is the overseas players themselves who accept all this!"

   "Game high-players, anchors, and reviews also have a kind of contempt and a chain of contempt. However, due to the combined effects of culture and various factors, games labeled with our country have fallen to the bottom."

   "And the psychology of these people will spread to all overseas players, subtly affecting them."

   "This is the sense of resistance that even overseas players haven't noticed." Yun Feng looked around with a smile, and fell into a definition.

   "Why, are you unwilling?" Unexpectedly, at this moment, Henderson spoke again.

  Looking fixedly at Yunfeng, Henderson said.

  "The overseas game environment is very different from your Eastern country. Many people still hold Yelang's arrogant contempt for your once weak country."

   "I think you can get a glimpse of this from Abel's extreme case."

  Henderson spoke slowly, as if describing his former self.

  "Many people can't accept your lofty attitude. Even on the night of the game festival, you clearly defeated several Ubisoft companies as a righteous party, and many people still feel disgusted by this."

   "Different from your domestic game companies' practice of monopolizing, although these companies such as Biyu are arbitrary, they are far from causing players to feel bad."

   "Although you don't have any bad deeds, many overseas players would rather play their inferior games than hold their noses to play a high-quality game produced by "Oriental Kingdom"."

   "This is not an exaggerated description, but a realistic psychology that does exist." Henderson looked at Yunfeng expressionlessly and asked.

   "If you are aware of this situation, you are not so backward, but what choice do you have?"

   "Even if you are not reconciled, you can only accept it, and then bend your knees."

  Henderson ruthlessly narrated the reality, while Lao Mo and Yan Linfei were already moved and looked at Yunfeng worriedly.

  It seemed that he was afraid that he would not be able to accept such a heavy reality.


   "Not reconciled? Why not be reconciled?" Regarding this, Yun Feng smiled strangely.

  Looking at Henderson and the others, Yun Feng's tone at this time was three points inexplicable and seven points natural.

  Lotte raised his eyebrows, as if he didn't expect Yun Feng to be so calm about all this.

  Henderson was also silent, not knowing how to speak.

  Finally, Alex asked, "Are you not angry or puzzled by this unfair treatment?"

   "What's the matter?" Yun Feng tilted his head and said with a natural expression.

   "As early as a few decades ago, I still believed that 'S*GA' was orthodox, and other ideas were crooked. Isn't it normal for players to be a little biased in the game market?"

   "SE...what GA?" Alex scratched his head, completely unable to understand Yun Feng's mysterious speech.

   It's just that everyone present felt that Yun Feng accepted the status quo frankly.

   Really is a great thing.

   "In that case, what are you going to do?" Henderson asked in his seat.

   "Since you can't change the status quo, then everything you do is futile, isn't it?" Henderson stared closely at Yun Feng's eyes, as if wanting to come up with an answer.

  Besides, Lott showed a meaningful smile.

  If Henderson had no interest in Yunfeng and the others at the beginning, then Henderson's attitude has changed significantly now.

  The leader of Fengyun Studio is really... very special.

   "Does it need to be said?" Yun Feng said with a smile, "Since it can't be changed, it can only be temporarily complied with."

   "Temporary?" Henderson keenly caught Yun Feng's words.

  Yun Feng didn't answer, looked at Henderson, and repeated his previous request.

   "My Fengyun studio unilaterally needs Mushi's help."

   "Therefore, I hope to get your cooperation."

   Facing the same words, Henderson was silent for a while and asked, "What do you want?"

   "Borrowing chickens to lay eggs, that's all." Yun Feng laughed.

   "From now on, Fengyun Studio's games will be packaged in the shell of Mushi and launched through Mushi's channel."

   "Unlike other game companies, you can stand out under the pressure of the three big companies. I believe that the games that pass through your hands will not be hindered in any way."

  Old Mo stared at Yun Feng dumbfounded. The other party's words almost had "I want to prostitute for nothing" written on his face.

  Yunfeng's proposal is even more outrageous than outsourcing. For Mu Shi, it is completely thankless cooperation.


   "Isn't this a proper fraud?" Finally, Alex choked out a sentence.

  Let overseas players think that the games they play are produced overseas.

  It's like letting most of the overseas people who boycott country Z wear clothes made in country Z all over their bodies.

   It’s just a physical product made in country Z. The label is too small to be noticed, but the game itself needs to be repackaged.

   "No, it's a business mind." Yun Feng looked at Alex and smiled.

  Shocked by Yun Feng's shameless words, Alex stroked his breath and was speechless.

   Regarding this, Yun Feng has no grudges.

  Actually, many domestic and overseas games are originally operated in this way.

  Many company names established overseas have nothing to do with themselves.

  How beautiful is the sky? Thunder what electricity? Sorry, I'm not familiar with overseas.

   It was replaced by a decent foreign language company.

   It's just that this time, Yunfeng used even more means.

   There is no need to set up another memorial archway, so I went directly to Mushi's door and opened my mouth.

   "It's good to borrow a chicken to lay an egg." Looking at Yunfeng, Lao Mo murmured.

  Yun Feng shocked Lao Mo for a hundred years.


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