Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 158: Shameful big breasts, black dragon prince

You were killed by "Wooden Flame"!

Wang Zhong looked at the display screen silently, a little confused.

Obviously, daddy hunting is the hardest occupation in this version, why is the opposite person who is supposed to be worthless and hangs to such a degree, with one enemy and two not letting go?

The anger and unhappiness of being killed at first have disappeared, leaving only curiosity and helplessness.

Speaking of this, he really doesn't take any reason, after all, he did it first.

You must fill up the pits you dug yourself on your knees!

What's more, Wang Zhong felt a little sorry for his brother "Slashing the Crimson Wolf" to jump into this pit.

"Red Dog, forget it! Let's just find a cat, wait for a while to join a NB big guild, and then find the place again. Wouldn't it be nice?"

"My beautiful man! I don't have enough equipment level. I will definitely kill this **** Mu Muyan 10,000 times when I practice!"

The Crimson Wolf quickly convulsed, and immediately responded: "If you lose the heads-up, you will be singled back! What a talent for finding someone!"

"It’s the same as we didn’t go together just now =="

Although he was slanderous in his heart, Wang Zhong did not really issue this line.

He was still very touched by the loyalty of the Crimson Wolf.

But the onlookers' comments made Wang Zhong puzzled.

[WANZ-206: Poor little pink, who has been transformed into a sheep in a fancy way, is a shame...]

[Professional critic: Go to the official website of Fentian! Little Pink has opened a live broadcast room! 】

[ABP-159: What's so interesting about Red Dog's live broadcast? It's still little pink...Oh! 】

[Qingcheng said everything: hemp sells leather! I was PKed by the Red Dog when I was on a mission before, and now watching Mu Muyan abuse him, the thief is relieved! 】

[Reincarnation to marry cabbage: seven feet big breasts...]

[烺磕: Huh? 】

[Matcha-flavored sugar cubes: I'm going to don't make any comparisons, the Red Dog is a girl! 】

[A small bubble: Spicy next door! The Red Dog is actually a woman? Lao Tzu was overturned by a girl, and his body was guarded by others? 】

[You know a shovel: Uneven breasts, why calm the world, and **** not huge, why gather people's hearts! Starting today, I am the Red Dog...Ah! Sister Hong is a fan! 】

Wang Zhong's face was dumbfounded, and he opened the official website of Burning Sky and found the latest live broadcast room.

The name of the live broadcast room is "The Bloody Killing of Lord Red Wolf, Throne of Vengeance".

The girl is dressed in red, her eyebrows are picturesque, the waves are turbulent, and she is beautiful and delicious.

It's just that the look between her eyebrows is a bit fierce, making people afraid to get close...

And the character ID of the magic capital world that this female anchor is controlling is——

Cut the Crimson Wolf!

This familiar operation method, here is the style of typing and refreshing the screen...

She is the Red Dog himself!

Wang Zhong has always been a brother player, turned out to be a girl of the same age with a pair of 37D conscience!

A kind of inexplicable shame and suffocation hit his mind. Wang Zhong felt that his recent fleeting years were unfavorable and he must have not read the almanac when he went out.

" dog?"

"If you have something to say quickly, if you have a fart, let it go, Dad is busy leveling!"

As he spoke, the Crimson Wolf seemed to realize something, and laughed quack: "Hey hey... Are you watching my live broadcast? Are you surprised or surprised?"

"Only surprise, no joy."

Wang Zhong felt his disillusionment was disillusioned.

No matter how beautiful and charming the other party looks, it can't conceal the silky breath in her bones. Such a wretched and trivial girl who can laugh is the first one Wang Zhong has ever seen in his life.

"Don't talk nonsense, you help me pay attention to the auction house! Once I reach the full level, I will change my equipment and find that **** Lin Yan revenge!"

"It's Mu Muyan, not Lin Yan, don't make a mistake."

"That's a lot of nonsense! If you want you to go, go! Still not a brother?"

After knowing the true gender of the Crimson Wolf, Wang Zhong felt that he was suddenly shorter.

Until now, he still smelled like a dream.

"Huh? The raw materials and potions of the auction house are so cheap now? The next version [Angela Invasion] I heard that it is a super large expansion. After the version is changed, these things will definitely increase in price! Take advantage of it now, maybe it can Make a small profit..."

Wang Zhong tapped it casually to let more than ten sets of materials in the package.

An inadvertent move started his magnificent life as a material merchant in the magic capital world...


"The forest is big, and sure enough there are all kinds of birds. I didn't see her turning on the camera with my own eyes. I really don't believe this player is a female."

Lin Yan looked at the latest Red Wolf live broadcast room on Fentian's official website with a slightly playful look.

But this is just an extra pastime, not worthy of his wasting too much energy.

"Han, so far, the number of capped players who have reached level 45 in "Magic Capital" has reached 25%. Will higher level caps and new expansions be opened?"

The dark image is displayed on the computer screen.

He was decisive and efficient in doing things, but gradually developed the image of Wen Tun. He was as peaceful as the mountain when he encountered everything, quite a bit of a calm atmosphere.

The level 45 internal test of "Magic Century" was originally just an appetizer. As early as when Lin Yan was making the game, he had already made a level 60 and [Angela Invasion] expansion, just to control the game. The process has not been open to players.

The enthusiasm of the WOWERs in this world is beyond Lin Yan's imagination. Whether it is leveling, PVP, or Pve, they all put in twelve points of enthusiasm.

Because his physical fitness is far superior to ordinary people, Lin Yan has been online for nearly 16 hours almost every day during this period, but he is not the most invested and craziest player in Magic Century.

Even, because of too much interaction with the players, his Terran Xiaofa couldn't even rank in the top 100 players.

"Almost, but not now, tomorrow!"

"Tomorrow happens to be the opening ceremony of the global simultaneous public beta of "Magic Century", when the 60-level cap and the [Angela Invasion] expansion will be opened!"

Lin Yan smiled and said, "'Heilongan on Heishi Mountain, the black dragon prince is giving the gold bricks'-these words make my ears almost wear out cocoons."

"The black dragon prince Nefarian, it is indeed time for the curtain to fall temporarily."

Nefarian's performance in the Blackwing Lair is far less fierce than he was in the Blackwing Blood Ring after being resurrected by Deathwing, but objectively speaking, for the current version of the players, he is already strong enough.

As the eldest son of Deathwing, Blackstone Lord Nefarian is proficient in teleportation, area magic, charm control, shadow flames, group fear, and will cast a debuff magic that produces different effects for different classes, causing player skills to be confused.

It's a pity that even NB's BOSS can't stand up to the perfect strategy that the wolves and tigers have exchanged for waves.

The group annihilation based on one hundred thousand times as a numerical unit allows players to explore all the routines that Nefarian touches clearly...,....

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