Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 187: Game ip value!

"Mr. Lin Yan, I am Professor Ilarok from the Royal Caroline College of Medicine in Sweden. I am honored to congratulate you. As the inventor of the [Ethere Holy Water], you have become a strong contender for this Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine!"


"This award will be announced and awarded to the outside world on October 5th. I hope you have a great time."

beep. beep. beep……

The Nobel Prize is very interesting. Its financial support comes from the Nobel Foundation, but each award is separated.

Therefore, Lin Yan's attitude towards the Physiology and Medicine Award of the Swedish Medical School is not bad, and he did not fight to death with the Norsen Council.

He also saw the analysis and clinical reports of the Caroline School of Medicine on [Ethere Holy Water].

Lin Yan was not surprised that this thing was praised by these crooked nuts for "flowing diamonds".

After all, it not only possesses the characteristics of antibiotics, but also does not make various pathogens resistant, and it is more universal, has a wider range of adaptation, and has no side effects.

This kind of "divine product" can never be overstated, no matter how beautiful it is.

In fact, the addictive nature of the sun well water does exist. After long-term use, it is suddenly cut off. The user's perception of happiness and happiness will be reduced by countless levels, can't lift the spirit of everything, and become completely listless, like walking dead.

However, what Lin Yan gave was a million-fold dilution of solar water metabolites, which were diluted countless times and mixed with various ingredients from this plant. The addiction is almost imperceptible.

It can be said that its addictiveness is only slightly higher than that of "Vita Lemon Tea". Even if a few bottles a day, long-term use, it will not produce any clear negative effects and changes.

Moreover, for the present and for a long period of time in the future, it is impossible for anyone on earth to squander [Ether Holy Water] so lavishly.

As for Lin Yan himself, because of the better Sunwell water stock solution, he naturally couldn't use this externally supplied product.


Chaoyueguo, VB Entertainment Co., Ltd.

"Assessed by the Royal Caroline College of Medicine in Sweden [Ether Holy Water], there are no side effects and addiction, you can use it with confidence"

Seeing this newspaper, Fuji Mingmei felt that her whole body was not good.

Who TM does not know that the Nobel Prize in Physiology and Medicine is in charge of the Royal Caroline School of Medicine in Sweden?

What do they mean by standing up to help Lin Yan speak?

Has this year's medical award been hand-appointed to that **** Oriental?

After reading this Caroline Medical School's flattery and flattery to Lin Yan, Teng Mingmei felt an overwhelming desire in her stomach, a little retching.

At this moment, Teng Mingmei's mood is more than reversed, and he feels that he has been smashed!

Upset, he dialed Lin Yan's phone directly.

Multinational telephone billing companies will be reimbursed, he doesn't care about it.

Teng Mingmei’s only thought now is that she is upset, and Lin Yan must be sick!

The moment the call was connected, his mouth opened and closed, and he launched a bullet offensive like a cannon: "Is Lin Yan? As the vice minister of foreign affairs of VB Entertainment Co., Ltd., I ask you to send [Ethere Holy Water] ] Remove it completely, otherwise we will reserve the right to sue you!"

"Oh, then you go to sue." Lin Yan's voice was lazy, teasing Teng Mingmei as if he found an interesting toy in the midst of boredom.

At the end of the last century, because of the lack of entertainment, many unenlightened children discovered praying mantis and caterpillars. They usually use long rice to connect them from beginning to end. These insects will not be the first time. Die, and even struggle to survive for a long time.

It has nothing to do with cruelty or "human nature is evil", this is human nature.

As a medium-sized predator, it has the instinct to hold other life forms weaker than itself in the applause. It is engraved in the deepest part of every human's genes.

If someone vomits because of seeing blood or some slightly harsher scenes, Lin Yan can only think that their ancestors did not pass down the genetic information fragments of warriors and brave men.

So those people can never stand at the top of the social pyramid.

Lin Yan never suppressed his nature. Everything he did, he followed his own will, doing whatever he wanted, trying to be at ease.

"Actually... it's not impossible to continue to sell the ether holy water in Chaoyue, but you have to understand the'returning profit' and the'participating'." Teng Mingmei is ignorant of Lin Yan's thoughts. Listen to his tone. Thought it was pretending to be reserved and tough.

He has done business with many oriental people. Some people seem to be indifferent or even tyrannical. In fact, it is a manifestation of lack of self-confidence in the heart. A little hint, giving each other "face", you can get through cooperation with each other Many benefits.

The ether holy water has almost become the endorsement of health. Even as a competitor, Fuji Mingmei believes in Lin Yan's credibility.

He felt that it was impossible for Lin Yan to take out a product that pitted others on his own. Since he dared to let Ether Holy Water go on the market, it must have no side effects.

Temporary greed made Fuji Mingmei give up the original idea.

Even though Lin Yan can be refreshed for a while, how can there be real benefits?

"Oh? How much do you want, or how many bottles of ether holy water?" Lin Yan's joking voice was passed from the microphone.

Although Fuji Mingmei faintly heard something wrong, she was so dizzy, he quickly said in agitated mood: "We don't need money! Does the VB company seem to be short of money?"

"Ethereum holy water, every, we can supply us with two hundred bottles every month, we can turn the war into a jade silk, and become the best partner. In the future, your Burning Games and Shenluo Animation Films will be in Chaoyue Kingdom, we Will give preferential treatment and help!"

Lin Yan smiled: "Yes, but I have an extra condition."

Two hundred bottles...As a storage of the etheric holy water, Umbrella Security's monthly supply to the world is just this number. Chaoyueguo's greed made Lin Yan couldn't help laughing.

"What?" Fuji Mingmei was extremely excited. If he could make this business, his position in the company would surely rise!

"VB company shares, I want 51%."

Hearing Lin Yan's words, Teng Mingmei's face suddenly became gloomy, and a spiteful look appeared in her eyes: "Are you kidding me? This is a meaningless conversation!"

Lin Yan's slow voice Chunchun sounded: "No, the basic function of dialogue is communication, and communication is to eliminate information asymmetry and differences in ideas, so that the two parties in the discussion will gradually get closer to the truth."

"So, I think this is a very meaningful conversation. Because your performance made me understand: how stupid a person can be."


The phone was directly hung up by Lin Yan.

Negotiations or Fuji Mingmei’s fantasy officially broke down!

The strong resentment on Fuji Ming's beautiful face is almost as real, and the voice seems to come from the evil nightmare of Jiuyou Huangquan: "Lin Yan! Wait for you to die!"

"My War" produced by Burning Sky sets the background of Bucky and the rebel army. Through various details in the game, the Bucky government is intentionally or unintentionally shaped into a Guangwei and righteous existence, and the rebel army is for Selfish short-sighted foolish person.

The former will distribute food, water and other survival supplies to the refugees, while the latter will only plunder and destroy, and even do some evil things that are strong X round X.

The more critical issue is that in "My War", Lin Yan is a very clever narrator. He never used narration to express his point of view, but integrated the real events in the war into various plots. Among them, let the players experience it by themselves.

The international reputation of the rebel army is now stinking. If it weren't for the lack of energy and professional mismatch, I am afraid that they knew the truth about the changing rumor, they would directly send mercenaries to find Lin Yan trouble.

"This is the disadvantage of asymmetry of information!"

Fuji Mingmei's facial muscles twitched.

Thinking of "My War", Fuji Mingmi's heart was burned and burned by a flame called jealousy, and she was tormented extremely.

The value of this game lies not only in its anti-war thoughts, but the wonderful DLC content, such as "The Killer Is Not So Cold", "Forrest", "Kramer" and "Little Ghost", and has even been used by Hollywood Staring, countless top directors are trying to buy the film and television adaptation rights of these DLC.

Animation adaptation, film adaptation, TV series adaptation, novel adaptation...

The IP value of this game is simply unbelievable.

It is a pity that Lin Yan seems to have made up his mind to build a game IP industry chain. Projects such as hand-runs, animation, movies, and tourism are gradually taking shape, and there is no intention to sell copyright.

Fuji Mingmei considers himself a competitor of Lin Yan, and knows better than anyone what the development potential and terrifying future of Lin Yan's three major companies!

Multinational super company? Maybe it's just the first step of Lin Yan's ambition...

"The information network on the rebel army is too bad, but that's nothing!"

A sullen smile appeared on Fuji Ming's face, and his eyes showed a vicious look.

If he blows the wind, stirs the wind and the rain, with the temperament of those in the rebel army, he will really free his hand and be angry with Lin Yan.

Even though he is not optimistic about the insurgents because of the umbrella security company that has developed and grown during the day, isn't it a pleasure to sit on the mountain and watch the tigers fight? Anyway, the rebellious army has no lower limit.

Assassinations, killers, assassins, mercenaries, murderers...

Even if Lin Yan can survive a catastrophe, Teng Mingmei will make Lin Yan never peaceful!

There is a price to pay for playing him!

Fuji Mingmei didn't notice. When he smiled grinningly on the front, a strange shadow that could hardly be noticed by the naked eye appeared behind him.

This strange shadow seemed to be able to escape into the light perfectly, and it was completely transparent, completely incapable of being captured by human eyes.

Its outline looks like a...

Giant praying mantis! ,, ..

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