Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 210: Black Flame Blade, Nightmare Transformation!

"It's called [Black Flame Blade]."

Lin Yan walked slowly to the center of the hall and stroked the spine of the black knife with one hand, brushing up the proficiency of the [Flicker] skill: "The nano-diamond-cubic-lattice-structure structure is used as the raw material, and the micro graphite The olefin supercapacitor and solar power supply simulate the temperature of semi-melt magma. As for the shape curing agent and other things, I don’t understand.”

"'s so cool!"

Gu Yue came to the Black Flame Blade, feeling the surging heat wave, and looked like he wanted to touch but was a little afraid: "Is this the latest scientific research achievement of the umbrella company? So handsome!"

Its shape is like a natural fusion of semi-solidified magma, with a pitch-black handle and spine, while the blade and blade show a bright red color, which is dazzling and dazzling.

This giant sword was made by the Black Flame King as the material, and it was an embarrassing equipment that Lin Yan extracted from "Monster".

For Lin Yan, the shape of this blade is already its greatest advantage.

Perhaps in "Monster", it is a strong enough high-level costume, but in reality, it has no practical significance.

The attack speed of the big sword in the monster is notoriously slow. The user seems to be caught in a dull halo, and the whole person's actions will become heavy.

It was designed to deal with huge monsters.

Lin Yan was not interested in carrying it to complete the feat of cutting through the armored tank with a sword, so he hung it in the center of the living room to force it. Maybe one day in the future, he would be interested and would carry it to play COSPLAY.

The artifact was born at an untimely time and fell on the 21st century earth, I am afraid that the treasure will be dusted.

"If you want it, I'll give it to you." Lin Yan waved her hand, looking proud.

"Gentlemen don't take advantage of others... well! I'm honest, it's actually because I always feel this thing is weird. Standing in front of it, I feel oppressive. I'm afraid that I will have nightmares at home."

Gu Yue tried the weight of the Black Flame Blade, her face turned pale.

He exercises regularly and is considered to be in good health, but just now with all his strength, he can't make the blade of black inflammation move a bit.

In other words, for him, the only value of this knife is its appreciation.

Lin Yan curled his lips: "It is to put the damning thing at home in order to ward off evil, so that all demons and demons dare not approach. I have never heard that Tang Taizong Li Shimin once let Qin Qiong and Yu Chigong kill two people. Will the Great Demon Lord be his gate **** so he can sleep well?"

"Speaking of, many people now bid for the butcher's knives that the butcher has used for many years and the firearms, daggers, and fighting sabers used by the mercenaries. The more killings, the higher the transaction price... By the way! What are your plans for the Spring Festival? Ever?"

Gu Yue was insensitive to Lin Yan's rhetoric, and completely gave up thinking about the Black Flame Blade, breaking his fingers and saying: "30 get together with my family, spend with you on the first day of the new year, go out for a wave, eat Order something, have a fun, it's almost over."

"But then again, since it's the Spring Festival, isn't your company planning an event?"

Regarding Gu Yue's question, Lin Yan just smiled mysteriously: "I plan to give the players a mysterious gift."

"Old Tie, reveal a bit of information, I am a loyal player of Burning Sky Game!"

Gu Yue entered the cranky mode, and his mind opened up: "Game competition? Use too holy water or that magic chocolate plus cash as a reward?"

"Poisoned milk powder."

Hearing these three words, Gu Yue's face was dazed: "Oh?"


Jingchu, Huanggang City.

In a high-end hotel.

Tan Wenxuan watched the "Alex: I speak for myself" video on the website with a look of disbelief on his face.

"How is it possible? Shouldn't "Prototype" cause a big public opinion storm? I remember that its negative effects will trouble the Lin Yan Group for three months, and then it will be completely calmed down..."

Many of the mistakes in the "future" he remembered were related to Lin Yan, but the error this time was too great.

After all, the meteor-like fall of "Prototype" will cause many events in all walks of life in his memory.

"The butterfly effect of the reborn?"

Tan Wenxuan, a successful man, frowned at this moment, and his face was full of entanglement.

The butterfly effect refers to a small change in the initial conditions, which can ultimately drive the long-term huge chain reaction of the entire system. A butterfly flapping its wings in South America may form a devastating storm in Africa, so it is also called a topological chain reaction.

He remembered that his best friend burned, and the parallel world had been unlucky for a lifetime, it seemed like a **** of mildew possessed. In the end, Ma Ran even died tragically to save himself...

In this life, Ma Ran's destiny trajectory began to change from the moment he first came into contact with Lin Yan Group.

He seems to be getting lucky, as if he has been given a constant abilities called "True Lucky". He will win the lottery every three to five. There are even a lot of fans who come in to confess to him strongly. taste.

"The only constant in the world is change itself. There is nothing unacceptable."

Even though he comforted himself this way, Tan Wenxuan looked at the information about Lin Yan he had collected in the file, still feeling worried.

Lin Yan's temperament fluctuates too much, right?

The game developer of Heart of Heart...

Childlike players...

The cruel destroyer of ethnic civilization...

Seeing human life as my son of the last days...

Which one is the real Lin Yan?

Thinking about it, Tan Wenxuan suddenly felt sleepy up like a tide, and gradually drowned him completely.

He didn't even take off his clothes, closed his eyes, and went to sleep.

Above Tan Wenxuan's head, a cloud of black mist shrouded in an adult appearance.

It is Lin Yan!

Using the hypnotic mist and the ability of mercury to stand still, Lin Yan successfully sent Tan Wenxuan into a dream.

He began to observe and search each other's memory.

After an hour and 20 minutes, Lin Yan scanned all the memories of Tan Wenxuan, all in detail.

"Dark, your statement is only 90% correct. This person is not only because of the soul fragments of others, which leads to reshaping of personality, but also has the prophecy ability similar to that of God Zheng Yuanjie, but the two focuses slightly differently. That's it."

Lin Yan noticed that the so-called "future" in Tan Wenxuan's memory fragments even contained fragments of the DNF global public beta!

And developing the warrior is just an idea he just gave birth to today.

This kind of thing, apart from the abnormal abilities of the prophets and prophets, science cannot explain clearly.

However, it is worth noting that Tan Wenxuan's prediction accuracy rate is too low, only half of the level, far inferior to Zheng Yuanjie's accurate tragedy prediction. Although it is more universal, the error is also greater.

"This is a mistake in my work. I will make sure that there are no mistakes next time." The dark tone was calm, but his eyes looked a little annoyed at Tan Wenxuan.

"I don't mean to blame you, you are my most important subordinate."

Lin Yan subconsciously ignored the fact that the dark is a digital life, habitually casually said, but made the dark face reddish and a little embarrassed.

However, he did not notice this.

All his energy was devoted to the memory modification of Tan Wenxuan.

Since he wants to be a rebirth, the "50% prediction" ability has such a big flaw, Tan Wenxuan is not qualified to be Lin Yan's subordinate, fighting side by side with the opposite sex, Alex and others.

Nightmare magical power, full power!

He controls the present and will surely create the future!

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