Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 215: Dongfang Shenhao and the Crown Prince of Dubai

Xianyang City, Sanqin Province.

In the Linshan Villa, Mo Zili was staring at the display screen with scorching eyes, and quickly tapped on the keyboard with his hands, his fingers drifting like butterflies through flowers.

The delicacy served by the servant was so cool that he didn't even look at it.

All of Mo Zili's spirit is concentrated in the game "Warrior".

As a loyal fan of Burning Sky Game, his biggest regret is that "Sea City Century" is not a 2D picture.

Because of the extremely serious 3D vertigo, Mo Zili will have a strong nausea and nausea if he plays games like Prototype and Yamaguchi Mountain for less than five minutes, and even if he forces himself to continue playing, he will Causes intense vomiting.

Mo Zili personally proved this in Haicheng Century.

Fortunately, "Prototype" saved him from the turmoil of 3D vertigo because of the ARI peripheral.

It's a pity that Prototype is only a stand-alone game after all. Although Brother A is very charming, Mo Zili is not GA·Y after all. Even if he was, he lost interest in this game after completing the two-week achievement and clearing the game.

Only online games are the medicine that can truly immerse people in it for a long time and invest a lot of time!

As a low-key, luxurious and rich second-generation, Mo Zili had already enjoyed everything that others pursued for a lifetime when he was a teenager.

Delicacies from all over the world, beauties of various countries and races, loli, queens, teachers, married women, OL, nurses, extreme sports...

Only outsiders can't think of it, nothing Mo Zili has never tried.

After his 18th birthday, Mo Zili felt like he was in old age.

There is no fun in his life. Except for spending a few minutes a day to follow the updates of the author he likes, he eats regularly, drinks water, exercises, and then sleeps, wakes up, and goes back and forth, day after day. .

Mo Zili felt that he was rotten in life.

He even was so bored that he used to hide his status as a local tyrant, learn from the "white dragon fish clothes" of the presidents in urban novels, go out to look for work, and pick up a few silly ordinary girls by the way, making them think they are night TV drama girl at eight o'clock prime

Lord, he is their true dragon emperor.

If possible, you can also pretend to be inferior bosses and competitors.

It's a pity that although this can bring him a momentary pleasure, the second-generation local tyrant always stands out among ordinary people. He has no idea about money. He thought that tens of thousands of dollars was just pocket money. After that, his identity was exposed.

And those "girlfriends" who were originally true temperament, after knowing that he was manipulating N boats in multiple lines, the girls who scolded him as a scumbag, turned back to contact and expressed their willingness to continue their relationship.

This experience, apart from making Mo Zili feel bored and nauseous, the only emotion left is deep boredom.

He didn't know why.

Obviously in the game, everyone is also pursuing their own magnanimity and wealth, but it only brings him a pure sense of comfort.

But in reality, this kind of pursuit can only make Mo Zili feel nauseous.

So the game he plays most often is "Monster", even in the Hunter City ZERA, he and "Mu Muyan", "Chen Ergou" and others are called by the players as [Ten Oriental Gods of Weird Abuse ].

It is a pity that because of the handicap problem, a lot of real money exchange weapons are always used to find the monsters. There are countless salted fish hunters shouting "666" nearby. Although it is really cool, Mo Zili feels this. The game is not for you.

To a large extent, after the monster is switched and locked in perspective, it can be regarded as an FPS first-person shooter, which can alleviate its own 3D vertigo. However, the gameplay is also reduced by at least 80%.

"God opened a door for you, and a window will inevitably be closed." Mo Zili really understood these words firsthand.

According to a personal doctor, the 3D vertigo is caused by his nose bridge being too tall, and the habitual distance from the display screen. It can be relieved a little by adjusting the height of the seat and the specifications of the computer desk, but if you want to completely cure this symptom, I'm going to have a plastic surgery

, Cut down the bridge of the nose a bit.

Mo Zili didn't bother to pay attention to this kind of guy who read and became mentally retarded, even with a doctorate from Beijing Union Medical College.

How could his handsome face be broken for playing a game?

No matter how fun the game is, it will never work!

Just as Mo Zili gradually lost interest in "Monster", "Warrior" turned out!

The 2D horizontal version of the fighting game has a strong sense of strike, refreshing, colorful careers, and a variety of core gameplay. It is completely possible to think about PVP, think about PVE, or even simply experience the authenticity of this world.

Cold weapon is a man's romance. Mo Zili, who played with guns and vomited amidst strange abuse, chose the profession of ghost swordsman without hesitation.

"Fak? You can't pinch your face..."

Mo Zili had a bad first impression of DNF.

But after entering the game, he soon fell into it.

A elven girl named Celia Krumin is surrounded by a group of green-skinned, ugly, short, and withering, trivial goblins, and needs to be rescued by him as a warrior!

Only at the first glance, Mo Zili fell in love with this young girl named Sai Liya.

She wore a green shirt, a red lace bow, a white skirt, silver-gray hair, and crimson eyes filled with a touch of water vapor.

This little appearance that I saw pity immediately made Mo Zili have a strong desire for possession and protection.

Mo Zili heard Celia's voice after killing the group of unconscious goblins.

"Thank you, fearless warrior."

"It is my luck to meet you."

"I think... I am starting to like you a little bit."

"I hope that on the road to crusade against evil and darkness, I can stand shoulder to shoulder with you and become your strongest backing."

The fresh, refined and unpretentious voice of a girl rang in his ears, and Mo Zili's eyes blushed immediately.

He didn't do any tasks, and decisively went to the mall and bought 10,000 full-server loudspeakers, and started to brush the frequency.

[Devil Flames (LV2 Ghost Swordsman): Strong contract Seliya! All male players get out! When doing her tasks, I closed my eyes for the young master! ! 】


[Devil Flames (LV2 Ghost Swordsman): Strong contract Seliya! All male players get out! When doing her tasks, I closed my eyes for the young master! ! 】

Seeing this full-screen announcement, Lin Yan couldn't help but show a weird smile.

"This local tyrant with the second disease is a little bit interesting, he doesn't play **** abuse, and has switched to the DNF?"

Celia is the first NPC that all players come into contact with. Lin Yan designed hundreds of different lines for her, targeting different players.

Almost all Burning Sky users have performed real-name verification and ID binding for account security.

Ever since, female players will reap a cute and understanding girlfriend who will never be jealous, while male players will reap a confidante.

As for the hundreds of different lines, it is naturally based on the reactions given by players in different performances in the Burning Sky game.

The so-called game performance is naturally the level of krypton gold...

Able to make peace.

The DNF produced by Lin Yan is a unified server for players from all over the world. One big speaker has a hundred burning coins and 10,000 big speakers. When converted into money, it is a full one million!

The milk powder has just started operations, and the krypton gold storm has already begun to sweep across.

When Mo Zili started to screen, other local tyrants soon joined in...

Not only from the East, there are also many foreign players.

One of the craziest guys is a priest named [Crown Prince].

After entering the game, he was jealous to fight for the wind, overwhelming other magnates, and even smashed 120 million dinars on Celia as gifts.

The dinar is an Arab currency, and the exchange rate with the soft sister currency now fluctuates between 15-17 to 1.

One hundred and twenty million dinars is almost equivalent to more than seven million dollars!

Lin Yan noticed that the player's IP address came from Dubai, the second largest city in the United Arab Emirates.


"This TM is really a crown prince!"

It's not that Lin Yan didn't understand, but that the world became too fast!

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