Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 217: Another World Aotian War, ssg jealous

Chaoyueguo players responded to the call of Sanming Company and began to boycott "Warrior".

This incident was completely within Lin Yan’s expectation. After all, he and Sanming Company looked at each other annoyingly. If Lin Yan also had Sanming’s appeal in the East, I’m afraid he would do it even better and ensure that there is a Sanming company in the entire East. Neither mobile phones nor games can be seen!

As for Jiapan,, Yotsuya Mahe, Tiangang Hamamatsu and other areas have also started anti-DNF parade...

A playful smile appeared on Lin Yan's face., Yotsuya River and Tiangang Hamamatsu are well-known poor areas in Jiapan, and they are also controlled by Bandai Nangong Dream.

This simple and rude behavior style model, inside and out, reveals the characteristics of the last century when the economy just took off.

Lin Yan did not believe that this was the work of Bandai Nangong Dream.

as predicted……

"The two things are carried out by Li Canxuan, who has a good relationship between SSG Four Heavenly Kings and Pei Zhiming, and SEGA Club President Satomiji. Do you want to send Alien and Alex to kill these two people?"

A dark voice rang in Lin Yan's ears, indifferent and indifferent, as if it was not two lives, but two ants and a small insect.

Suddenly, Lin Yan suddenly had a rather familiar feeling.

He faintly felt that he seemed to have heard similar words.

As soon as his thoughts turned, [Controllable Hypermemia] was activated, and all the details of the past appeared in Lin Yan's mind.

found it!

"Humam, what do you have for lunch?"

That's it!

For the dark, obliterating a person is as easy and simple as eating and drinking water, or even breathing, without deliberate thinking at all, and naturally acting.

This made Lin Yan feel a little uncomfortable.

He is worried that the dark will continue to develop like this, and eventually become the existence of the "Red Queen" in the first few parts of "Crisis", or evolve into those robots in "Mechanical Enemy" that have a sense of freedom and try to keep humans in captivity.

Even more terrifying, the [Skynet] in "Terminator", the virtual [Consciousness Net] in "Empire" that nurtures humans...

Lin Yan finally understood why so many people in power in the old age were suspicious.

A loyal existence like An will provoke one's own thoughts with a single word, and change into a more complex and changeable mind. If there is the same ability as An, how can it be?

Someone who has no self-knowledge is completely unaware that the reason why the dark behaves like today is purely because he has such a bold master who ignores life!

"Recently, it's really sentimental, it's too easy to think about it..."

Lin Yan smiled and shook his head.

Is it possible for humans to have dark power? To put it bluntly, no matter how NB humans are, they cannot reach the level of one-tenth of the dark.

And secret loyalty, needless to say, so Lin Yan did not intend to add a logical paradox like the "Three Laws of Robots" as a law to restrict his development.

Lin Yan's attention was focused on the information secretly sorted out.

The names of Satomiji and Li Canxuan are marked in bold, very conspicuous.

For the expression on Lin Yan's reaction to the small theater in his heart just now, he knew nothing about it, and he had long been used to it, and he was calm.

"Block me?!"

Lin Yan sneered: "Come on, hurt each other!"

"I also block you!"

Today's Lin Yan is no longer the little transparent who just started at the beginning. In many cases, he can easily kill his opponent by using all the methods on the surface.


A day ago.

Chaoyue Country, Jinshan.

SAMSUNG-GAME-company headquarters office building.

"I don't care! I don't believe it! I don't listen! It must be the **** Easterner from Lin Yan!"

Li Canxuan burst into tears, and his whole body was about to collapse.

Among the SSG, only Pei Zhiming and him are true buddies and close comrades-in-arms.

And today it can be truly confirmed that Pei Zhiming is dead.

I don't know who or what means to do it, but according to the feedback of various data recorded in Pei Zhiming's sports bracelet, his heartbeat and breathing quickly dropped to zero at a certain moment.

This is by no means caused by the detachment of the bracelet, but a change caused by an irresistible external force, such as being crushed by a truck and a heart puncture...

Today, all SSG executives gathered together to discuss the matter in this chamber.

Seeing the incomparable heartache of the people in front of him, but the look of joy in his heart, Li Canxuan suddenly felt a strong feeling of resentment in his heart.

He can step into the ranks of the Four Heavenly Kings, not by relying on work ability like Pei Zhiming, but on his personal connections and emotional intelligence.

This emotion only appeared in his heart for a moment, and was completely suppressed by him, disappeared without a trace, and never even showed half of his face.

Li Canxuan wiped away the tears on his face and bowed sincerely: "Sorry! I'm sorry everyone, I'm out of control!"

Jin Mingzhe and Piao Fengjue, who are also the Four Heavenly Kings of SSG, gave false consolation.

"It's okay, it's totally understandable, Chanxuan, you have a true temperament."

"Then, let's continue to discuss the matter of Xinyou, the situation is urgent, how should we deal with it?"

The so-called new game by Piao Fengjue is a 2D horizontal version of fighting online game titled "The Legend of Another World Aotian"...

Speaking of which, Sanming Games and Lin Yan are also horrible. They have invested in games for many years, and they have conflicts with people in creativity. The quality of the games of the other party is not weak at all, and they were released earlier than them.

Burning Sky’s "Warrior", on the first day of service, revenue reached 70 million dollars!

What is the concept of 70 million dollars?

According to the current exchange rate, converted into money, it is ** money!

One hundred and sixty-three billion dollars!

This should have belonged to the glory of SSG!

They can be advertised as a legendary milestone event of [the first day sales exceeded 10 billion yuan]!

Even if the quality of "Another World's Proud War" and the black gold link are worse and more exaggerated, at least five billion dollars can be obtained, right?

But now, this performance and this glory have all been plundered by Lin Yan.

The success of DNF on the first day was largely coincidental and difficult to replicate.

Objectively speaking, "The Legend of the Proud World" is far less than the Warriors in terms of gameplay, richness of details, endurance, music and graphics.

Its only advantage is that the player base is bigger!

After all, although SSG's position in the Sanming Group is not as good as Sanming Electronics, Sanming Products, Sanming Aviation and Sanming Life Insurance-this can be seen from the high-level surnames, but it is a member of the Sanming Group.

Maybe they can't do it in the Eastern market, but in Chaoyue Kingdom, this is their home field!

As long as you kill "Warrior", and then let "Audience in the World" "absorb its advantages" and "make slight modifications", you can also earn a lot of money.

At that time, perhaps because of their excellent performance, even the direct members of the Li family of Sanming's headquarters can be airborne to SSG!

It's not that they are naturally bad and want to be led, but because SSG wants to develop in the Sanming Group, it must have a senior surnamed Li in order to get more support.

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