Game Development Mad God

Vol 10 Chapter 221: -223 achievements, game development activities

The poor Sanming Group clearly suffered heavy losses in property and manpower because of this incident, and even suffered from it.

The information seen by the senior management of Bandai Nangongmeng was entirely something that Lin Yan had secretly worked out.

If such a big event happened, the entire SSG would be destroyed. If there is not a Back-Guard to stand up, I am afraid that even if others have no evidence, Lin Yan's image and reputation will suffer huge losses.

Therefore, under Lin Yan's instructions, secretly arranged a small reversal of the "truth".

First of all, a member of the Sanming Group stood up and accused that Lin Yan Group should be responsible for this matter, and showed some evidence.

When people felt extremely angry about this and were about to destroy the Chaoyue branch of the umbrella company, they suddenly discovered that the so-called "evidence" was completely false and fabricated.

This gives everyone a feeling of "you want the imperial decree, our family will write you a copy immediately". The humiliation of IQ caused them to immediately shift the target and lock the target of verbal criticism on the Sanming Group.

In fact, this so-called "Sanming clerk" is nothing more than a Xibei who was replaced by Alex.

The most coincidental thing is that at this moment, a report about the living experiment of Sanming's biological research department suddenly "leaked" out.

Someone found a virus research report from SSG's residual database. In fact, this file has been deleted.

It is a pity that things like hard drives, as long as they are not physically destroyed or completely shattered, will always leave some deep evidence.

From the few words in the archives, I saw SSG's research and human test reports on the virus.

Those evil words and pictures are disgusting and can be called anti-human to the extreme!

In this report, the research specimens used are all living people, and various cruel experiments against humans. Just a glance will make people with weak psychological endurance have a long nightmare.

The original purpose was immediately realized!

The "culprit" was found!

The international reputation and reputation of Sanming Group have plummeted. If it were not because of their huge mass base in Chaoyue Kingdom, they introduced policies to stop losses in time, and even threw a few innocent employees as scapegoats for the people. We vented a lot of anger,

I am afraid that the losses caused by this incident are even more exaggerated.

Even so, according to incomplete statistics, this incident caused the entire Sanming Group to lose nearly 50 trillion dollars!

This is equivalent to 11% of Chaoyueguo's total GDP output value last year, and it is also their total income for the past year!

If Sanming hadn't saved enough in the past years and sold shares in a timely manner, I am afraid they would really not be able to bear this scapegoat.

Even Li Zairong, the chief helm of the Sanming Group, almost suffered a nervous breakdown.

He didn't even understand the causes and consequences of this incident!

He felt like he was about to collapse!

Li Zaiyong should be grateful to his family. If it weren't for the other members of the Li family to run and act immediately, I'm afraid he would have been in jail now instead of continuing to run the Sanming Group.

In fact, at this time, there are still people who doubt the Lin Yan Group's connection with this matter.

After all, from the perspective of time and motivation, Lin Yan has the possibility of shooting.

Moreover, his mysterious core team is also covered in a misty veil, as if shrouded in the fog of war, making it impossible to see their faces and how many people there are.

Some people want to use various means to shift the focus of this incident to Lin Yan Group, not to taint Lin Yan, but to see the tip of the iceberg of his mysterious group.

It's a pity that people don't want to eat this. They would rather believe in the accident and conspiracy of the Sanming Group than talk about Lin Yan.

It was as if there was a pair of invisible hands controlling everything secretly, and Lin Yan Group was like a lotus leaf out of mud but not stained, God TM's water-free material.

Passed among hundreds of flowers, the leaves did not touch the body.

Even SEGA, Bandai Nangong Dream, Tempest, EA and other groups that cannot be beaten by eight are more or less suspicious.

Only Lin Yan Group is as clean as a white lotus!

This is the most terrible!

Apart from Lin Yan, An, and Alex, the only people in the world who can faintly perceive the truth are those who tried to deflect the focus of public opinion this time.

They rationally stopped the temptation.

No one wants to be the inferior walking corpse who is irrational, only knows how to bloodthirsty, and can only exist for half an hour!

After all, the final conclusion of the Jinshan Incident is that no living entity can become a mutant evolutionary like the protagonists Alex and Hunter of "Prototype".

This group of zombies in Chaoyue Kingdom, who had a glimpse in history and was included in the headlines of news media around the world, became a topic of ridicule by people all over the world after the proliferation of zombie-themed games, movies, novels, and animations.


When all over the world were arguing about the Chaoyue Kingdom Jinshan turmoil, Lin Yan was extremely low-key and almost became an invisible person. No news media reported on Burning Heaven, Umbrella, and Shenluo.

Naturally, this is Lin Yan's arrangement.

In this kind of international incidents, there is no such thing as "there is no silver three hundred taels." Some only have the "first suspect" and "second suspect" arranged in the lower order. The lower the sense of existence, the better.

Time flew like arrows, the sun and the moon flew, in the blink of an eye, more than a month passed between your fingers.

Time came to February 27th.

Converted to the lunar calendar, this day is February 2nd, which is called "Long Raises Head". In Lin Yan's hometown, there is such a saying:

Having a haircut on this day immediately removes bad luck and leaves a good fortune, which will make you soar and make your career successful.

Lin Yan never cared about this kind of feudal superstition.

So instead of going to the barber shop, he used [Black Flame Blade] to fix his hair a bit at home.

Originally, he thought that his power and control ability were meticulous, and he could accomplish this feat even with nail clippers and fruit knives.


Looking at the mirror, Lin Yan watched her originally soft broken hair become slightly curled from being burned, and she couldn't help but grasp the Black Flame Blade.


The lava-like red blade suddenly shone, a hot air flow spread all over the body, and the air in the entire house became hot.

He had an urge to shave his head.

It's really ugly!

After this time, Lin Yan learned a truth—professional things should be done by professional people.

"Humam, objectively speaking, your hairstyle is not as ugly as you think. The overall collocation is quite correct and has a kind of exotic beauty. It is recommended to wear purple or blue contact lenses."

"forget it……"

Lin Yan ignored the dark suggestion, logged onto the official website of Fentian, and suddenly his eyes brightened.

"Haha! Lao Tzu's popularity hasn't spread yet! The appeal is still so NB, so strong!"

The official website of Burning Sky shows that the number of players waiting through the game event pages of "Warriors", "Sea City Century", "Biography of Monsters" and other games has exceeded 10 million in total!

They all want to be such a lucky guy!

One, a lucky character who can control the development process of Burning Sky game and be recorded in history along with Burning Sky game!

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