Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 232: Is everything in your calculations?

This is not a pure FPS or TPS game.

Although the game gives players a wealth of guns and weapons, even as long as the player is willing to be a soldier with a submachine gun, a hidden sniper, or focusing on machine gun suppression.

The design of various levels, as well as highly intelligent AI and score achievement systems, tell players that if they can not kill the enemy, that is the most perfect way, and what they want to do is to sneak in.

But on the other hand, Yang Chen is also very clear that his brain is thinking about very complicated strategic deployment. This hard-core game mechanism is matched with a sufficiently good plot, which may make the game itself a god.

However, in terms of sales volume, it is definitely not too good-looking, because compared with hard-core gamers, most players are still light-weight players, so in the case of ordinary difficulty, the difficulty of the game is not too high. Some players who do not want to infiltrate only need to either take up their guns or jump into them suddenly, and they can basically kill the enemy's base with firearms and weapons.

At the same time, the player can also set whether to open the bullet time setting. When the player is discovered by the enemy, there will be a slow motion for the player to react for a period of time.

In the time of slow motion, the player only needs to kill the enemy who found him, that is a perfect dive.

The game content of "Metal Gear Solid: Original Burst Point" itself is equivalent to the prologue of the game, prepared for players to familiarize themselves with this game.

Many plots are not able to let players quickly understand, the same "Metal Gear" series of stories, like "Resident Evil", is definitely not a game can tell.

More Yang Chen still hopes that players can understand what kind of game this is. Shooting elements, infiltrating elements, including CQC action elements, these have passed the design of the first level in "Metal Gear: Original Burst Point". It can be said that players have been able to experience it.

The degrees of freedom previously disclosed by Yang Chen, including the development of the base construction and other aspects of the gameplay elements, obviously in the "Metal Gear: Original Burst Point" can not be shown to the players.

But it doesn’t matter, Yang Chen has already arranged for all this. When all players clear "Metal Gear Solid: Original Burst Point", they will be able to see the game preview of the new game "Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain", about the plot stay Doubts, as well as new gameplay content, will be shown to players in the trailer.

Yuan Ying, who is experiencing the story of the game, and a series of players who are fighting in "Metal Gear Solid: The Original Burst Point", do not know all this.

After experiencing the cruel belly-pulling bomb story, most players have a sense of discomfort, but this discomfort has just appeared, and soon they were attracted by the new screen.

The army without borders created by BIGBOSS was attacked by a skull face.

Explosions, firelight and gunfire became the main melody.

Yuan Ying has been completely immersed in the game "Metal Gear Solid: Original Burst Point", the roar of artillery and the roar of soldiers, as well as the sound of guns and guns, the atmosphere of the war scene is vividly rendered.

As a war-themed game, and it is a 3A level production, there is no doubt that the details of the picture and background music are first-class.

Manipulating BIGBOSS to beat the enemy on the battlefield, but Yuan Ying, who only had a heavy machine gun, could quickly stop the enemy’s firepower from being overturned to the ground by the aftermath of a shell explosion, and at the same time the enemy’s troops were overturned to the ground. The BIGBOSS opened fire, and this time into the plot animation.

An ordinary soldier rushed up and blocked the bullets by BIGBOSS controlled by Yuan Ying.


Players do not have a sense of identity with BIGBOSS and the bases created first-hand, so the best way is to let the players touch and immerse themselves in the experience of BIGBOSS.

It seems a bit old-fashioned bitter drama, but with the foul BGM and special slow-motion, the soldiers will be moved to protect the scene of BIGBOSS and Miller from the heroic sacrifice.

Especially good and tragic BGM, a pair of lovers can only survive one faced with natural disasters. At this time, a song "My heart is eternal" as BGM, with the background sound of the happy landlord, the effect is absolutely absolute Is different.

The former you will be moved, while the latter you listen to the background sound of'beep, dong dong dong dong...', there may even be a kind of mixed listening'airplane, three belts, one, can't afford, crushed, big you 'These magical dubbing echoes in your ears along with BGM.

The tragic and painful BGM orchestral sounded, and the close-up shots in the game gave like BIGBOSS while the shot rate was reduced.

A roaring BIGBOSS grabbed a gun and wanted to continue fighting, but this time Miller on the plane shouted: "snake!"

After a second, watching Miller's outstretched hand, holding back his anger and sadness, BIGBOSS turned back to the plane and issued a retreat order.


The plane went away, the lens zoomed in, and the huge base construction continued to explode, and then slowly sank into the sea.

"This review is basically a smoke bomb, I heard the explosion, and... they played us like idiots!"

The excited Miller stood up from the ground and grabbed BIGBOSS's shoulders: "Come back! What the hell, this is ours... we built it!"

"You spy bitch! Speak to me! Speak to me!" Miller, who had lost his mind, stumbled to the comatose Paz and grabbed the other by the shoulder.

Paz, awakened in a coma, suddenly stood up against the pain and ran to the door.

"Bomb! There is one more!" Panzy panicked at BIGBOSS.

"Don't panic... we took it out!"

Opening the hatch, Paz looked at BIGBOSS somewhat desperately, "No, there is another..."

Before he finished, Paz jumped back and jumped off the plane.

"No..." BIGBOSS wanted to stop and rushed to the front of the hatch, but then there was the flame and the aftermath of the explosion.

At the same time, an unmanned helicopter crashed into the plane where they were.

A sharp voice made the screen dark.

After watching the cutscenes, with his hands on the keyboard and the mouse, Yuan Ying's heart suddenly hung.

How are they, BIGBOSS?

Why is there one more bomb! ?

He is going to help his revenge!

Yuan Yingxin sitting in front of the computer was full of emotions.

Several consecutive subtitles briefly explain the consequences of the incident, and then the logo of "Metal Gear: Original Burst Point" appears in the middle of the black screen.

The voice of the skull face and Paz sounded.

‘Cipher has been hidden since that experiment. No one has seen him for a few years. All commands are issued by the agent... Except for you, you have seen him face to face, ordered to contact BIGBOSS, tell me where he is! Where is Cipher, where is zero... I have never been able to choose, where to choose to be born, and which language to choose, I have never chosen my freedom; but you, now are free, do what you want! ’

‘This can save BIGBOSS? ’

‘ can you really kill zero for me? ’

‘Not for you. ’

"Okay, zero is..."

The words fell and a line of subtitles appeared on the screen-the story will continue in "Metal Gear Solid: Phantom Pain".

? ? ? ? ? ?

Gone! ?

This is gone! ?

Yuan Ying, who was full of anger and looking for revenge on the skull face, was suddenly stunned, and then he silently picked up the mobile phone next to him and glanced at the time.

It was just over 2 hours before he opened the game. Is this all in your calculations? President Yang!

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