Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 494: I had no choice before, but now I want to be a good person.

In fact, in "The Wild Darts: Redemption", it is not a ten bet and nine losses.

In this regard, Yang Chen did not use any pseudo-random mechanism, for example, players who have lost a few times will win once.

Instead, a completely random mechanism is adopted directly. If your luck is good enough, you can always win.

If you are out of luck, you can't win at all.

Because it is a single-player offline game experience, plus as long as the player does not gamble on anything, the element of this small game does not actually have much effect on the player's game experience.

As for the online mode in the later period, it is that players compete with each other. Except for the game of luck, such as Blackjack, more players like Texas Hold'em still depend on players' own judgment on the situation.

Of course, compared to the live Texas Hold'em, the Texas Hold'em in Wilderness: Redemption is still more lucky, but at least it is more technical than Blackjack.

However, this element is only used as a flavoring agent in The Wilderness: Redemption. Yang Chen did not work too **** this. Yang Chen did not want this game to be a gambling game.

So in addition to Texas Hold'em and Blackjack, there are also several well-known mini games.

This is Wilderness: Redemption, not a gambling simulator, nor a fishing simulator, nor a hunting simulator.

These small games enrich the vast western world more, but they are definitely not the main core point. Yang Chen has always been very clear about this point.

Of course, Yang Chen does not want players to simply treat "The Wilderness: Redemption" as a gambling simulator or hunting simulator.

But it does not necessarily mean that players must leave these small elements or simply accumulate them.

In fact, the prey of the hunting system is enough to allow players to spend a long time on it; the small games of the casino from the small town to the big city, including its casino environment, and atmosphere shaping, are completely different.

Not wanting players to only pay attention to a certain element of the game does not mean that the playability of this element must be weakened.

Just like most online games, a certain prop or profession has a balance problem.

The most common thing that game planning usually does is to directly cut across the board, regardless of whether you have other mechanisms or not, and cut you from OP-level monsters to the level of no one in the sewer.


The gameplay of "The Wilderness: Redemption" is far more than that, just like before.

I had no choice before, but now I want to be a good person.

Players can choose to be a villain in the game, as well as a good person.

When bad things are done, and the honor value is reduced to a low point, players will find that when they go to the tavern, or on some other public occasions, the NPCs inside will immediately go away.

Players do more good deeds, sometimes they will encounter NPCs with goodwill to give players some help.

In addition, there are many ecological systems in the game. For example, if players eat too much, they will find that their weight begins to increase slowly.

The original strong middle-aged handsome uncle Arthur will slowly become a greasy middle-aged fat uncle.

At the same time, players also need to carry out some plots of their own hygiene, such as taking a bath once in a while, otherwise the smell of the body will not attract flies for a long time, and even the NPC will be far away from you.

Of course, this is the unintentional main line, the game experience for players who are completely blind.

For the players who honestly promote the plot, they are another game experience.


Compared with other players who are already immersed in "The Wilderness: Redemption" in the Western world.

At first, Joseph was thinking of blinding waves everywhere, but after Xiaolang spent some time, he was still advancing the plot.

With the deepening of the plot, he is now completely immersed in the plot of the game.

He did not understand the history of the west, and he could even say that he was ignorant, even though he was a Texas native.

But in this excellent interactive logic system, coupled with the script settings that are good enough in itself, and created with the perfect open world, he was still immersed in the plot of this western world.

At the end of the 19th world, the western world has been almost completely civilized. The traditional but wild western culture is already the sunset and the western mountain. It is difficult to experience that feeling in words.

But when the players incarnate Arthur in the van der Linde gang, they could feel the change personally.

The lifestyle of robbing the rich and helping the poor, daring to be daring to act, and willing to avenge enmity has slowly disappeared into the western world.

Instead, the increasingly powerful national machinery and huge commercial capital.

From the plot of the game, we can know that under the leadership of Ducky, the former Van der Linde gang is more like a rogue like Robin Hood in the story.

Robbing the rich and helping the poor.

But in the western world, which has been gradually replaced by "civilization", the gang can only make life more and more difficult. Daqi and van der Linde help them want to wash their hands.

But before that they must have one thing, that is money.

At the same time, in the scene of the snow mountain rescue of Marston, the players also learned about the changes.

In order to find a way out, they had to go to the robbery, and in a failed robbery mission, Datch kidnapped a girl as a hostage in order to get out, and finally killed him.

This betrayed the original dogma that the Van der Linde Group was proud of and in the progress of the plot, compared to just Arthur learned from Javier's mouth, this thing actually happened later. What happened to Arthur under their control made them feel something more.

Times have changed.

This is not the western world where imagination can make the cowboys happy and enemies.

There are no absolute good people and no bad guys in the changing times.

Arthur and Ducky could stop it. Maika, who had joined the gang for a few months, was obscene to Sadie and saved her.

But then he went to the town to deal with the poor who borrowed usury in order to make money and forced them to repay the money.

Everyone is in a concrete and realistic situation. Behind their choices and behaviors, it is more of a last resort.

In this case, players will feel that any pure moral judgment will be pale and weak, tangled and understood about each of their choices and positions, and feel that each of them has flesh and blood.

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