Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 496: Why is my ending the same as others?

‘Ihavea’ (I have a plan)

This sentence has almost become Dutch's mantra.

The failure one after another made the whole gang shrouded in the shadow of failure.

Various details in the game can be felt by the player.

Chen Xu, sitting in front of the computer, wandered around the base of the gang.

There is no next plot, but he has already felt that the gang has become different.

Panic, from the tone of the members of the gang when communicating, compared to the earliest he could clearly feel.

As the gang boss Dudge, it seems to be a clown who failed to perform, eager to restore his face.

After a plan failed, he made a new plan, such as finding the capital tycoon Don Wall, and then killing him directly regardless of the consequences.

Even when gang member Marston was caught, he was about to be sentenced to death. The boss of the gang once said that Dach, who had said that the gang members are all indispensable, was still thinking of his new plan and not going to rescue Marston. Only Arthur and Sadie went to rescue Marston in private, and at this time all players can see that Dudge seems to have become crazy.

For example, to provoke an Indian tribe to attack the army, he wanted to use this to divert the government’s attention so that he could make a big vote.

All players have understood this when they play here.

Dudge, perhaps never changed, he just exposed his nature here.

Just like a hypocrite, if he can continue to pretend, then he will become a real gentleman for a lifetime.

But obviously Daqi has not always been the big brother in the minds of the gang members. He once said that the gang members can not be abandoned by Datch, abandoned the members of the gang, and even abandoned Arthur in his mouth has always regarded him as the son .

Later, when Arthur became terminally ill, he finally realized that everything began to belong to his own way of salvation, as a person who loved gangs more than anyone else.

Arthur took the initiative to help those who wanted to leave the gang to go high, and for this, Daqi did not care about the departure of those without force, but for the neutral and capable people, it was to win the authority.

And there are some special tasks along the way.

For example, Arthur’s ex-girlfriend Mary came to the door, and players also learned about Arthur’s and Mary’s feelings.

The two entangled people are exactly as Mary said in the last letter to Arthur.

Arthur has been fighting a giant in his heart, but Arthur has lost to the giant again and again.

And now it is understood, and Arthur, who has begun to redeem, defeated the giant, but it is too late.

Arthur Morgan's last path to salvation.

Although there is no clear statement in the game, combined with the increasing tuberculosis of Arthur Morgan in the plot, and the desolate BGM, Chen Xu understands that the finale may be coming soon.

Chen Xu looked at the game screen on the computer. This is a real-time calculation and does not require him to actively manipulate anything.

Let Sadie and Abigail leave, panting continuously, as if the pain is about to defeat Arthur, the sharpshooter.

Mounted Arthur took the hat from the bag and put it on, and resolutely walked towards the base of the Van der Linde gang.

With cinematic footage and bleak BGM, Arthur rode a horse on the trail.

‘But I said, you are a good person. ’

‘How I wish you could do this before he exhausted himself. ’

What the widow once said when he saw Arthur.

‘I really regret you, boy, this disease is terrible. ’

In the clinic, the doctor said sorry to Arthur who had been diagnosed with tuberculosis.

‘What you can do now is decide what kind of person you want to be for the rest of your life. ’

Edith once confiscated the usury, which was transmitted to the wife of Arthur's pastor, and said to Arthur.

‘You saved my life... You are a good person, I uh...’

‘Thank you, man. ’

‘You know, there are not so many friendly people in this world... that’s for sure. ’

‘Maybe this sign, Arthur... try to do good. ’

Jimmy, Vaders, and those whom Mary Beth had met, lingered in his ears.

There is no need for the player to do anything, just keep pressing the horse running button.

In conjunction with the cinematic footage and the desolate BGM, recalling the story of Arthur Morgan, Chen Xu in front of the computer could not help but sniffed his nose.

"Don't talk nonsense among you, who moved to cry? I'm sad that there are many legendary hides in the backpack that are not sold."

Rubbing his nose, Chen Xu in front of the computer argued.

Came to van der Linde's temporary station, and then John Marston also returned here, he questioned Dudge, he escaped and did not die.

Arthur Morgan told Ducky that the real traitor was Maika.

The once family now suspects hostility and points their guns at each other, and this time Detective Pinkerton Yamashita strikes again.

But compared to once they could unite against foreign enemies, now they can only escape.

During the flight, the disease swallowed Arthur's last remaining physical strength.

‘No, I don’t think I can stick to it for long. ’

Stopping and looking at the injured Marston, Arthur made a decision, which was his own way of salvation.

"Try again" Marston advised Arthur: "There is no time to say so much now, at least not now."

‘You go first. ’

‘The two of us can’t go away together...Go ahead, take advantage of it now. ’

‘I’ll hold them back. ’

He took off the hat on his head and Arthur buckled it on Marston's head.

‘This means a lot to away...’

Persuading Marston to leave, Arthur confronted the remaining Detective Pinkerton.

Arthur, who was covered with injuries, repelled Detective Pinkerton who was catching up, and at this time the insidious villain McCain appeared in front of Arthur.

After exhausting his final strength, he wrestled with McCain, and finally Arthur fell to the ground. He couldn't stand up because the illness and pain had already been crushed.

In the end, Ducky also appeared in front of Arthur, but Ducky dropped him and left, and Michaela killed Arthur with a shot.

"Why is my ending different from other people's?" Chen Xu sniffed in front of the computer and pressed down his sadness, a bit strangely.

Arthur Morgan will eventually die, and Chen Xu has long understood this.

But he watched Arthur Morgan of others, and finally slept quietly on the ground, waiting for the sun to appear and then slowly closed his eyes.

Why was his Arthur Morgan shot in the head by Michael B?

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