Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 580: Let the player experience the first fear

"Resident Evil 4" was released for half a month, even though the new work was not launched on NetDragon, Phoenix and Tenghua channels because of platform strategy.

But there is UEgame plus the power of Jiasheng, plus the appeal of its own Nebula game.

The global sales of "Resident Evil 4" are still not affected much. Although the sales volume is much lower than that of the first generation of "Resident Evil" released for a long time, considering that the latter basically has various fractures during the holidays The situation, the first release of "Resident Evil 4" has been regarded as a terrible sales.

After all, most of the masterpieces with a sales volume of more than 100 million were mostly sold for one or two years or even longer. They basically experienced countless comminuted fractures, such as half discount, two fold, Three fold.

It can be said that there is almost no real thunderbolt to complete the sales of 100 million with the starting price.

The task of "The Witcher: Wild Hunt" has been temporarily put down. After all, the most time-consuming development of this game is not the development progress, but the text.

Unlike "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim", in "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", players are not playing a dragon descent who can pinch their own people, and even determine his name and his gender, but a story with his own story. Demon Hunter: Geralt.

At the same time, there are some differences from "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim". In the world of "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", it is actually a world that is not very free.

For example, the players controlled by Geralt cannot be the same as in The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim, because a small chicken was killed in Ximu Town, and then the entire village was slaughtered.

Because Dragonborn is just an identity, all his good and evil camps are controlled by players.

However, in "The Witcher: Wild Hunt" is different, players can not shoot ordinary ordinary civilians, just like in the "Assassin's Creed" series, if the assassin strikes civilians, it will lose synchronization.

Because in the background and story of the game, whether it is Geralt, who is a demon hunter, or one of the great assassins, they will not shoot against civilians.

It is not impossible, but to allow players to be more substituted into the game world and plot.

Therefore, in Yang Chen's view, the main point that really determines whether "The Witcher: Wild Hunt" can be done well. For Nebula Games and him, it really lies in whether players can be brought into Geralt's story.

For the time being, don't worry too much about the development of "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", Yang Chen's more experience is put on the sequel of "Resident Evil". Although he said that he asked for a technical team with UEgame, the PC version is also In the plan.

Regarding the sequel to "Resident Evil", Yang Chenxin also has a rough idea, but the game still needs to be divided into two stages.

Because a DLC in the follow-up story in the dream memory can be said to completely change the atmosphere of the horror game, or a piece of sugar that the game manufacturer gives the players.

That is, in the DLC called "The End of Zoe", players will manipulate a Christmas grandfather, tearing monsters to punch the BOSS, and they will be able to give a horror game to complete the unparalleled game, which fully shows What is'Your uncle or your uncle'.

Yang Chen did not want to use it as a DLC for sale, but ordinary players will be able to unlock the subsequent content of this part after completing the first difficulty, which is also a prerequisite.

Including such as the escape of the secret room, the survival battle and the blackjack of playing cards, these Yang Chen are prepared to unlock after subsequent players pass the customs.

Before playing these less horrible mini-games, Yang Chen felt it was best to let players experience the initial fear.

After all, didn't everyone say they wanted to find the horror of Resident Evil?

Then simply enjoy yourself.


In the meeting room, Chen Shu, Wang Ye and others were sitting there, and there seemed to be some uneasiness.

For some of the company's recent big moves, in fact, they have not much impact on them, and they are still developing games in various positions.

As for their future, they are not too worried. On the one hand, after studying for several years, not to mention the top in the industry but they are absolutely capable of the job at hand, and secondly, Nebula Games has great potential for development. Only they, the old employees who had been following Yang Chen for the first time, were not too crippled, or their hearts were too big to worry about their future.

The reason for the anxiety is that they have heard some news within the company, aside from the transplantation of some games on the switch platform, as well as giving third-party technical support to some manufacturers, as well as some new information content of old games that have been launched.

At present, the main work is on the project "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", but just recently a group of people was transferred. It is said that Mr. Yang has a new project, and it is likely to be a horror game. .

I'm not afraid of any games, but the most feared thing is to make horror games. This is a hidden rule that everyone in the Nebula Game Company secretly circulates.

When doing "Assassin's Creed", travel to Jerusalem, France and other places; when doing "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" to participate in military life; only doing "Magic Warcraft" and "The Elder Scrolls: Skyrim" such magic type There is no need to actually experience the game, after all, there is no such thing as a magician or Warcraft.

Just like the pig farming at NetDragon, if you can experience the game first-hand, then experience it first-hand, which is almost a corporate culture of Nebulas.

Of course, this is summed up by the old people who have experienced inside the Nebula If it is announced to the outside world, it is ingenuity to consider the player from every place.

This horror game, you do not feel horrible in the game, how can you scare the player?

"I believe everyone already knows that in addition to "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", we are about to set up a new project, and this project is still very important, not only on the PC platform, but also need to produce VR platform, But everyone also has some corresponding experience, and I will not talk about more." Yang Chen smiled on his face, and gave the GDD document that had been designed to everyone.

In fact, this game is named "Resident Evil 7" in the dream memory, but the plot is actually not much related to the previous one, and only one Chris appears in the game, and it is still Added as a supplemental DLC.

In the meeting room, hearing Yang Chen's words, everyone's expressions became nervous.

Especially Wang Ye and Chen Shu, although they have passed for a long time, but when they did "Escape", they spent a night in the suburbs in the big night, but they still have fresh memories!

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