Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 605: This is not for GHS and GHS

Hearing Yang Chen's words, some of the reporters in the audience couldn't wait. The first question chosen was still an old acquaintance of Nebula Games, a reporter representing the game Starry Sky.

After being selected, the reporter picked up the microphone and asked the question. "Yang, you just mentioned that "Wizard Hunting" and "The Elder Scrolls Skyrim" are different types of rp games. What is the specific difference? The game? The gameplay, settings or the rest?"

Yang Chen smiled, put the microphone close to his mouth, and said, "All aspects are different. In "The Elder Scrolls Skyrim", the players played a great dragon descent. Of course, according to the plot, this is the case. Players do not do excessive things, such as killing a chicken in Ximu Town, then players will be a respected dragon descent, a hero."

Listening to Yang Chen's words, everyone in the audience also cooperated with a burst of laughter, regardless of whether they were really happy, anyway, the atmosphere was reached.

On the stage, Yang Chen paused and continued to say, "But the "Wizard Hunting" is different from "The Elder Scrolls Skyrim" and many games we have done, such as "The Redemption of the Wilderness", the good and evil are actually There is a very obvious boundary. A robber rushed into a hotel to bully the hotel owner. As the protagonist, we shot to kill the robber and were admired by others. In our words, this is called a knight. This is justice, we are doing Good thing."

"But in "Wizard Hunt", we want to bring players a more complex and more real world, that is, good and evil are boundless, and cause and effect are chaotic, just like the real world. In this game we want to Reinterpret the meaning of heroes and reconstruct the so-called heroes. Maybe your starting point is good, but it will be completely different from what you want to get."

After Yang Chen's answer, a reporter at the scene had a little bit of ignorance. It was only the description of the words that made it difficult to form a picture in their minds, but they also had some concepts.

That is to say, according to Yang Chen's words, the players of "Wizard Hunting" can decide their own good and evil, and are closer to the real world.

But it's no surprise to think about it. After all, Nebula games have always been so focused on ‘freedom’.

Then a reporter continued to ask, "Mr. Yang, is the "Wizard Hunting" a linear rp?"

"Linear? In fact, the development of the game nowadays, linearity and nonlinearity are relatively vague, such as "The Elder Scrolls Skyrim" and "The Redemption of the Wilderness", which seem to be nonlinear, but the whole story actually develops according to linearity. Yes, but in "Wizard Hunting" we will make the whole game more interesting, such as the choice of events, players will pay a corresponding price for the choices they make, each choice brings different The consequences." Yang Chen explained to the reporters on the spot and the players watching the live broadcast.

The line and non-line are actually relatively vague. Even if it is the so-called multi-end, it is still a linear story. It is just that this linear has multiple branches, which requires the player to trigger some reached conditions.

Next to the reporter's answer, Yang Chen, who was able to answer it, all gave answers one by one.

For example, the battle system in the game, the size of the map, and all the interesting things in the development, until a sharp question is raised.

"Hello, Mr. Yang, we have noticed that "Wizard Hunting" is rated as 18r in some countries, and even listed on the banned list in some countries. The last game was "Call of Duty Modern Warfare" "I would like to ask Yang is not always having some special elements in the game, such as the content shown in the previous trailer!"

This is a big news! ?

Hearing this, it was not just the players watching the live broadcast, but the reporters were all excited.

In fact, they are not unaware of this news, but after all, the other party is a Nebula game, so although they know that they can get more attention on some topics, they still ignore it subconsciously.

But now it's different. Someone has become the first bird, and the one who is the backspin!

Looking at the excited reporter on the stage, Yang Chen did not panic. In fact, he kept the content of "Wizard Hunting". He had long thought of this, not to mention that the game has successfully passed the rating. It is completely Legally, Yang Chen can be said to have confidence.

"Of course, just like "Call of Duty Modern Warfare", "Wizard Hunting" is not a carnival game like "Super Mario Odyssey". This is an adult game, which is exactly what the game ratings of various countries exist. Meaning, in "Wizard Hunting", I don't deny having some adult elements, but in fact many books, including movies, have the same content, and they are much more excessive."

"In fact, we are not prepared to use adult elements as a selling point. This is just a normal part of life. Maybe you think we added these elements just to attract attention, but it is not the case. We are deepening the player's memory of the game character. After some things, we want to show her importance to the white wolf. If she disappears, the white wolf will chase This is not a game with special elements. In fact, we don’t think that, Only because of these elements in the game, the player will choose to buy. What we hope is to let the player understand that these people are important to the white wolf, rather than simply telling you as the player in words, she is very important, you must go Find her."

"Actually, we have had some special ideas. We always think that this is an artistic expression."

Yang Chen's expression was very serious and sincere.

Not only the reporters under the stage, but also the players watching the live broadcast were instantly excited.

In fact, this is also the real idea in Yang Chen's heart. In his view, "Wizard Hunting" is not a yellow game. Even if there is a bridge of bed scenes, it is not as crude as imagined.

The purpose of these bridges is not to show the body of the white wolf or other characters, but to add a sense of humor to the scene, as well as special elements, so that players can understand the characters themselves and their personalities.

Such as Ye Naifa's unicorn, these scenes are very meaningful, rather than simply hs for hs.

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