Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 733: Mr. Yang's miscalculation? nonexistent!

‘It’s so mean!’

‘It’s just positive, but you are conspiracy!’

‘It can still be like this? This is a bug!’

‘The priest is so angry that he died in the hands of such a mean foreigner. ’

‘Just tombstone of justice, burning flask of justice. ’

"Mr. Yang is miscalculated! I never imagined that this is the case!"

Along with Chen Xu killing the priest by using the card tombstone, countless viewers watching the live broadcast were also surprised.

But in fact, Chen Xu is not the first player to skip this class with this bug. In fact, some players have already researched how to perfect the bug on the Internet. Even the wolves of the third stage of the priest can also come without the tombstone card. To the junction of a tree and a stone figure.

In this case, even if the priest becomes a werewolf, there is no way to break the obstacles in front of you and attack the player.

In this place, players who are completely unaware of Yang Chen's sinister intentions are called "Mr. Yang's miscalculation". After all, such an obvious obstacle and bug exist in the game. Isn't it miscalculation?

But in fact, this kind of killing the enemy using the terrain mechanism is almost a tradition. For example, the brother who saw the player on the first side can kick him off the cliff.

And about the bug mechanism of the priest, Yang Chen actually kept it intentionally.

To solve the problem that the priest is stuck because of the terrain, it is not really a difficult thing, just like the ordinary npc passerby in the situation of blocking the road, after a few seconds, he will bypass the side, these technologies are not Difficult thing.

Making it second is simpler. It also allows those tombstones to be designed to be invulnerable, even including trees. For example, after the priest becomes a werewolf in the third stage, his attack decision will be validated by the tombstone and thus physically destroyed.

The reason for this design is that Yang Chen deliberately gave players a way to skip classes, even not just priests, including thirsty blood monster players in the back can still use some special methods to skip classes, such as leaving the aunt on the wall while With the npc teammates summoned to attract hatred, they can easily kill thirsty blood monsters.

Of course, it is only limited to these two bosses and the cleric monsters at the beginning, which can be easily skipped by players.

It's just like skipping a class in real life. It's the same in it.

For example, the boss of the priest monster, as long as you master evasion, and is good at avoiding its large-scale attacks, it is still very easy to deal with, just poke around with it ass.

And the priest has a strong desire for attack and agile movement, but it is indeed a veritable gun anti-teacher, and although the attack power is high, as long as he is not stupid with him, or is dissatisfied with his own state, it is still a bit difficult to be killed by a set of seconds. of.

As for the thirsty blood monster, it is considered a more conventional complex boss.

Use the burning flask and Lingshi to summon npc to skip class, skip the class through tombstones or big trees and statue card bugs, and the thirsty blood monsters also serve as technical inspectors, but this technical inspector can also be skipped, using the big aunt is pungent Cocktails, fire signs, and npc's attractive hatred, it can be said to be a slap.

If the player has not mastered a little bit of technology and played these bosses directly by skipping classes, then Yang Chen can only sing a song in their hearts for you. Good luck.

Mr. Yang's miscalculation? nonexistent!


Of course, there are many players who do not plan to use this method of skipping classes, but face the priest honestly, but wait for death again and again.

The main reason is the style and rhythm of a game. On the surface, it just looks like turning a shield into a gun, which is equivalent to changing a mechanism. However, when you actually fight, you will find that this feeling is really bad. do not.

For example, backstab, in the face of some very bulky monsters, it was possible to play two people and go to the back of each other for backstab attack.

But inside, even if you want to carry out a visceral crit, you still need to use a charge attack in the back, and this period of time causes the other party to fully react and even hit you.

This makes the entire game lean towards head-to-head confrontation instead of sneak attack.

Countless people have become accustomed to relying on shields, and a little advised players in the past to be extremely uncomfortable when playing.

Especially in the game, the broken wooden shield that has been dubbed as the best shield of Quan Yanan by players has made countless passers of fire in the past.

Originally relying on his own technology, he was able to die a little later. As a result, when he replaced the shield, he died faster.

There are also echoes of the dropped blood that can be picked up by monsters. Lantern transmission will not complete the blood bottle, inducing the player's blood grabbing mechanism. These meshed together like gears, directly innumerable players.

At the beginning, everyone still felt that 0 blood bottles were too easy, so that the game was not difficult to challenge.

But when faced with the first boss in the game, players found that these 0 blood bottles are not enough!

Even brush it yourself!


Of course, in addition to the stalemate, players who have already begun to suffer, and those who have been pushing the picture quite smoothly, are concerned about another aspect.

What kind of story did you tell?

In the same way, the narrative of the story is also fragmented, giving a rough figure, and countless fragments clues, allowing players to use those fragment clues to assemble on their own graphics, and finally draw the game story.

Zhong tells a story about the spread of fire, from the birth of fire in ancient times, the birth of the salary king, and why the salary king disappeared after countless years, whether it should spread the fire or extinguish the fire.

And what?

Countless players also started to be curious about At the beginning of the game, with the promo and the prologue, and the name of the game, all players are very clear about a blood story.

The player plays a medical seeker and comes to Yanan, a town famous for blood therapy.

But there are countless secrets hidden in this town.

For example, how was blood therapy born and what did the hunter do?

What is Hunting Night?

Why inside Yanan is obviously a villager who has fallen into madness, but in some rooms it is a normal villager, although they are not friendly to foreigners.

All mysteries, this is also the motivation that attracts players to explore.

And this is also the appeal of this type of game.

Because in addition to the achievements brought by defeating the strong oss, a little bit of the background mystery of the game story is revealed, which is itself the reward content of the game.

Just like previous old games, especially rpg games, cgs are often interspersed in the game, because those cgs are the rewards for players after playing the game.

It is more obvious to say that the fragment story inside, like the cg picture in Xiaoyou, belongs to the biggest reward obtained after playing the game.

If you want to talk about the process, repeated suffering, repeated backplanes, and constantly improve yourself, can this be an interesting game experience?

This may be interesting to the spectator, but for the person concerned, I was afraid that even the computer would be broken.

However, after defeating the boss, the screen shows'slaughtered prey' and obtained an item that can reveal the mystery of the background of the world. Turning the unknown mist away from the corner, and seeing the broader world, this brings a sense of accomplishment It is ax level.



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