Game Entertainment Empire

Chapter 807: Movie immersive experience game more suitable for VR platform

Regarding the DLC content of the follow-up "Land of No Lord", in fact, Yang Chen did not pay much attention to it.

After telling the story about handsome Jack, the follow-up stories about the secret and the rest of the planet are released as supplements to the DLC.

Moreover, "Lordless Land" itself is not a pure Nebula game project. Unlike the previous "Battlefield", "Lordless Land" UEgame also occupies a lot of shares.

And there is the foundation of "Lordless Land" itself. According to such a brush mode, as long as there is no big problem in data, it is almost impossible to usher in any possibility of failure, because the core of equipment-driven games is data.

Of course, there is also a skin to pack outside of this data. Obviously Landless is the skin.

The game mode of this set of brushes is "Borderless Land" as a reference, plus this is not a creative game, but a test of the value of equipment-driven brush category games.

In this case, the follow-up UEgame has no way to do its DLC well, then Yang Chen can only say that UEgame has almost started to go down a path of destruction.

Not a temporary trough, but doomed.

As for the VR issues mentioned by Grayson, Yang Chen did not give Grayson any reply.

Do VR platforms do?

This is an obvious problem.

As early as the previous Nebulas game project has been trying VR platforms.

The original "Game King" is the earliest game, but also a game with relatively low technical difficulty. The fixed scenes are matched with monsters.

In the subsequent VR version of "Silent Hill", the VR version of "Resident Evil 5", and "Iron Man" for the basic production of "GTA", the VR technology of Nebula games is not mature, but it is definitely not weak.

Nowadays, the new VR technology, including the price reduction and performance improvement, may not change much for other industries, but for the game industry, at least for the top game manufacturers, this is definitely a new field of competition .

However, for most players, the changes in VR products have little impact on them.

The main reason is that there are not many games that can be played on the VR platform.

It's a lot of games, it's just a few big games, and they are all games that players are not interested in.

Indeed, most of the players in Battlefield and Iron Man are very interested in VR mode.

But the key is that "Iron Man" is more like a movie game. There is no need to use VR to play, and Nebula games have also been ported to the PC platform, and whether it is a VR platform or a PC platform, this game is sold. The prices are super cheap.

In another Battlefield, although the VR display is definitely shocking enough on the screen, the operation experience is not very good. At least for players who are familiar with the operation of the PC platform, use the dual-control remote control in VR mode. It is very awkward to play this kind of shooting game, especially in real-life confrontation.

Because this can release the negative experience of the players indefinitely, let them fully realize the fact that they are a force.

If you use the mouse and keyboard to operate, you will die instantly when you meet. It can be said that this wave of your own reaction is slow. It is not that you have poor skills, but that your opponent is better.

You can use the VR version of the dual-control remote control. Enemy and enemy soldiers meet around the corner, stroke a shuttle, and then get killed by the opponent with a knife.

Of course, the most crucial point is that there is no masterpiece. It was limited to function earlier. Low-end VR cannot play good games, while high-end VR can play good games, but too few users can’t sell games, which leads to almost no manufacturers on the VR platform. It is no longer interesting to see what masterpiece is being developed, even with the current perspective.

Really want to say that it is worth playing a frontline masterpiece.

"Silent Hill", "Resident Evil 5" and the VR versions of the horror games "Escape" later transplanted by Nebula Games?


The biggest change in the VR industry, the first to speak out is the recently thriving Apex game.

Although the popularity of "Star Wars" has not reached the height of "Jedi Survival".

But it cannot be said that it is a failed product. On the contrary, it is quite successful, but it has encountered an unusual opponent.

The failure this time did not actually hurt the morale of the Apex game, and even improved it.


The products of Nebula games have been hit in the past, and "Sin City" and "Meteor Fallout" have been beaten. Get down.

What does this represent?

They are improving! They have become stronger!

It was beaten by one punch before, but now it fell into three punches.

And compared to the traditional PC platform, VR can be said to be a brand new platform.

Even Apex Games specially arranged a press conference on the impact of the VR industry on the game.

At the press conference, Ethan talked openly and expressed great optimism about his prospects.

‘VR games, obviously this will be a mainstream trend in the future, but the same traditional gaming platforms will not be eliminated, because VR games can bring a stronger immersive experience to players, but they also have their own limitations. ’

'For example, high-intensity confrontation FPS, RTS and other types of games are still more suitable for the current PC platform. If I think that VR games from the current perspective, it is more suitable for games with a high enough immersion experience, some immersion The shallower games are still not suitable for VR, such as the relatively hot "Lordless Land". ’

‘Disparage the Land of No Ownership’? No, no, of course not. I don’t think any game manufacturer can devalue this game. Players like it enough. After all, who can say that it is unsuccessful? It's just that on the VR platform, the game of "Borderless Land" is still lacking in the plot. ’

‘Well, it’s not that he’s not exciting enough, but that he doesn’t have that taste. ’

‘Apec’s next move? Of course, we can reveal some things. Next, we will work with Huaxia’s partners to jointly develop a new a game with a strong movie immersion experience, which is also a new direction for VR games. try. ’

At the conference of Apex, Essen showed her Onmyology.

In the same Nebula game, Yang Chen also paid attention to the conference held by Apex, but after reading it, Yang Chen could not help being speechless.

This yin and yang study is not good! This is too superficial, you have to come to the domestic live broadcast platform, and there are major forums for further study.

You can feel your yin and yang strangeness across the screen.

However, throwing the yin and yang out of the surface of Essen at the cloth conference, Yang Chen agrees with these views that Isen said at the cloth conference.

In the future VR technology, no one can make the next judgment, but as far as the commercial games that can be done in the industry, immersive experience games, this is definitely the best idea.

However, unlike Yang Chen who didn't care too much about the yin and yang strangeness at the Ethan conference, after this conference, it caused a lot of heated discussion among domestic and foreign players.

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