It was dark in the eyes, and there was no sound in the ears.

At the same time, Li Yue felt a burst of cold air.

The semi-closed game compartment also has its own cooling system. Players can choose to turn it on or off, and some games can adjust themselves after they are turned on.

'Be careful, the gap in that door...that's another parallel reality. ’

'I am who I am. Are you sure you are the only you? ’

Two lines of subtitles appeared in front of Li Yue, and he was a little confused.

But before he could figure out what these two sentences meant, the game screen appeared.

At the beginning of the game, it was obvious that the protagonist woke up from the icy ground, and with the air-conditioning effect activated by the VR game compartment, Li Yue also shook involuntarily.

And with this shaking, the screen in the game also shakes synchronously.

A very realistic cockroach crawled in front of him, causing Li Yue's mouth to twitch.

Although he was said to be 1.85 meters tall, he was really a little embarrassed about cockroaches, spiders, and such bugs.

It's not that I'm afraid, it's just that I feel disgusting.

At the same time, the tightly closed wooden door of the room suddenly opened by itself with a creaking sound.

In this regard, Li Yue's heart did not fluctuate at all.

After all, this is just the beginning of the game, and this kind of bridge is not a rare one, so Li Yue is still relatively calm.

Looking around, the place where the game starts is a dark room, surrounded by the kind of concrete walls of the rough room, and facing the direction is a wooden door with a gap open, and there is still a gap on the door beam. There is an incandescent lamp.

But only a faint light bloomed, pale and pale.

Without rushing forward, Li Yue performed some operations on the spot.

I found that I could only perform some basic operations, such as walking, controlling my hands to perform some simple movements, and squatting.

As for crawling, jumping, running, etc., there is no response. Obviously, the game has not added the relevant action system.

There is no UI prompt in the game. Li Yue is not too surprised. After all, this is a demo for testing.

Not a real game.

I hope the following content can be more energetic and interesting.

Li Yue is still in a very relaxed mood now.

Pushing the door open, there is a narrow corridor outside.

The space can only accommodate two people walking side by side, and there are incandescent lights on the walls and ends of the corridor.

But the propagation distance of the light is strangely very small, and it is very bright at the location of the light.

Elsewhere, it was very dark.

Bright and dark, two completely different color contrasts, make the whole game picture full of a strange feeling.

And Li Yue also noticed one thing, that is, the murals on the wall of the game. Some of them are very clear, but some of them seem to be very blurred on purpose, and it is completely unclear what the content of the paintings is.

At the same time, because the performance of the new version of VR equipment has been greatly improved, the most direct manifestation is that the VR performance of the entire game is closer to reality.

This kind of realistic picture, combined with the weird atmosphere, suddenly filled the tension.

However, as a carefully selected tester, Li Yue has seen a lot of big scenes. He just paused for a while, and then moved on after looking at it.

In the middle of the hallway, there is a recess on the right hand side, which happens to have a table in it.

There is an electronic watch on it, showing the time - 23:59.

On the wall above the electronic watch, there are several very vague paintings, one of which seems to be a U-shaped, but there is a black dot in the middle, which looks very strange.

A number of empty wine bottles were stacked next to the corner of the table, as if to suggest that the owner of the house was a frequent drinker.

It doesn't look anything special.

But it's a little weirder.

Mainly because the surrounding is too quiet.

Every time he took a step, the sound of footsteps on the floor seemed to be stepping on Li Yue's heart.

This silence to only the sound of footsteps makes the entire game experience a bit depressing.

After confirming that the electronic clock was nothing special, Li Yue continued to walk down the corridor.

Soon Li Yue came to the end of the corridor, which was a corner.

There is still a narrow corridor behind the corner.

At the same time on the left hand side, there is a wooden cabinet with a mess on it.

There was a phone that appeared to be damaged, and pictures of what appeared to be the owner of the house and the hostess, and there were many white pills on the table, which could be said to be a mess.

As before, Li Yue didn't find anything and continued to walk forward.

At the corner, there was a door that was closed and could not be opened. The front door seemed to be an open door leading to the basement. The left side of the interruption was a clothes hanger, and the right side was a photo of the hostess and the hostess, as well as a radio and many cigarette butts.

Directly above is the second floor with a dimly lit chandelier.

Just approaching, this time a noisy sound came from the radio and gradually became clear.

There seems to be some news being broadcast.

'On the day of the murder, the father went to the trunk of the car, pulled out a shotgun, and shot his wife, who was cleaning out the kitchen after lunch. ’

'When his 10-year-old son came to check on the movement, the father also shot him. ’

'His 6-year-old daughter wisely went into the bathroom, but reports show he told her it was just a game and led her out, where she was shot in the chest at zero range. ’

'The wife killed by her father was pregnant at the time. ’

'Police arrived at the scene after receiving a call from a neighbour who found the father listening to the radio in his car. ’

'In the days before the murder, neighbours said they heard the father repeating a string of numbers aloud, and they said it was like he was chanting some strange spell. ’

'There was another family shooting in the same state last month, and there was one last December. ’

'A man killed his entire family with a shotgun and a cleaver, and in every case, the culprit was the father. ’

'The state police said the series of family tragedies appear to be unrelated, although it may also be part of the unemployment, child-rearing and other social problems that ordinary families face. ’

Standing on the spot, Li Yue waited for a while, and got a lot of key information from the radio.

Could it be that the house I am in is the house of the previous massacre, and that I am playing the murdering father?

Li Yue looked at it privately, and found nothing like before.

But just like that, there was a little drumming in his heart.

Because he always felt that a monster might appear out of nowhere to startle him.

But so far, there seems to be no particularly high-energy scene.

He also played "Escape" developed by Chen Xu at the beginning, and was also frightened by many of its contents.

But it was just startled.

But now this simple demo called "Silent Hill PT" gave him a completely different feeling.

Not just because it is a VR game, but more importantly, the overall atmosphere of the game.

Taking a deep breath, Li Yue stopped himself from thinking about these messy things and focused on the game in front of him. After all, he still had to test.

He moved forward a little bit, slower than the old grandpa walking in the park.

Passing through the open door and walking down the steps to open the door again, Li Yue was stunned.

Because everything in front of me is so familiar.

This is the corridor at the beginning of the game.

He... is back?

The two lamps were one after the other, the blurry picture on the left wall was still hanging, and the electronic watch indicated 23:59.

Ghost, ghost hitting the wall?

Li Yue suddenly felt cold all over.

Until now, the entire game scene is still in the corridor.

Except for the cockroach at the beginning, no other active thing appeared, but it already made him feel a burst of depression and something called panic growing in his heart.

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