In the office of Nebula Games, Chen Xu was still talking to everyone about a detail about the development of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare".

An overall framework, Chen Xu has not said in detail.

But as far as the details are concerned, a lot can still be done.

Especially deciding to render a map with a lot of resources.

Bring players a movie-like experience.

The pursuit is naturally an ultimate picture effect.

If you are competing in multiplayer mode, this picture effect may not be what most players are after.

But in the single-player plot, the ultimate picture effect can definitely make players more immersed in the plot.

There is no doubt about that.

"As for the physics engine, the development prototype from the game department has not been sent over, but I also know about some relevant data."

"Although it is very powerful compared to the current performance in VR, there are still many details that we need to do manually."

"The glass and walls of the house are shattered, and a special effect must be created."

Following Chen Xu's various introductions, everyone present was shocked.

So many details!

"But the parameters of Mr. Chen's new VR equipment, such a complex and huge scene, I am afraid it is difficult to realize it?" Qin Yi asked a question.

It's not that they can't do it, but with the current equipment standards, it's hard to bear it.

"Apply the functions of the VR equipment to the same level." Chen Xu said.

"But in this case, the sense of fragmentation of the game will be more serious, and players need to read and load for a period of time." Qin Yi continued.

"Let's put the CG." Chen Xu glanced at Qin Yi and said simply and succinctly.

Hearing Chen Xu's words, Qin Yi also reflected it.

Good guy, it's really a simple and rude method!

How to make players not aware of loading,

Always a silky smooth experience?

The answer is very simple, that is, the loading and reading interface will be turned into a CG playback screen, and the CG playback screen will be longer than the reading interface.

This can be said to be a very simple and crude method.

But few game makers will do it.

As for why?

Because the quality of the overall game has not been improved much.

And it costs money!

But for Chen Xu, he clearly understands the value of the game "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare".

CG animation?

It's just a little thing, money is more capricious!

And compared with "Warcraft", which is not easy to join the follow-up revenue point as an RTS, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" as an FPS game, like "Rainbow Six: Siege", can still add a lot of krypton Gold point.

The rest is the sound effect of firearms, which is also the sound of firearms made artificially.

For the sound of missiles, for example, snowmobiles are used to record sound effects and then tune them.

There is a big gap between the real sound and the player's imagination.

Just like war games, if the game is a tragic scene like a documentary, most players may not be interested.

After all, what many players want is what they imagine, not reality.

Just like catgirls, players want the cute two-dimensional ones, like chocolate, vanilla, red beans, and coconuts, not those in grotesque stories.

As for the shooting feel of firearms on VR, there are also actions.

This piece of Nebula game was originally inexperienced, but now Chen Xu can only say: NetDragon, thank you.


After confirming with everyone in the team that some details of the development of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", Chen Xu also returned to the office to improve some content of the follow-up game.

In Chen Xu's opinion, the gameplay of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" is actually quite mature.

And compared to the FPS games currently on the market, many of the designs in "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" are actually quite advanced.

As for "Rainbow Six: Siege", which was just launched, they are two completely different types of games, and the player audience is actually different.

The first is the breathing and blood-returning method, and the first words are not the Call of Duty series.

The protective shield design in the halo is the prototype of gas recovery, but gas recovery is indeed carried forward by Call of Duty.

And the biggest advantage of this setting is that the player's attention and rhythm point are always on the battle.

After the player is attacked, the screen will fall into blood red and black and white according to the degree of injury, but as long as the player does not die immediately, and a few seconds after they are not attacked, they can take a deep breath to recover their blood.

This allows players to be more immersed in the gaming experience, and at the same time makes the rhythm of the game very fast.

In ordinary FPS games, if the player is injured, the biggest possibility is to find a blood pack.

And this will lead to a sense of separation in the player's experience, and the tension and tight battles of the plot and level design are directly separated.

But there is no need to pant and recover blood, and let the player directly engage in the battle.

In addition to the settings in multiplayer games, the modification of various firearms and weapons, such as infrared, night vision, and the modification of various accessories.

And Call of Duty's unique kill streak reward system, players can use high-tech props after killing a streak.

It can detect the location of other players, directly turn on the UAV drone of 'perspective', bombard with a pager, call supply boxes, RPGs, flamethrowers, etc. from the air

In the previous life, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" was popular, except that all the games at that time were still rooted in the so-called World War I and World War II background, and the plot of the game itself was very good.

A variety of rich modern weapons is also the reason for attracting players.

If the plot makes Modern Warfare reach its peak, the multiplayer mode is the capital that makes it the capital of the New Year's gift.

High-intensity, fast-paced confrontation is the core concept of "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare".

Of course, some special pictures caused all the staff to squat down, searched for a long time and couldn't find anyone and ended up being killed by a landmine. This situation is an exception.


"Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" soon entered the intensive development stage, and as a VR game, the main difference from the previous life is the sense of substitution.

The force feedback system in the VR game cabin also needs to be debugged by Chen Xu.

The VR feedback brought by the shooting of firearms, as well as being hit by bullets, bombs, and climbing and jumping, etc.

All have corresponding feedback.

At the same time, there is also the detail of this piece, which is also to grasp every detail.

The physical feedback of explosions and shots, as well as the performance of the scene being destroyed, are very important.

Chen Xu's only purpose is to hope that players can really become soap, Xiaoqiang, and these characters when playing games.

Experience the story that belongs to the 141 Special Forces. UU reading

Although the task is cumbersome, the entire team has experienced the content development of "Rainbow Six: Siege", but also has a lot of corresponding experience.

Including Chen Xu from NetDragon has also communicated.

The other party will provide some technical support. Of course, Chen Xu will also provide some technical support in exchange.

For example, AI technology.

"There is no need to rush the progress. Let the people at NetDragon do more work. You can learn more from the technical department."

Inside the office, Chen Xu called Qin Yi in to make work arrangements.

Qin Yi showed a smile: "Mr. Chen, I know."

Hearing this, Chen Xu also smiled and nodded.


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