All the players who are playing "Red Dead Redemption: Redemption" are all stunned when they know that Arthur has contracted tuberculosis.

If you get it now, the cure rate of tuberculosis is very high.

But when is it in the game?

Late nineteenth century, early twentieth century.

In such a world, tuberculosis is the equivalent of a terminal illness.

So Arthur Morgan's final outcome is destined to be only death?

All players trembled at the thought of this.

Because they really can't think of any way to save Arthur Morgan.

How did Arthur Morgan contract tuberculosis?

Many players also have a guess in their hearts, combined with the tragic experience of Mrs. Downs that they saw before.

Thinking of a borrower named Thomas Downs that Arthur met when Arthur was collecting debts for Strauss in Valentine, the blood he coughed up when he beat the other party might be the incentive.

At this moment, Arthur was confused. He wandered aimlessly in the street until he was stopped by a kind voice, it was the old nun who had a relationship with him.

Seeing Arthur in a trance, the nun took the initiative to accompany him to talk about his heart. The nun told Arthur that there is no pure and evil soul in this world.

What matters is what kind of person you want to be, and try your best to be that person.

The nun's words made Arthur's mind a lot clearer. What happened could not be changed. All he could do was to help some people around him who needed help.

So Arthur got up and found Sadie and went to rescue John Marston together.

Sadie had already prepared a hot air balloon so that Arthur could see the prison terrain from a height.

Flying in the sky in a hot air balloon, watching birds and white clouds, and overlooking the earth also makes players feel a different kind of feeling.

After a hard fight, Sadie and Arthur rescued John.

But after returning to the camp, Dutch showed anger because all this was done behind his back.

Here Arthur and Dutch had an argument for the first time.

Dutch looked at Arthur and shouted angrily: 'I had a goodamn! ' (I had a damn plan)



Dutch said again that he had a damn plan.

As long as Daqi's dialogue plot is involved, basically three sentences are inseparable from his plan.

This makes people wonder how many plans Dutch has, just like a clown who failed in his performance, eager to save his face.

Dutch has completely changed.

The original Dutch said to Sadie in the snowy mountains that although they are bad people, they are a group of people with ideals.

At the beginning, it was said that Dutch was indispensable, but in the face of John Marston, who was about to be executed, he ignored him, and followed Micah, thinking about his big plan.

In the process, Arthur also began to help strangers. When he was in debt, Arthur found that the creditor had died of overwork, so Arthur looked at the widow and the children, not only did not go to collect the debt but also gave them a sum of money, and the widow Just a wry smile that everything is too late.

Arthur, who returned to the camp, also drove away Strauss directly.

The whole camp became more and more deserted, and some companions who were not deeply involved with the gang, such as Pastor Swanson, Trelawney and others, secretly chose to leave when no one was paying attention, and even Arthur offered to help They leave.

The rest of the people either used alcohol to relieve their worries or suspected each other, and the cohesion disappeared.

But for Arthur, he wanted to protect his family no matter what, including the runaway Dutch.

At this time, Dutch's mouth is still full of his plans.

Going to Tahiti to grow mangoes, to fish farms in Fiji, to New Guinea to raise tree kangaroos and turkeys.

To put it simply, it is to make money, run away and farm the land.

Daqi's actions fully see the intention in this regard.

He recklessly killed the big capitalist Cornwall.

He even thought about provoking a dispute between the Indians and the American troops stationed in the west, in order to fish in troubled waters and make a big vote.

At this time, Arthur would even take the initiative to persuade John Marston to take Abigail and little Jack away.

At this time, Feiying, the son of the Indian chief Luoyu, found Dutch and wanted to hire him to attack the American army and steal the horses of the Indians.

Unlike Chief Falling Rain, who had experienced a long war and knew that the Indians could not compete with the whites, and could only preserve the names of the tribesmen through enduring humiliation, Feiying only wanted to make those whites look good.

Everyone, including Charles, was reluctant, because it was so crazy.

However, Daqi saw the point that Feiying could use. He didn't care about the life and death of the Indians. He just wanted to make things bigger and bigger, so as to divert the attention of the law enforcement agencies. Daqi even provoked Feiying to bring his tribe. to attack the army.

In the end, naturally, the Indians suffered heavy casualties, and even Arthur and Dutch almost died in this battle.

And it was precisely because of this battle that the hatred between the whites and the Indians intensified, and even Monroe, the only officer in the army who wanted to bring true peace for the Indians, was charged with treason.

But fortunately, with the help of Arthur, Monroe successfully left the United States, and Arthur met the old nun again at the train station.

Facing the old nun who was about to go to live in Mexico, Arthur was so excited that he expressed all his depressed emotions. Looking at the nun who comforted him, Arthur faced his true heart for the first time.

"Maybe... I'm scared."

At this moment, Arthur's expression seemed to make all players feel a little distressed.

Arthur has always been a tough guy in the past, and has never shown such an expression, but now Arthur is showing a vulnerable expression for the first time.

The disease is getting worse day by day, and death is eroding Arthur. He is also a mortal and he is naturally afraid.

But in the end, Arthur decided to help others in the remaining time of his life, as the nun said, and face his final outcome calmly.

He went to help more people, and even went to see Mr. Downes' wife and children, trying to make up for the damage that the Van der Linde gang had done to them as much as possible.

Knowing that he wouldn't get their forgiveness, Arthur went straight to help them out of their troubles and stuffed a lot of money to let them go.

Back at the camp again, Arthur receives Mary's last letter and a ring as a token of their love.

In her heart, Mary said that she knew very well that the former Arthur had always been fighting with the giant in him.

It's just that Arthur lost to the giant again and again.

Mary expected Arthur to defeat the giant time and time again, but time and time again it was just hope.

But what she didn't know was that the last time, Arthur had defeated the giant.

It's just too late.

In the last journey of his life, Arthur began the redemption of his own life, and he was no longer confused.

Arthur was not a good man. He killed people, robbed people, and did bad things.

But at the end of this life, Arthur hopes to accomplish some redemption and make his heart feel better.

In the current gang, there are not many people Arthur can trust, but Sadie, like the Valkyrie, is definitely one.

Arthur, who knew that his time was short, asked Sadie to take care of the people in the gang, such as Abigail and Little Jack.

Sadie naturally agreed, but she also had a request, that is, let Arthur accompany her to kill all the remnants of the Austrian gang, because one of them was the one who once killed Sadie's husband. It is also Sadie's final knot.

Crazy all the way into the farm, piercing the enemy's heart with a dagger, Sadie's knot finally came to an end.

The friendship between the two also deepened, and then the two returned to the gang, but they encountered Eagle with soldiers of all ethnic groups ready to attack the white oil refinery, and even he asked the Van der Linde gang to join them in the fight.

Arthur, Dutch and others also went to the oil refinery, but by the time they arrived, the Indians had suffered heavy casualties.

In the bitter battle, the Indians successfully retreated, and Dutch also took advantage of the chaos to go to the factory office with Arthur to steal a large stack of bonds.

But when the two left the factory building, Arthur was accidentally sprayed with steam onto the enemy who was driven over.

Arthur on the ground called out to Dutch for help, but at this moment.

The man he once admired so much, the man who made him pay his whole life, just pretended not to hear and turned and left silently.

In the end, when Arthur was desperate, he didn't expect that the Eagle rushed in to save Arthur, but he was seriously injured by the shot.

Looking at Dutch, who seemed to have lost his memory, and said that he didn't know anything, Arthur's heart was cold when he stood there.

Send the flying eagle back to the tribe, but in the end he still couldn't get over it.

At this time, Charles also chose to stay and help these Indians.

Back at the camp, the uncle, Pearson and others have already run away.

An enraged Dutch took the rest to complete his final '' - attacking the army's train.

John was hit in the middle, Dutch said to go back to rescue.

But after the final robbery, Dutch did not bring John back, but only told Arthur that John was dead.

Arthur was skeptical about Dutch's words, but when he returned to the camp, he found that Tilly had escaped from the camp with little Jack. It turned out that Pinkerton's people came to the door again, and also arrested Abigail thinks. To get Dutch and them to submit.

At this time, Dutch couldn't care about this at all, and even announced to give up Abigail in front of little Jack.

In the end, only Arthur and Sadie chose to stay and rescue Abigail.

With Sadie's help, Arthur got out of Abigail and got the real traitor from Pinkerton's agent Milton.

That's the scumbag Micah.

After rescuing Abigail, Arthur asked Sadie to protect Abigail, but he did not choose to leave with them.

Because even if time is short, even if Dutch has disappointed Arthur, he has his own perseverance.

He still has to go back to the gang and expose the true face of this sinister villain Micah.

At this time, Arthur has been eroded by the disease, and the former sharpshooter is now about to be crushed by the lung disease.

Riding on his favorite horse, he took out the mottled cowboy hat strap from the bag, and Arthur resolutely walked in the direction of the gang.

Cinematic footage with bleak background music.

'That's The Way It Is'

This is the final road to redemption that belongs to Arthur Morgan.

Riding the Wind Arthur's life dedicated everything to the gang, starting with the gang and ending with the gang, just like the name of the game "Red Dead Redemption: Redemption".

Watching Arthur rushing into the wilderness, Lao Dai, who had been here, couldn't help but burst into tears.

'How I wish you could have done this before he exhausted himself to death. ' The widow with the child in the mountains said to Arthur.

'I'm so sorry for you, boy, this disease is terrifying. ’ In the clinic, the doctor said regretfully to Arthur, who had already been diagnosed.

‘All you can do now is decide who you want to be for the rest of your life. ’

'Thank you for saving my life, you're a good man, I said...'

‘Thank you, man! ’

'You know, there aren't that many good people in this world...that's for sure. ’

'People never change, they just get closer and closer to who they really are'

'Maybe that's the omen, Arthur...try to do something good. ’

The words of the people whom I met on the journey came to Arthur's ears.

At dusk, Arthur returned to the camp.

In front of everyone, Arthur tells Dutch that the traitor is Micah.

At this time, John Marston, who was once again abandoned during the robbery of the train, also returned to the camp, and he questioned Dutch.

The whole gang was in chaos, and they even pointed guns at each other.

The former family is now suspicious and hostile.

At this time, Detective Yamashita Pinkerton attacked again, and at this time Micah even shot and killed Aunt Susan.

Once they could unite against foreign enemies, now they can only run away.

During the journey of escape, the disease eroded Arthur's last physical strength.

Accompanying the player and Arthur's horse, he also closed his eyes forever during this journey.

Horse revives are no longer available.

Watching the injured John Marston, finally here Arthur Morgan made a decision.

He has no future, and he is terminally ill, and he doesn't know how many sunrises he can watch.

But John Marston is different.

Abigail, and his son Jack Jr. are still waiting for him.

'No, I don't think I can last long. ' Pausing, Arthur Morgan said, shaking his head.

‘Try again, there’s no time to talk so much now, at least not now. ' John Marston persuaded Arthur Morgan not to give up.

Shaking his head gently, Arthur Morgan took a deep breath.

'You go first. ’

'The two of us can't get away together... let's go, now. ’

'This means a lot to me, let's go...'

Arthur took the cowboy hat off his head and fastened it on John Marston's head.

This was the last redemption of his life.

After persuading Marston to go, Arthur fought off the chasing Pinkerton detective alone.

But at this time, Mika, the sinister villain in the gang, took the opportunity to attack Arthur.

Looking at Micah in front of him, Arthur Morgan fought with the last of his strength.

Even though the illness had made Arthur very weak, he still had a near draw with him.

The only thing that broke the deadlock was the sudden appearance of Dutch.

Facing Mike and Arthur lying on the ground.

At this time, Dutch may have seen who is the traitor in the gang.

But at this time, he just turned around and left without saying a word.

After this, Micah also turned to leave.

Only Arthur was left lying on the ground alone.

Accompanied by a bleak BGM, suddenly Arthur's eyes seemed to have hallucinations.

Just like when he contracted tuberculosis and collapsed on the street, a deer appeared in front of Arthur.

Then the sun came out and looked at the sun on the hillside, Arthur showed a faint smile and he finally let go at this moment.

The gang that he had cared about all his life and couldn't let go even in the end, at this time he finally let go.

Because he knows one thing.

That is at the last moment of his life, he has completed his own redemption.

As the sun rose, Arthur closed his eyes forever.

Arthur the sharpshooter, his story is over.

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