Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 442 The true meaning of the end of the thief

Follow Elena to track down some clues left by Sam and others.

Finally, Nathan and Irina came to the palace with a large sentry tower that they had seen before.

Fallen buildings, mottled walls, these historic buildings are covered in moss and overgrown with trees.

At the same time, because the coastline mercenaries blew up the upstream dam, at this time, most of the territory of this island paradise has been submerged in the current.

But I have to say, everything in front of me is really beautiful.

Song Ren stared at everything around him, not even paying attention to the conversation between Nathan and Elena in the game plot.

Well, anyway, after the two couples told each other their hearts, they fed players like him dog food along the way.

Don't listen to this drama!

Looking at the lost pirate utopia in front of him, Song Ren was full of amazement.

Although this is a lost city, even though it has been hidden on this deserted island for 300 years.

But with the time of history, it makes this pirate paradise even more magnificent.

Even Song Ren had an illusion.

That is, there is indeed a pirate utopia in reality, which is hidden in a corner of the world, and Lebotalia itself should be like this.

When Song Ren was sighing about the surrounding scene, Nathan and Irina also found Sam who had entered the depths of the building complex through the telescope.

So in order to save this unreliable brother, Elena and Nathan set off immediately.

In this section of the road, there is nothing that needs to be decrypted by the agency.

It is to climb and then find the right path. If he was allowed to come to this scene at the beginning, the more complicated climbing design would still let Song Renka do it.

But for him now, it doesn't matter at all.

With a little observation, it is easy to find the right path.

What caught Song Ren's attention more was what Nathan and Elena found here.

letters left by pirates,

There are also various clues, all of which reveal everything that happened 300 years ago in this pirate paradise, Lebotaglia.

Finally, in a hall, Nathan and Irina found the bodies of a group of pirates.

These are all famous pirates in history, but they all died at the same time.

Only one person was missing from the crowd: Henry Avery.

So now the answer is obviously very clear.

Henry Avery, the once legendary pirate.

Through a series of means, these famous pirates were gathered together, and their wealth was also gathered together.

Together, they created the pirate utopia of Lebotaria.

But in the end Henry Avery killed these companions in order to swallow the treasure.

Countless treasures have turned these thieves into terrifying demons who kill each other.

Of course, in this adventure, there are also inevitable fierce battles.

Machine guns, grenades, and RPGs, Nathan and Elena, who were extremely powerful, directly killed a group of mercenaries.

At the same time, more than half of the Pirate Palace collapsed.

However, Song Ren has not fluctuated in the slightest. It would be strange if he didn't collapse.

After a series of battles, Nathan and Irina finally rescued Sam.

But the obsession with treasure still surrounds Sam's heart, so in the end, after Sam sent Nathan away, he decided to find Henry Avery's treasure alone.

So that's all there is to it, what else does Nathan have to say?

Although he wanted to punch his brother in the face, Nathan couldn't leave him alone no matter what.

So he asked Elena and Sullivan to prepare for the evacuation first, and he turned back again.

Climb, kill, and finally arrive at the treasure ship of the great pirate Henry.

Amidst the treasures of gold and silver, Nathan and Rafe fought a traditional pirate duel with a pirate's machete.

Dodge, fencing, this is the toughest battle in Song Ren's game.

Even if the explorer mode is turned on, there are dangers.

But fortunately, he managed to knock Leif down in the end and took Sam away from the treasure ship.

With explosions and sparks, the treasure ship and Leif sank into the sea.

Looking at Nathan, who escaped with Sam, Song Ren also realized something after playing here, and seemed to understand some of the meaning of the game title "A Thief's End".

Henry Avery and some of the most famous pirates in history, and Leif, they are all thieves.

And in the process of chasing treasure, they came to an end.

But Nathan is different, he is not the owner of the treasure, but the witness of the treasure.

For Nathan Drake, his real obsession isn't the treasure itself.

Nathan Drake is just a witness to the treasure, not its owner.

He witnessed the existence of those treasures and buried them at the same time.

That's enough for Nathan Drake.

And what Sam was curious about was not the value of the treasure, but the treasure itself.

But the difference is that Nathan Drake has seen enough treasures that he can drop everything.

And Sam's words, there is no way to completely let go.

At the end of the return, Nathan has a conversation with Sam.

Sam: "I just thought that after we found Henry Avery's treasure, I'd be... content?"

Sam: "On the contrary...I...seem to have such a strange..."

Nathan: "The emptiness, yes, you know that no matter how thrilling your next adventure is, you're going to end up feeling the same."

Nathan: "Sometimes you just have to decide what to keep and what to give up."

Sam: "Okay...I don't think I'm there yet. Also, you know you've found more ancient ruins than I did. I can't just leave it alone, so..."

Nathan: "I've got several for you."

Listening to Nathan's conversation with Sam, Song Ren couldn't help but smile.

Just look at Henry Avery's pirate paradise ruins and treasure ship.

Song Ren estimated that in the follow-up DLC, the ruins of these ancient cities that Nathan was exploring would basically be bad.

When Nathan hadn't discovered these ruins, these ancient city ruins were well placed there.

But when Nathan finds out, he can't tell.

But compared to these, what made Song Ren more emotional was Nathan himself.

What a thrilling adventure the old Nathan Drake had gone through and how he met Elena and Sullivan.

These Song Ren don't know but from the story of the thief's end, Song Ren can clearly feel the charm of Nathan Drake.

From the beginning, Nathan was salvaging the bottom of the sea and then hurting his wife at home, and by the way, he recalled the past in a daze.

This can make people feel Nathan's heart.

Nathan can be said to be a contradiction and a two-faced person. In his blood there is a desire for adventure and a cherishing of those around him.

He has never been a person who is willing to be ordinary, and his heart has been longing for exciting adventures.

So Nathan Drake has been pretending, pretending that he is really happy, to make himself seem like he can really adapt to ordinary life.

He has struggled to overcome the emptiness that goes from exciting to mundane.

But when he really took him on the adventure again, he found the clues about the treasure, when he found clues about the hidden truths in history.

Nathan Drake, this man's eyes are full of fiery heat.

But this time the journey was different, and Nathan Drake finally found the answer he was looking for.

At the end of the story, Sam brought out some gold coins from the treasure.

He gave these gold coins to Elena, and Elena also used these gold coins to buy the salvage company Nathan worked for, and got a salvage license in the Southeast Asian waters through the relationship. Finally, the couple decided to go to Do some legal but treasure-hunting work.

Nathan is in charge of salvage, UU reading and Elena is in charge of filming with a camera to make a show.

In the end, Song Ren was also sighing as the screen fell into darkness.

At the same time, the object of the final player's operation has also become Nathan Drake's daughter many years later.

Judging from some photos and information in the house, Nathan and Irina's life can be described as beautiful.

And Sam and Sullivan formed a new adventure combination, and from the content of the photos, Sam and Sullivan are also alive and well.

In the end, in the cupboard, the daughter discovered the little secrets her father and mother kept from her.

So the family of three came to the boat and told the crazy adventure stories of those years.

In such an atmosphere, the game ushered in the end.

Looking at the list of developers of the entire game, Song Ren couldn't help but let out a sigh of relief.

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