Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 521 Is this a game that a child like him should play! ?

On the day of June 1st.

Song Ren immediately entered the pre-downloaded "The Witcher: Wild Hunt".

In order to experience this game that day, he also specially gave himself a holiday.

Of course, experiencing the game is the purpose, and the excuse is that he is still a child.

Although he is already in his early thirties, he still has a childlike heart.

If the childlike innocence is still there, then he is still a child. As a child, is it too much to take a break and play games on Children's Day?

Not too much at all!

But the only thing that made Song Ren feel a little surprised was that Nebula Games didn't release a corresponding VR theme this time for some unknown reason.

"The Witcher: Wild Hunt" only enters the game through the portal in the Nebula world.

And there is another thing that surprised Song Ren, that is, this game actually requires real-name identity verification.

This is very strange.

"This game seems to have something, and it's more than just something." Song Ren felt a little emotional before entering the game.

After all, with similar settings, there are only a few games under Nebula Games that have similar modes.

As the game was unlocked, Song Ren entered the game immediately.

Next he acted very happy because he saw something.

That's the choice of game difficulty!

"Very good! Now we can rule out soul games first." Song Ren looked at the difficulty selection prompt and couldn't help but smile happily.

Generally speaking, soul games and more hard-core games, such as Dark Souls, Bloodborne and Monster Hunter, do not allow players to choose the difficulty.

Of course, some games with difficulty options are extremely hardcore at the highest difficulty level, even harder than the Souls series.

For example, "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare" and "Uncharted" are also very simple on the same easy difficulty.

So looking at one of the difficulty options in "The Witcher: Wild Hunt", Song Ren decisively ignored the bottom two difficulties.

But this time he made a little progress. Instead of choosing the highest difficulty, he chose the second-highest difficulty of "I want to stay a little sweaty."

As the difficulty was confirmed, a burst of orchestral BGM and narration sounded in the ears.

'I can see you gathering before me...hungry...panic...holding babies close to your chest...'

'Emperor Emhyr's armies have stormed into our lands... attacking every fortress from here to the Blue Mountains. ’

‘Swift and ruthless, cities fall one after another. People in the north, you are in danger! Your king failed you, so you turned to the gods! ’

'But didn't you plead? Didn't you kneel down and pray devoutly? ’

'On the contrary, you lament and cry: Why have the gods abandoned us? ’

‘This is all the result of our failure in tempering a long time ago! ’

‘A long time ago, our world met another world, causing great changes. Scholars call this the intersection of the celestial spheres…’

'God allowed evil forces to invade our world. That violent change left many evil legacies, like magic...'

'But instead of banning magic, we increase our power and wealth by studying this evil ancient power! ’

'And the monsters that come to our doorstep, the remnants of the intersection of the heavens and the spheres... trolls, ghouls, werewolves? Do we drive them away with sword? Or put the responsibility on others? ’

'We leave it all to the witchers... These misguided children have learned foul witchcraft and mutated their bodies through blasphemous rituals. ’

'They can't even tell the difference between good and evil, so they are sent to fight monsters. Their last trace of humanity has long been wiped out. ’

‘Indeed, their numbers have become less and less in recent years, but there are still some witchers wandering around, doing dirty work in exchange for money. Their existence is our humiliation! ’

‘The land in the north is bleeding and whipped by war. This is God’s punishment for us! ’

Along with the shots that freeze in time, the game shows some scenes in front of Song Ren.

Of course, there are many contents that Song Ren knew before, because they were mentioned in the previous linkage.

For example, the celestial sphere meets, the demon hunter and the warlock, etc.

As the narration ends, the scene in the game is no longer the previously frozen scene.

In the center of the battlefield ruins, Geralt and Vesemir were investigating the battlefield.

Geralt squatted down and looked at the dirt on the ground, and then the scene switched instantly.

As if going back in time, a black-haired woman with an unclear face appeared in the middle of the battlefield. On her left and right sides were the armies of Redania and Nilfgaard.

Facing the rain of arrows, the black-haired sorceress in the middle had no choice but to cast a large spell to escape.

Then the screen returned to Geralt's side.

Investigating relevant clues on the battlefield, Geralt and Vesemir rested in the mountains late at night.

Beside the fire, Geralt fell asleep.

After a brief period of darkness.

The scene that appeared directly opened with a lightning strike.

Foot control benefits? But why Geralt’s big feet!

Watching the scene in the bathtub gradually shift to the scene of Geralt's two big feet on the wooden basin, Song Ren couldn't help but be speechless for a while.

He has no interest in Geralt's feet!

[Kaer Morhen: Witcher Fortress, Guan'lech Coast]

While Song Ren was complaining, a reminder of a location also appeared in his field of vision.

Geralt in the tub was enjoying the bath with his eyes closed.

But then a scorpion-like creature crawled into the tub silently.

The next second, he saw Geralt trembling with his eyes closed. Of course, Song Ren also trembled, because the full force feedback of the Universal VR game warehouse and his own brain supplements made him feel completely immersed. .

Geralt in the game showed a helpless expression and looked to the side.

'This is not funny at all. ’

As he spoke, he reached out and grabbed the magic scorpion from the bucket and threw it on the ground. Then the scorpion turned into energy fragments.

The next second, the camera switched to the direction Geralt was looking at. Yennefer, who had no cloth on her body but a towel wrapped around her hair, was sleeping gracefully on a recliner with her back to Geralt and was reading a book quietly.

'I don't want you to laugh, but I want you to hurry up. It's already noon. ’

‘You promised Xili to practice with him. ’

'Go find Ciri before Vesemir irritates him to death. ’

A slightly cold voice came from Yennefer's mouth.

Geralt in the game comes out of the bathtub, his body covered with all kinds of hideous scars, which also shows that Geralt is a experienced witcher.

After getting dressed, Geralt came to Yennefer and kissed her passionately.

Without words, Yennefer stood up from the lounge chair, took off her turban and turned her back to Geralt. Her long black hair fell down, and then she slowly put on her underwear.

Oh my God!

Song Ren's eyes widened in the game.

He said why this new game of Nebula Games is different from the previous model!

This picture, this benefit, is this a game that a child like him should play?


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