Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 579 ‘Ordinary Citizen’ Ethan Winters

Regarding Chris’s impression, Song Ren has always felt that this is a very core character, even judging from the information revealed in the DLC of the previous game ‘Not a Hero’.

Chris has accomplished many incredible things, and his life experience can be described as cheating. He has an extremely gorgeous life experience. If he has to say that he has a flaw, it is that his teammates seem to be a little unlucky.

In addition, when Ethan woke up, Chris was not found at the scene, so Song Ren also wondered whether Chris would appear as a DLC character in "Resident Evil: Village", but he did not expect that in "Resident Evil: Village", Chris would appear as a DLC character. Here I met Chris directly.

But Chris, who saw Ethan at this time, also looked very angry.

"I told you to leave this matter alone! Ethan! You're in the way!"

Chris frowned and said as he looked at Ethan who was knocked to the ground by him.

His hands were very skillful in removing the magazine from the pistol he had just grabbed.

You mean I'm in the way! ?

Listening to Chris's words, Song Ren couldn't help it.

Boss! Where were you when I was fighting vampires in the castle, fighting the puppet master in the villa, frying fish in the fishing village, and fighting the fan monster in the factory for 300 rounds!

The same is true for Ethan in the game. He immediately became angry after hearing what Chris said.

"What good can you do, Chris?"

"You killed my wife! She was raised by a bitch!"

Looking at Chris, who had his back turned to him, Ethan yelled as if he wanted to vent all the negative emotions of the past two days.

"You think I killed Mia? That wasn't her!" Chris was silent for a second or two, then turned around and looked at Ethan.

"That's Miranda."

Listening to Chris' words, Song Ren also smacked his lips.

It was just as he suspected!

This matter is simply a huge conspiracy. The real Mia disappeared without knowing when, and then Miranda changed her mind and transformed into Mia, lurking next to Ethan.

At this time, Ethan was also very shocked, as if he couldn't believe what he heard: "What... what..."

"She is a biochemical weapon. She changed her appearance and disguised herself as Mia. It seems that guns cannot kill her, so I came here to end it with her." Chris slowly turned on the lights in the factory, and a modified The chariot parked in front of Chris.

"Fart! Then why didn't you just tell me!" Based on the information collected along the way, Ethan actually believed it at this time, but he still couldn't accept this fact.

"Because I know you will definitely intervene!" Chris was also a little angry.

“This matter is already troublesome enough and we don’t need ordinary citizens to mess with it!”

Listening to Chris's words, Song Ren in the game fell into a deathly silence.

He lowered his head and looked at his left hand that was missing two fingers, and then looked at his right hand that had been hot-plugged, as well as the lower abdomen that had been stabbed through by steel bars, the thigh that had been pierced by arrow holes, and the hook that had pierced it. four joints.

What an ordinary citizen!

He has already killed three of the Four Heavenly Kings, and has killed countless werewolf monsters. Look at the houses that have turned from red to blue in the entire village. Which one has not been ransacked by him?

After finishing speaking, it seemed that Chris in the game felt that he had said something wrong, and silently turned his head to face Ethan again.

"Then why us? What is going on?" Ethan still couldn't understand. After all, in Ethan's opinion, he and Mia were both ordinary and honest people.

"Okay...Ethan...Okay. Maybe I owe you an explanation. Give me that wrench." Chris took a deep breath.

Taking the wrench from Ethan, Chris explained what happened while repairing the tank.

"To make a long story short, Miranda is a crazy woman, and the various deformed monsters in this village are the result of her... lifelong research."

"This is a pretty crazy mold experiment."

Listening to Chris's words, Ethan frowned: "Mold? Just like Louisiana?"

"Damn, I always thought I could save my family, but now I can't escape...who else can I save?"

At this moment, Ethan thought of the experience three years ago and became a little depressed.

"That's not the case, come and take a look at this..." Chris threw a mobile phone to Ethan.

Ethan looked down and saw a woman with six black wings: Miranda.

"My people passed it to me a few minutes ago... read on."

Listening to Chris's words, Ethan slid back.

I saw Miranda in a scene similar to a cemetery, with four bottles containing Rose placed on the altar in the middle.

Apparently this was the ceremony Miranda was going to perform.

Seeing this, Ethan immediately panicked: "Rose! No, I have to stop her quickly!"

"Calm down, my people are watching over there!" Chris called to Ethan.

"But they got my baby!"

"You don't understand, what else can you do besides die?"

As he spoke, Chris pulled the button of the chariot.


A shell directly exploded the large iron gate.

"I'm going to stay and plant a bomb now. You drive this thing to the elevator and we'll meet up then."

"I promise to rescue your daughter."


Chris returned the pistol to Ethan and said firmly.

Ethan took the pistol and loaded it: "I will definitely kill Miranda when the time comes!"

"Leave this to you." Chris turned and left.

Seeing Chris leaving, Song Ren could not help but smack his mouth.

Why does he feel like Chris is like a protagonist?

Why can you be so calm and cool during this kind of terrorist operation?

But after a brief moment of emotion, Song Ren was immediately attracted by the chariot in front of him.

Originally, he thought it was just something used in plot cutscenes.

But what he never expected was that he discovered that there were actually interactive buttons, and he actually sat on them.

And he can also shoot!

And there is a mark behind the bullets and cannonballs: ∞

Unlimited ammo!

What is this! Is this something he can experience without spending any extra money?

Chainsaws, machine guns, artillery shells, everything is available. Isn’t this even better than the infinite bullet cheat device?

"The three kings in front of me, if I could drive this tank, my ashes would be blown away by them!"

With excitement, Song Ren drove the tank into the elevator and arrived at a huge square.

Heisenberg transformed into a complete robot and fell from the sky.

"You bastard! You are just like a cockroach that cannot be killed! Do you think you can beat me?"

"Okay, just think of it as a warm-up before cleaning up that bitch!"

As the voice fell, the battle officially started.

With unlimited firepower and unlimited shells, Song Ren immediately became excited.

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