Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 599 This is more of an assassin than an assassin!

As the game continued to advance, Li Yue also began to be exposed to more gameplay content of his own game.

The first is the material aspect.

In the game, Joel originally wanted to leave with Tess from the blockade in the quarantine area.

However, they happened to encounter the resistance army Firefly who came to attack, putting the entire quarantine area under martial law.

So Tess and the others could only choose to go around another way, a secret stronghold belonging to their smugglers.

Here players will unlock the system of backpack supplies, but Li Yue can clearly feel it.

That is this material system, which is more about bringing immersion to players.

Because the resources given are too few.

A backpack, a pistol, a gas mask, and a meager four rounds of ammunition.

It can be said that resources are quite scarce, even worse than the initial stages of the previous "Resident Evil".

Obviously resource management, this will be a core of "The Last of Us".

If players don't deliberately collect items such as bullets, the bullets in the game may only be mediocre and sufficient.

This also made Li Yue more certain of his previous thoughts.

Because of the scarce supplies, in addition to the resource management gameplay, the more important point is to allow players to immerse themselves in the background of the game.

With scarce resources and a doomsday background, what kind of story does this game tell?

And what does Sarah’s death in the previous prologue mean?

If Sarah is not the girl in the previous promotional trailer, how did Joel and the girl named Ellie meet?

With doubts, Li Yue controlled Joel and Tess to move forward.

In the process of moving forward, it is still a part of teaching for novices.

For example, finding a way out is almost a different kind of decryption, similar to "Uncharted", or many games are like this.

In a scene, find some props that can help you reach the road ahead, or work with Tess to climb to high places.

At the same time, players can also collect some materials and then make tools or strengthen firearms.

The gameplay can be said to be very traditional. For any player who has played similar games, there is no chance that they will not be able to play or understand it.

There are good and bad.

The good thing is that it allows players to stop thinking too much about the gameplay and focus more on the plot.

The bad thing is that the experience is like a game plot. If it is not outstanding, it will be a deduction.

After all, he was participating in this game review, so Li Yue was playing the game while thinking about the pros and cons of various settings in the game and the reasons.

However, although the gameplay is more traditional, in terms of character creation, at least so far, Li Yue's first impression of Joel, a companion named Tess, is quite profound.

Tess's past life is unclear, but her character has been revealed through these decryption levels.

A trustworthy lady, she was even able to grab Joel with one hand and drag him up the steps, which shows how powerful she is.

At the same time, as the player progresses, the conversation with Tess on the road also reveals the background of the game to the player.

The virus in "The Last of Us" is an entity called Cordyceps fungus.

This is a spore virus that is equivalent to parasitizing humans. It can make the infected person's abilities become stronger and stronger, and even evolve into an unconscious but more powerful Sound Follower.

The process of infection is very painful and there is no cure, so many people who are infected generally choose to commit suicide.

In addition, if someone infected with Cordyceps fungus dies to a certain extent, spores will be released from the body.

At this time, normal people will be infected if they absorb too many spores, so they need to wear a gas mask when entering and leaving some places.

In the secret passage belonging to smugglers like Joel and others, Joel and Tess met a human who was also a smuggler.

It's just that the other party's situation is not good. His gas mask is damaged and he is pressed to the ground by a metal cabinet and cannot move.

Seeing Joel and the others, the smuggler begged them to help him.

It's just that the gas mask has been destroyed, and it's obvious that the other party has only one end.

That is to become infected.

At this time, the player can only do two things, let him fend for himself, or give him a peanut.

Help him get better relief.

As you move forward here, you will face the battle level in the game.

But it was different from what Li Yue thought.

The combat system of "The Last of Us" is relatively unique.

More real, more tense.

In the game these primary infected are called runners.

As their name suggests, these infected people are very sensitive and have very sharp hearing. Just the slightest sound can attract their attention, but their vision is very poor.

Therefore, players need to dodge quietly or secretly assassinate.

Of course, the infected in the game are also divided into ordinary and special.

Ordinary infected people can be killed directly through stealth assassination.

But some special elite monsters need to use the equipment manufacturing system to make a switchblade to kill them.

In addition, there are bricks, wine bottles, steel rods and other props on the ground that can be picked up interactively. Picking up these props can be used as temporary weapons.

This is a bit similar to The Legend of Zelda, in that all kinds of weapons can be used if they fall on the ground.

Of course, apart from the most distinctive point in these games, it is the listening system.

After entering the listening system, Joel will slowly squat down, and then it will be like turning on perspective.

You can see where your enemies are based on their movements.

Of course there are still certain distance restrictions.

Coupled with the silent assassination system and the tight supplies, the game's combat system is self-evident.

That is to hope that players can use assassination and stealth methods to play the game.

This makes sense if you think about it.

After all, this is an apocalyptic theme, and Joel is just a stronger smuggler.

Not master assassins like Ezio and Altaïr.

In the game, Li Yue tried both stealth and unparalleled gameplay.

The stealth combat system is actually very smooth.

You can pick up the bricks to open the unparalleled gameplay, even in the normal difficulty mode.

He was also taught how to behave by a group of runners.

If there are only one or two, Joel can hit them with bricks.

But the key is that when other runners in the game hear the noise, they will immediately come to support.

If Joel couldn't escape at this time, he would basically be dead.

"It feels like this is more assassin than Assassin's Creed!"

Li Yue carefully sneaked through the building full of zombies, and couldn't help but sigh in his heart.

Although Assassin's Creed has a cool assassination gameplay, it can also be played as a hidden sword to conquer the world.

But in "The Last of Us", at least for now, if you want to conquer the world with one gun and one brick, that's still a bit much.

But although I feel sad, the combat system is actually not bad.

The listening system similar to clairvoyance and the gameplay of stealth assassination are not very new.

It can be paired with the background blessing of the apocalypse, rare resources, and unlimited resources such as bricks to fully display the thrilling atmosphere of the apocalypse.

At least when he was playing, he didn't even think about anything outside the game.

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