Li Yue in the game can clearly feel the changes in the relationship between Joel and Ellie.

At first, when Tess died, the two of them didn't even speak a word along the way.

As for Ellie, the little girl, seeing her sigh when she saw the reindeer in the woods, and the way she looked at the arcade and record store all made it come alive and made players aware of Ellie. Still a 13-year-old girl.

But unlike normal little girls, Ellie is obviously special, because when she was born, the order was already broken.

Therefore, we can see that Ellie is very good at speaking, and often talks about "Fa Q".

At the same time, even though she is a 13-year-old girl, she also has a decisive side.

While in Pittsburgh, Joel was attacked by a hunter and nearly killed.

Ellie helped immediately, picked up the gun next to her, and shot the hunter in the head.

Facing Ellie who fired the gun, Joel's first reaction was to be angry because the other party did not keep his promise.

But Ellie didn't choose to coddle Joel at this time.

'do you know? You shouldn't say that! ’

‘You should say: Hey, Ellie, I know this is not easy, but at that time, either he died or I died, thank you for saving me! ’

‘Joel, do you have something similar to say to me? ’

Facing Ellie who was looking forward to something, Joel just remained silent for a moment and turned to leave.

For this reason, Ellie had a little temper on the way.

But in the end, Joel chose to trust Ellie, and even handed a rifle to Ellie, asking her to cover herself, and thanked her for the previous encounter in his own words: "Let's find out, at that time ...Indeed, either he dies or I die. ’

Ellie was obviously stunned for a moment when she heard Joel's words.

These performances are from Li Yue and other people who have experienced it. They can feel that the relationship between Joel and Ellie seems to be slowly changing.

But Li Yue was very worried about this change.

Let you feel the warmth, and then insert a knife into your heart.

This is his evaluation of Chen Xu.

How united was the Van der Linde Gang in the early stages of "Red Dead Redemption"? But things finally fell apart and Arthur Morgan died.

There are also Ezio's father, older brother and younger brother in "Assassin's Creed", as well as his first love girlfriend.

A series of games all follow this design.

The most critical point is that "The Last of Us" has already shown such signs.

At the beginning, Sarah's father-daughter warmth ended and death ushered in. The friendship between Tess and Joel also ended and death ushered in.

In the small town, Bill and Joel had just completed their favor and saw Bill's friend die.

Especially in Pittsburgh, this desperate and simple plot is repeated again.


In Pittsburgh, Joel and Ellie hid in a house, but they didn't expect that there was another pair of black brothers in the house.

Henry and Sam are two very common names.

They were the only remaining survivors of a small group, but they were separated from the larger group and only the two of them were left.

Even though it was the end of the world, both of them had children with them.

This makes Joel and Henry decide to act together.

On the way, they came to a toy store. Henry's brother Sam wanted to take away a Gundam toy but was stopped.

Then the four people decided to look for clues about Huo Ying through the radio.

However, they were attacked by hunters midway. When they finally climbed through the ladder, the ladder was damaged and only Joel was left alone.

So Henry and Sam turned around and ran away without hesitation.

But Ellie jumped down without any hesitation and chose to face the danger together with Joel.

The escape was so thrilling that Joel and Ellie fell off the bridge. When Joel woke up, they were already on the beach, and Henry, who had chosen to take Sam away before, was beside him.

Joel was full of anger, but then he fell silent because of Henry's words.

Because he also understood that Henry did not want his brother to take risks. If it was Joel who was up there, he would make the same choice without hesitation.

After experiencing this life and death crisis, the team seems to be more harmonious.

There were more laughs along the way, and Ellie and Sam, two children with similar personalities, also got along well.

Reading comics, playing games, bickering with each other, and even playing darts.

The strict Henry did not stop him like he did in the previous toy store. Instead, he smiled and chatted with Joel with some emotion.

But just as Li Yue thought, as warm as it is in front, it will be cruel in the back.

While Joel was chatting with Henry, Ellie in another room brought Sam a toy that he had wanted to take away before.

But after Ellie left, Sam threw the toy on the ground.

On his leg was a scratch that was starting to get worse.

So the next plot is logical.

In the morning, Sam was infected, and Henry killed his brother with his own hands and shot himself in despair.

There are no earth-shattering scenes, and there are not even many lines.

Two gunshots brought despair and depression.


Time flies, and it’s already autumn in a blink of an eye.

Ellie and Joel came to Jackson County, where Joel met his brother Tommy.

Even though the two had a bad time, they were brothers after all.

They cursed a lot, but when they hugged each other, no one wanted to let go first.

Then we learned through conversation that Tommy was now married, and he and his wife had built a stronghold.

But they are not hunters who make a living by hunting their own kind. This group of people gather together to be self-sufficient by growing crops and raising livestock.

Everyone has a clear division of labor, and there are enough armed forces to protect them.

This is something Li Yue has never seen in the game so far.

Although it is still the end of the world, and although there are still zombies outside, this place is full of life and hope.

Once here, Tommy handed a photo to Joel.

That's a picture of Joel and Sarah.

However, Joel did not accept this photo because it was a pain in his heart forever.

But what Joel said next made Li Yue a little stunned.

Because Joel wanted to back down here, he wanted to leave Ellie in Tommy's hands and leave on his own.

They had a big fight about this. After all, Tommy was no longer alone. He also had a family of his own.

When they were in a stalemate, nearby hunters came and worked together to repel the enemy.

Ellie spoke passionately about the situation for Joel, but Joel didn't listen at all. He just examined Ellie with a nervous look on his face and asked if she was injured.

Looking at this scene, Li Yue in the game showed a surprised expression.

He understood why Joel was unwilling to continue taking Ellie on the road.

Because during this journey, Joel unknowingly regarded Ellie as his most important person, and he regarded Ellie as his daughter.

Tommy obviously understood, so he decided to take on this troublesome matter.

Tommy also thought about what happened twenty years ago, if he had arrived earlier.

So will Sarah not die?

But everyone has overlooked one thing, and that is what does Ellie think?

Ellie, who overheard Joel's conversation, stole a horse and ran out of the camp alone.

Finally, Tommy and Joel found her in a ranch.

Looking at Ellie who was leaning on the balcony reading the diary, Joel loudly accused her, saying that she was too willful and didn't know how much trouble she would bring to them.

And here Ellie finally broke out.

‘Stop talking nonsense? What are you afraid of? Afraid I'd end up like Sam? I won't get infected, I can take care of myself. ’ Ellie looked at Joel.

‘How many times have we been in danger? ’ Joel said, but looked away.

‘We seem to be coping well so far. ’

'Then you'll handle it better if you work with Tommy! ’ Joel argued.

'I'm not her...Maria told me about Sarah, and I...' Ellie said softly.

' are pushing yourself into a desperate situation...' Joel turned to look at Ellie and shook his head.

'I'm sad about Sarah, but Joel...I've also lost important people. ’ Ellie looked directly at Joel.

'You won't understand. ’ Joel looked at Ellie and shook his head. Obviously he didn’t think that a 13-year-old girl who was born in the apocalypse had ever experienced anything.

Facing the stubborn Joel, Ellie finally couldn't bear it anymore and pushed Joel hard.

‘F**K! Everyone who cares about me has either died or abandoned me! ’

‘Everyone is like that! F**K! Except you bastard! ’

‘So don’t tell me who I’m safer with, F**K! That would only make me more scared! ’

Seeing Ellie's emotional outburst, Joel's lips trembled: 'You are right, you are not my daughter, and I will not be your father... We go our separate ways. ’

After dealing with the invading enemies, the three returned to the town accompanied by the sound of resentful guitar.

The three of them said nothing the whole time.

Coming outside Tommy's town, it was quiet and peaceful, just like a paradise, without any apocalyptic atmosphere.

Here, Joel looked at Ellie's back and finally made up his mind.

‘Where is their laboratory? ’

‘All the way there, Eastern Colorado University. ’

‘Ellie, get off your horse and give it back to Tommy. ’

Hearing Joel's words, Ellie raised her head suddenly.

‘If you have no objection, I would like to spend more time with her. ’ After Joel finished talking to Tommy, he looked at Ellie: ‘Come up here, don’t let me say it again. ’

‘There’s room for you here. ’ Before leaving, Tommy tried to retain Joel and Ellie.

Without answering Tommy's words, Joel just turned his head and glanced at Ellie behind him.

‘Are you ready? ’

After getting the answer, Joel looked at Tommy and nodded slightly.

'Farewell, brother. ’

As reviewers, these reporters are completely immersed in the plot at this moment.

They didn't think about the evaluation aspect. The only thing they wanted to know was what else Joel and Ellie would encounter later.

In the end, Chen Xu can't really be cruel and stage another tragedy, right?

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