Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 605 Players’ Thoughts and Controversies

Although it is only two days, for all players who are looking forward to "The Last of Us", the waiting time is obviously very long.

Everyone understands what the saying ‘a day without seeing is like three autumns’ means.

And because the unlocking time of the game is based on domestic time.

Many overseas players also deliberately adjust the region in the Universal VR game warehouse so that they can enter the game as soon as possible.

Physically in New Zealand, Seattle, Argentina? It doesn't matter that they can smuggle their souls to the country on the other side of the ocean.

This anxiety, as well as the continuous stimulation of perfect scores and the Riddler, made all players very irritable.

"It's so annoying! When can we get there today? Hurry up until tomorrow!"

"That's right, I've never been so anxious! I can't wait to see what magic this game has. It can actually get so many media to give such high praise. Judging from the gameplay and type, this game is so magical. It seems to be just an ordinary thread game!"

"Yes, what I was really looking forward to was "Wasteland 1" admitting that now my whole mind is already focused on the game "The Last of Us"."

"But the only thing I'm worried about is that in this game, will Chen Xu take out a knife to kill us again?"

"It's not impossible! According to past experience, sadness will be followed by joy, and joy will be followed by sadness. The sacrifice of Ethan in "Resident Evil: Village" and the perfect ending of the White Wolf in "Blood and Wine", I It feels like Joel is in danger!”

"The more tragic it is, the more it touches people's hearts. So maybe it was the tragedy in the end that made the major media give such high evaluations to the game?"

"Stop guessing, I believe in Mr. Chen's integrity!"

"Integrity!? Does Mr. Chen have that thing?"

On the eve of the launch, players could not sit still and discussed related content on major forums.

You can say anything, but what most players are worried about is that this will be a tragic game. After all, no matter how you look at it, it feels very similar.

However, no matter how much the players guess, they will obviously not get an answer.

After all, the only ones who know the content of the game currently are Chen Xu and his team members, as well as the relevant media who participated in this evaluation.

But no matter which party it is, it is impossible to reveal the subsequent plot to the players.

Under the players' anxiety, suspicion, and expectations, all kinds of mixed emotions.

"The Last of Us" is also officially open to all players.

Soon the topic about this game was overwhelming in major forums and communities.

At the beginning, players didn't realize how interesting the game was.

Because it has a very traditional thread gameplay, a very traditional action and shooting system, and the tradition of Nebula games throughout its development history: Knife Man.

When he came up, he killed his sweet and lovely daughter.

This scene caused many players with weak psychological tolerance to go berserk and not even have time to play the game. They went directly to Chen Xu's official blog and issued a strong protest.

Of course, a protest is a protest, and the game must continue to be played.

And then the game plot is gradually extended and developed, and the player's emotions are completely captured.

The sacrifice of Tess, the deaths of the arrogant Bill and his friends, the crazy hunter at the end of the world, the tragic ending of the black brothers, and the emotional outburst of Joel and Ellie, it is as if this game has some magic.

Although the hopeless world still made them breathless.

Joel is seriously injured and Ellie is worried when she is captured by a pervert.

And the final scene of Ellie petting the giraffe is regarded by many players as one of the most classic scenes in gaming history.

If you look at it from a certain perspective, "The Last of Us" is actually far from amazing.

The story background and gameplay can only be said to be top-notch in the industry, but they are not amazing.

But the most outstanding thing about "The Last of Us" is the perfect combination of these content that is not a breakthrough.

The emotional interaction between Joel and Ellie in the game.

From indifference at the beginning, to inseparability later.

Such emotional drive also makes the final ending seem so natural.

When facing Firefly, players are not required to make an ending, there is only one fixed ending.

But all the players who have played this game feel that this ending is the one they chose.

The previous emotions were completely vented and released.

But if that's the case, then "The Last of Us" can only be said to be a very good work.

It may be one step away from being a masterpiece.

And finally, before leaving Firefly and taking Ellie back to Sam's base, the conversation between Joel and Ellie brought the game to a perfect end.

That is, if Ellie is given a choice, she is actually more willing to sacrifice herself to save the world.

Even though she is just a minor girl, her experience in the apocalypse is different from that of a little girl in peaceful times.

She has seen too much and how desperate this world is.

The death of her best friend, the death of Tess, the death of Bill's friend, the death of her black brother, she wanted to change the world.

For Joel, Ellie is his world at this moment.

The sentence "I swear" has no continuation, no description of the subsequent pattern.

In such a situation, the players regained a deeper thinking after the excitement after the previous emotional catharsis.

Each character is not useless, on the contrary, they are all flesh and blood, not tools for Joel and Ellie to continue their adventures.

This kind of emotional substitution, as if experiencing the adventures of Joel and Ellie, creates the evocative and touching story of "The Last of Us".

This is also something that other art media, such as movies, books, and music, cannot do.

Because only in the game can players truly integrate into the world and interact with each character.

Before experiencing it, some players thought it might be a bit exaggerated that so many game media gave it perfect scores.

But after experiencing it personally, I changed my mind.

It deserves full marks!

However, in addition to praise and emotion for the game, many players who have experienced the game have different views on the story.

When playing, most players have one thought, which is to rescue Ellie.

But after the game ended, some players also had new thoughts.

Of course, this is a normal thing, just like when you are watching a movie, you don’t think too much, you only have one thought and that’s it.

But after reading it, the previous impulse gradually subsided.

At this time, you will re-examine and criticize, and you will think why this posture and the plot are so stupid?

Why is this heroine so ugly? The teeth are not straight!

In the same way, after the game is cleared, the emotional resonance in the previous game slowly fades away. Many players are also thinking about the game's depiction of human nature and the world, and whether the ending is correct or not.

This has also caused controversy among many player groups.


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