The driving pickup truck finally stopped in front of a very dilapidated house.

Compared to the bustling downtown Detroit, this is a proper ghetto.

Entering the house, Todd, a middle-aged uncle with a sinister face, introduced Kara to the work she had to do.

Cleaning the house, doing laundry, cooking, and taking care of his girl Alice.

After explaining a lot of things, Song Ren mentally summarized the tasks.

Well, do housework!

After finishing speaking, he looked at Todd who was lying on the sofa watching TV.

Song Ren, who controlled Kara and stood there, was still a little dazed.

Until her eyes looked at the reminder of the current task: cleaning the room, washing the dinner dishes, putting away the clothes.

"So where is Brother Connor, the negotiator we promised?"

"Why is it that one second I am a ruthless android negotiator, and the next second I turn directly into a housekeeper!"

Song Ren was speechless. The gap must be too big.

Although there were no exciting scenes in the trial version, the ruthless and handsome Connor left a very deep impression on him.

Including the negotiation process, it is also a battle of wits and courage, which is very exciting and exciting.

In the end, with his clever negotiation, he eliminated the threat and rescued the little girl who was hostage.

Under the indescribable gazes of Captain Allen and the others, they turned around and left with expressionless expressions.

But why is the experience of the official version so frustrating?

The story of a male nanny and a female nanny?

And is this house a place where humans can live?

"This room! Damn it! Any place where pigs live is cleaner than this place!"

Song Ren took a broom and started cleaning the room. Under the immersive scene, Song Ren was speechless.

This room is so dirty!

Of course, it's dirty when it's dirty, and Song Ren wanted to punch Todd, who had such a sinister face. The previous protagonist named Marcus was knocked to the ground, but it didn't make him feel so aggrieved.

While clearing the table, Todd would yell at him while standing next to the TV while sitting on the sofa, and said, "Asshole, you're blocking the screen!"

Why are you shouting so loudly? Do you have to shout?

Song Ren wished that he could be kicked to death by Tao De in front of him.

However, the game didn't allow her to do this, and instead she lowered her head and apologized to Todd.

Sweeping the garbage on the ground into the trash can and then starting to wash the dishes, Song Ren shocked the game at the beginning with so many interactive details.

But now, there are so many details in doing housework!

"So, isn't this really a housekeeping nanny simulator?"

Song Ren was speechless.

This life, oh no, it should be the life of bionic people is too difficult!

Not only did she have to take care of the children, she also experienced all kinds of housework from the inside out, and she also had to be bossed around by Todd.

For example, when she controlled Kara to wash the dishes, Todd, who was sitting there watching the ice hockey game, would yell at her to get a can of cold beer.

When she was washing clothes, she accidentally discovered the red ice that Todd had hidden in the washing powder, and she had to be pinched by his neck and gave him a hard lesson.

But although Todd is an old bastard, his daughter Alice is very cute.

The only thing that made Song Ren a little depressed was that Alice seemed to be afraid of Kara and was taciturn.

This aroused some curiosity in Song Ren.

The actions throughout the game are relatively free.

Kara, played by the player, can still walk around the home and collect clues.

Only content that does not fit the plot will be forcibly corrected.

While Song Ren was searching for clues, he basically figured out some basic situations.

Like the homeless people he saw on the street before, Todd also lost his job because of the androids.

In addition, as a foreigner who has no savings and likes to overdraw his credit card for advanced consumption, this can be said to be a common phenomenon in society.

So when he lost his job, Todd had no source of income and could only receive social welfare benefits. His quality of life plummeted, and even his wife ran away with Lao Wang.

So he became addicted to drugs to escape reality, but this also made Todd's temper very irritable, and he would even often become angry with Alice.

At the same time, you can also learn about it through Alice's little box.

In fact, the reason why Carla was sent back to the factory for repairs was not because she was in a car accident as Todd said in the store.

It was because Todd wanted to do something to Alice when she was out of control. Kara was beaten by Todd in order to protect Alice.

And this is not the first time, and Kara's memory will be reset every time she returns to the scene for repairs.

This is why Alice is a little afraid of Kara.

Because Kara had obviously known her before, but every time she came back after leaving home, she acted like a stranger.

After learning this information, Song Ren couldn't help but feel a sense of irony.

Todd lost his job because of the androids, and therefore hated the androids.

On the other hand, his daily life is inseparable from androids.

This is the ultimate irony.

Including those who beat Marcus in the square before, will they be like Todd when they return home?

"However, I now understand why Mr. Chen only included one little brother Connor in the prologue!"

As Kara's plot ended, Song Ren couldn't help but sigh.

Because the entire game is just like the plot in the Connor experience version, it makes players feel cool and handsome.

The gaming experience that Kara and Marcus have experienced so far can only be described as suffering.

Walking on the street, you will get beaten up, or you will work as a cow and a horse for others to do housework.

Could it be any worse?

Not to mention feeling happy, I was just being annoyed the whole time.

But in addition to these, the three protagonists and different experiences also made Song Ren a little curious about the subsequent plot.

Every android protagonist is actually being discriminated against, and you can clearly feel the contradiction between humans and androids.

Marcus lets players understand what the social environment between androids and humans is like.

Kara lets players see what a family that hates androids is like.

Connor, on the other hand, lets players know why abnormal androids appear.

So in such a situation, in what direction will the subsequent plot of the game develop.

Can androids and humans finally coexist peacefully?

In what direction will Detroit develop in this future world?

And since three protagonists are used, Song Ren also believes that in the later stage, the three protagonists will meet each other due to some events.

But what kind of event will lead to the meeting?

I have to say that these points are more attractive to Song Ren.


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