Compared to the first CG animation before.

The second officially released CG animation has triggered even greater buzz among players.

On the one hand, due to the previous publicity and warm-up, players' expectations for "World of Warcraft" can be said to be overwhelming.

On the other hand, this time's CG animation finally involves familiar characters from "Warcraft".

That's Alsace.

Although the story of "Warcraft" does not have a constant protagonist.

They all talk about the camps of humans, night elves, undead, and orcs.

But the characters with names still left a deep impression on players, especially Alsace.

The plot is quite long and the topics are controversial enough.

After all, what was Arthas before he fell?

A rich and handsome prince, he became a paladin of the Silver Hand at a young age, and he also has a lover who can be called rich and beautiful.

But later Arthas became a death knight, and was influenced by the will of the Lich King in Frostmourne to commit patricide.

This transformation from good to evil, coupled with a large amount of plot space, it can be said that when "Warcraft" is mentioned, the first character that comes to most players' minds is Arthas.

The exquisite quality of this CG animation reminds players of their memories of Alsace.

Another point is that this is an official stone hammer, that is, Arthas is definitely a villain.

All the expectations the old king had for Alsace turned out to be the opposite.

The old king hoped that Arthas could become the embodiment of justice.

But Arthas became the Lich King.

He hoped that Alsace would use its power carefully, and that real victory would be to inspire the fighting spirit in the hearts of the people.

But Arthas used the power of Frostmourne to turn his people into undead.

These very controversial and connotative points have also caused some players who played Warcraft to discuss the content again.

'Knew it! The second idiot finally became the real villain, King Meow Meow! ’

‘What the hell is Mew Meow King? It's the Dirty Demon King, not the Meow Meow King! Don't give random names to these idiots! ’

‘That’s enough for you guys upstairs! ’

'Actually, think about the tragedy of Arthas. When he needed support the most, Uther went directly to report to his parents. Jaina said that he couldn't watch Arthas do this, and the result was a yo-yo. ’

‘Yes, you think that if Uther and Jaina could side with Arthas at that time, who would become the Lich King in the end? Is it possible with an egg? ’

‘Stop bragging one by one. What I’m more curious about is whether we can brush Arthas by then and unleash his Frostmourne. ’

‘+1, and Illidan’s Warblade of Azzinoth! ’

‘Speaking of the sadness of frost, I wonder if there is the joy of fire? ’

‘The God of Fire is so happy. Even if there is a fire-attribute weapon corresponding to Frostmourne, it can’t make Fire happy! ’

‘Tell me, why are you so serious! And doesn’t Fire’s Joy sound very palatable? ’

With the release of this second promotional CG animation, players' enthusiasm has once again been pushed to its peak.

At the same time, some game manufacturers at the same time were hesitant because they were not sure when this game would be released.

If it's just the beginning of the project, it doesn't matter.

After all, not a single actual screen of the game has been released so far.

Then refer to the Nebula world and a setting of the Azeroth map.

Everyone understands how huge a game "World of Warcraft" is.

But the key is that because of these elements, it can be seen that Chen Xu planned it in advance.

No one wants to collide with this giant game.

Amid the excited expectations of players, as time progresses little by little, some game manufacturers are also testing the release of their new games one after another.

For example, after the brainwave operation of "Wasteland 1" from FOW was updated, it was introduced to the market and once again achieved high sales. However, its reputation is slightly lower than that of the first generation, with a score of 0.2.

In addition, some other game manufacturers have also launched new games one after another.

During this period, what Chen Xu and Nebula Games did.

That is to show CG animation.

‘I was imprisoned for ten thousand years and expelled from my homeland. ’

‘Now you dare to break into my territory... you are asking for your own death! ’

Each CG animation was released like a serialized drama.

Especially after Arthas, the appearance of Illidan once again pushed the popularity of "World of Warcraft" to a higher level.

For most players, it can be said that Illidan's popularity is enough to compete with Arthas.

This can be seen from the first release of heroes in "Warcraft" that year.

For players who have never delved into RTS gameplay and have only played the plot.

The undead and night elves will always be the first two characters, DK and DH, that is, the death knight and the demon hunter.

Of course, like Arthas, Illidan in "World of Warcraft" will not be a BOSS that players can conquer from the beginning.

After all, there are only so many named BOSSs, so how can we get them all at once for players.

At the same time, in terms of plot, it can be said that the first few versions of "World of Warcraft" are completely different from the later versions.

The early Warcraft plot was indeed stiff in some places, but the overall direction was self-defeating. But when Blizzard started to mess up, it became clear what it means to have no lower limit.

Whether the character is whitewashed or not is not the key. The key is the plot treatment of blackening and whitewashing. Two rainbow farts can shake people who are originally black. If they are blackened for ideals, then how lonely is this blackening?

And compared with the 2.0 version, the black dragon princess Onyxia, who worked secretly for decades to bring down Varian and colluded with Blackstone Mountain to indirectly create the Brotherhood, was exposed by the marshal in the end.

However, Queen Xi’s various methods in the later period can be said to be completely different from the queen’s style. In addition, from the early distinctive personality to the later split personality, the whole person is like a roller coaster, almost borrowing from the mental change of the neighbor next door. A golf club.

In contrast, Kerrigan's setting in Star Next Door, where I kill countless people but am the savior, seems completely acceptable.

Of course, World of Warcraft is not always regressing. If anything, it is becoming more and more outstanding.

Don’t you think the CG animation in this game is pretty good?

Of course, for the current Chen Xu, there is no need to worry about the subsequent plot. After all, it is an MMORPG.

There is enough time set aside for polishing during version update iterations.

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