Game Making: The Latest Chapter Begins With Healing the Player

Chapter 660 There is something wrong with this atmosphere!

On December 1, "BioShock" was also officially unlocked.

Just like the original "Call of Duty: Modern Warfare", this time "BioShock" only unlocks one called "Infinite".

As for the other subtitled "City of Paradise", it is tentatively scheduled to be released on the 15th.

As soon as such news came out, it also attracted complaints from countless players.


Because it’s obvious that Nebula Games is going to be a cut-throat dog again this time!

In Nebula World, Zhang Yi was chatting with Song Ren while waiting for the game to be unlocked.

"I don't know what the plot of "BioShock Infinite" is? I always have a bad feeling." Song Ren said on the other end.

After all, Mr. Chen's biggest characteristic is his ability to stab people with knives.

And unlike ordinary people who stabbed knives, Chen always hid the knife in a box. Sometimes the box contained chocolates, and sometimes it contained knives.

"Isn't there some expert analysis on the Internet? This game is probably like "The Last of Us"." Zhang Yi said.

"Why? They look like the roles of father and daughter? Then why can't they be like Ethan Winters in "Resident Evil: Village"?" Song Ren retorted.

"You don't understand this. Mr. Chen's stabbings are still regular. After stabbing "Resident Evil: Village", he made a version of the ending of "The Last of Us" and you said okay? Then he made it again. "World of Warcraft" has a marshal, Tirion Fordring, and a bunch of sadistic side plots, plus the group version makes people tortured. This new game must have some candy, right?" Zhang Yi He said confidently.

"Although what you said makes sense, I always feel like I'm farting." Song Ren on the other end of the voice expressed doubts.

"Okay, okay, it's already unlocked. I won't beep further with you. Just prove everything with facts, okay?" Zhang Yi snorted.

Seeing that the time was up and "BioShock Infinite" was already lit up in his Nebula game inventory, Zhang Yi decisively hung up the phone with Song Ren.

Located in the Nebula world, the entrance to "BioShock Infinite", like other games, is a portal to the starry universe.

Stepping into it, Zhang Yi heard the sound of wind and waves in his ears, and then slowly opened his eyes. Just like in the previous promotional trailer, Zhang Yi was sitting on a small wooden boat at this moment.

"Can't you give me a more luxurious cruise ship?" Zhang Yi couldn't help complaining. Judging from the promotional trailer, the background of "BioShock Infinite" can be said to be standard steampunk.

There are huge airships and all kinds of surreal technologies, so what the hell is this artificial canoe?

As the ship sailed on the sea, dark clouds soon filled the sky, and raindrops as big as beans fell from the sky.

The rain blurred his vision, and a line of subtitles appeared in front of Zhang Yi.

‘The brains of experimental subjects will try their best to create some imaginary memories and believe them to be true...obstacles in crossing parallel worlds - R. Lutes, 1889’.

This simple sentence gave Zhang Yi an inexplicable feeling.

Judging from Zhang Yi's game experience, this kind of narration at the beginning of the subtitles must have profound meaning.

For example, "I must find my treasure" at the beginning of "Uncharted" and "The End of the Outlaw Era" at the beginning of "Red Dead Redemption" are all metaphors.

But what does this sentence in "BioShock Infinite" mean?

Zhang Yi racked his brains to think. He closed his eyes and went through the knowledge he had learned in high school and college in his mind. Ten seconds later, Zhang Yi opened his eyes and said that he had given up thinking for the time being.

At the same time as this thought appeared, Zhang Yi heard the sound of wind, waves and thunder.

As these sounds appeared, the game screen slowly appeared in front of him.

Still driving on the sea.

But it has turned into night.

It was raining heavily in the sky, and the lighthouse in the distance was very conspicuous.

At this time, he was sitting in a small boat with an oil lamp lit, slowly heading towards the lighthouse in the distance.

There was also a woman sitting at the bow of the boat, and a man rowing a boat. The two were quarreling with each other.

‘Are you just sitting there? ’

‘Compared to what? Standing? ’

‘It’s not insistence, it’s quarreling. ’

'quarrel? I have no intention of arguing with you. ’

‘So you want me to do more? ’

'No, but I do think you can do it by yourself. ’

The two people in front were talking, and then the woman turned and handed over a box.

Big raindrops fell from the sky on his face, and it was still an uncontrollable cutscene.

Including the lenses in the game, there is currently no way to control them.

But what surprised Zhang Yi was the cartoon-rendered art style.

But the graphics in the game are still very delicate, especially the rain scene in this scene.

Compared with the sea escape in "Uncharted", although it is not as stunning.

But the cartoon rendering style has a texture that the realistic style does not.

Zhang Yi lowered his head and looked at the box he had taken from the woman before. There was some information written on it - 'This item belongs to Booker Dewit, 7th Cavalry Regiment: Wounded Knee River'

Looking at the information on the box, Zhang Yi immediately knew that the protagonist in the game should be this person named Booker Dewit.

As for Wounded Knee River.

When he first played "Red Dead Redemption", Zhang Yi knew the history of this area.

This marked the end of the armed uprising of Indians against settlers and was also a massacre of the Sioux.

So could it be said that the protagonist Booker DeWitt in the game is a soldier who participated in the Wounded Knee Massacre?

Zhang Yi was making guesses in his heart.

At this time, the man and woman in front began to talk to themselves again.

Game Booker asked them, but received only specious answers.

At this time, Zhang Yi also discovered that he could also operate in the game.

Looking at the box on his knees, Song Ren tried to open it.

Inside the box is a password icon, as well as a pistol and a photo.

It was a photo of a girl, with the girl's name "Elizabeth" written on the front, and behind the photo there was a sentence - bring her back unharmed.

As the ship arrived at its destination lighthouse, a note was taped to the wooden door at the lighthouse entrance.

It read: Bookedivet brings the girl to us and your debt will be wiped off. This is your last chance.

The note was still stained with some blood.

“There’s something wrong with this atmosphere!”

Looking around, Zhang Yi swallowed.

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