Game of Thrones: Knight of Glory

Chapter 377 Implantation Experiment

"Is the map really on the person of this person named Brandon?" After listening to Bahrain's report, Lind couldn't help but frowned and asked, "Doesn't he know what the map is?"

"Yes." Balin nodded and said, "He just kept that map as an antique and didn't know that it was the map of Sothothros drawn by Janinara Balerion."

Linde ordered: "Go and buy it. If you can solve it with money, don't use other means."

"Yes, Your Majesty." Balin nodded.

"Garland, what's the matter with you?" Lind turned to look at Garland again and asked.

"Your Majesty, this is my new list of candidates for the Royal Council." Garland said as he handed the list to Linde.

Lind looked at it seriously and said: "Let Pycelle continue to be the Grand Maester. Although this old guy has some problems, at least he still has the ability. Littlefinger Petyr Baelish will continue to be the Minister of Finance, and the others The selection will be based on the above." As he said, he asked: "How is our new speaker doing now?"

Garland said with some worry: "Are you sure you want Margaery to hold such an important position?"

"It doesn't matter. With the Queen of Thorns guiding her, she won't make any mistakes." Linde smiled, and then said seriously: "By the way, don't bring up any other topics like marriage in front of her. If she doesn’t want to, don’t force her!”

"Yes, Your Majesty." Garland nodded.

At this time, Coburn came in from outside, bowed to Linde and said: "Your Majesty, you are ready."

"Are you ready?" Lind stood up and gestured to Garland: "Let's go! Let's go see the treatment situation of the future King's Hand and the Duke of Casterly Rock."

The group walked through several corridors of the Red Keep and came to the place where the keels were previously stored. Now these keels have been moved to other places, and Lind transformed it into a room similar to a black cave laboratory.

At this moment, special candles were lit around the room. These candles can emit extremely strong light and illuminate the room clearly.

There are already more than a dozen people gathered in the room. Among these dozen people are bachelors who are proficient in medicine and spellcasters who are good at magic. They are all gathered around the two beds.

Lying on the bed were the paralyzed red viper Oberon Martell and Jaime Lannister, who was missing an arm. The two people who were originally enemies were now lying together for treatment. It was really funny. , especially the Red Viper was still naked at the moment, lying on its side. Jaime Lannister could see his lower body by tilting his head slightly from where he was, which really made Jaime feel extremely embarrassed.

"Your Majesty!" After Linde entered the room, everyone saluted Linde.

"Lind Terra, you did it on purpose, right?" The red viper lying on its side looked at Lind and shouted in embarrassment.

"No." Lind shook his head, denying the Red Viper's guess, and before James spoke, he ordered: "Let's start!"

Following Lind's instructions, the alchemist waiting on the side took out a potion and poured it into the mouths of Red Viper and James respectively, and the two immediately passed out.

Later, Master Yunkong took out the medium used for casting spells and recited the incantation. An invisible force was generated in the room, which quickly cleaned out the impurities in the air of the room, creating a nearly dust-free and sterile environment.

The Bachelor of Medicine took out a scalpel and began to operate on the Red Viper and James' bodies respectively. The Red Viper directly cut open the broken part of the neck to cut off the damaged bones and part of the nerves, while James directly cut off the severed hand. All parts of the arm were cut off.

After taking out the extra things, someone took out two transparent pieces of meat from the two magic metal boxes with frozen dragon runes next to the bed.

They placed these two pieces of meat on the broken part of James' arm and the neck of the Red Viper.

Then the two pieces of flesh seemed to melt and merge into the wound, leaving only a sticky-looking muddy object attached to the surface of the wound.

The alchemist then took out a large amount of fresh meat and touched the muddy objects, and the muddy objects digested the fresh meat at an extremely fast speed like some kind of carnivorous creatures.

Every time the muddy substance on the neck of the Red Viper digests a piece of fresh meat, it will spit out some dark red mucus, and James will grow a small section of arm.

As a large amount of meat was fed, some strange-looking patterns appeared on the wounds of the two people, which gradually spread and covered their whole bodies bit by bit.

When both of their bodies were covered with this pattern, the wound on the Red Viper's neck had healed, and James had grown an arm again.

"How is the situation?" Linde asked.

The person in charge of the treatment among the bachelors did not immediately answer Lind's question. Instead, he took out some instruments and carefully examined the two bodies. Then the person among the casters who assisted in the treatment exchanged opinions, and then nodded: "It's perfect, Your Majesty, it's perfect."

"What are the possible side effects?" Linde did not ignore other questions because of his perfect answer.

The bachelor looked at the spell caster next to him, and an alchemist stood up and said: "According to previous experimental experience, they will become particularly belligerent, and there is a certain chance of seeing deep sea illusions. We speculate that this may be because of transplant culture. The fluid comes from sea monster body fluids.”

"Is there any solution?" Linde asked again.

Someone replied: "The bellicosity comes from the use of black magic when cultivating their transplanted organs. Unless the organs are stripped away, it is impossible to solve their bellicose problem, but the hallucinations can be controlled by taking suppressive drugs." "

Linde looked at the man in confusion and said, "Suppressant potion? I remember that Black Cave has not yet produced a potion that can suppress hallucinations."

"You don't need the potion from the Black Cave. You only need an ordinary herbalist to make this potion." The bachelor who is already proficient in medical treatment interjected: "In the book "Herbs and Witchcraft" written by the bachelor Brown, there is a record A potion that can resist witches’ hallucinogens. This potion is very simple to make and can be easily handled by ordinary herbalists.”

At this time, Garland suddenly said: "I have also read the book "Herbs and Witchcraft". I remember that the potion that can suppress illusions cannot be taken for a long time, otherwise the user will become less and less emotional and become It has to be like a stone.”

"Yes, there is indeed such a problem," the bachelor nodded and said, "But you may have forgotten that we also have magic, which can strip away the side effects of this potion."

Linde nodded after hearing this and ordered: "Give them the awakening potion! Let's see the final effect."

Upon hearing the order, the alchemist took out a bottle, put it under the noses of the two people, let them smell it, and then walked away with the others, leaving a clear space.

A minute later, the Red Viper and the Kingslayer woke up almost at the same time, and made attacking movements in unison, as if they were frightened beasts. If the alchemist and others were still by the bed just now, they would definitely be attacked by them. It was obvious that similar accidents should have occurred in past experiments.

After falling into a brief instinctive reaction, both the Red Viper and the Kingslayer woke up at the same time, and also realized the changes in themselves. Their faces showed excitement. One checked his body, and the other checked his right hand.

"You woke up so quickly. You are worthy of being a famous knight from the Seven Kingdoms!" The surrounding spellcasters and scholars were all surprised that the two of them were able to get rid of the abnormal situation caused by the medicine so quickly.

"How do you feel?" Linde asked.

"Very good, very good!" they both replied in unison.

"Conduct the test." Linde ordered again.

Everyone began to take out test items and began to test the physical fitness of the two people to see how much they could improve under the influence of the implants.

It was found that the overall physical fitness of the two people has improved a lot. Although it has not exceeded the limit of ordinary people, it has reached the limit. As they adapt to the implants, it is only a matter of time before they exceed the limit.

Moreover, the two of them now have some individual tests that have exceeded the limit. For example, the Red Viper's movement speed and combat reaction have exceeded the limits of ordinary people and have reached an inhuman state. For example, dozens of crossbows are used to attack him at close range. , he can also avoid or use weapons to deflect incoming arrows.

The changes in the Kingslayer are even more reflected in his strength and endurance. He can easily lift hundreds of kilograms of weight without feeling too tired after repeating it hundreds of times. He is just getting used to the implant. His strength will increase to varying degrees over time.

"It's amazing. I didn't expect that there would be such a big difference in the effects of implants on different people." Everyone couldn't help but sigh with emotion when looking at the test data in their hands.

In the various experiments they conducted in the past, the final effect achieved by the subjects was less than half of the test data of the two people now. You must know that that is the final effect after fully adapting to the implant, and now the two people have just completed the implant surgery. The final effect.

"I now have the urge to go to the battlefield and fight immediately!" Red Viper said extremely excitedly, feeling the power that was constantly being stimulated in his body.

"Maybe you don't need to go to the battlefield, you can fight now!" The regicide on the side also looked at the Red Viper with high spirits.

"Calm down and don't be affected by the militant emotions stimulated by the implant. Put on clothes for the two of them and see two grown men naked. It's really dazzling!" Linde's words calmed the two men's fighting impulse. At the same time, it made both of them feel embarrassed.

When the two of them were getting dressed, Garland said with envy: "This kind of implant can have such a powerful effect. I really want to..."

"It's best not to think about it!" Lind turned to look at Garland and said: "The two of them only had implant surgery as a last resort, and the implant is still unstable. No one knows what will happen to them in the end. What kind of impact will it have? Your Tyrell family has the inheritance of Garth the Green Hand. Now the magic of the whole world is recovering, and the power of Garth the Green Hand is also recovering. You can see it just by looking at your sister Margaery. Instead of envying other people's power, it would be better to study the power of Green Hand Garth."

"How to study it?" Garland asked.

Lind thought for a while and said: "Let the Duke of Metz cut a branch from your heart tree and make it into an accessory to wear all year round. Maybe it can slowly stimulate the blood power of Garth the Green Hand in you."

James suddenly said at this time: "Can all the descendants of Garth the Green Hand use this method to stimulate their bloodlines? If this is really the case, you Tyrell family should be careful."

After hearing James' words, Garland couldn't help but frown, and his face became a little gloomy.

He was not unhappy with Jaime's random words, but felt that Jaime's reminder was very important, in case the thousand-year-old nobles formed by the descendants of Garth the Greenhand in the Reach knew about the effect of the Heart Tree and united to attack Tilly. The Er family's pressure to ask for the Heart Tree will indeed cause a lot of trouble to the Tyrell family.

At this moment, the Red Viper and the Kingslayer suddenly stopped and stood there blankly. The people around them were not surprised when they saw it, and just waited nearby.

The two of them soon recovered, their faces looked a little ugly, and they bent over and vomited in unison. The strange thing was that what they vomited was not gastric juice or undigested food, but sea water.

After a while, they vomited completely, and they couldn't wait to ask Linde at the same time: "What's going on? What did I just see?"

After saying these words, they all looked at each other for a moment, with doubtful looks on their faces, as if they were confused about saying the same thing to each other again.

"Explain it." Lind pointed at an alchemist and ordered.

"What you are seeing is an illusion of the deep sea." The alchemist explained briefly, but soon realized that his explanation was too simple, and added: "The implant uses a part of your own body's flesh and blood to pass through a very special Cultivated with culture fluid, the core raw material of the culture fluid comes from the sea monster of Captain Dagon, one of the three sea monsters. It uses a lot of black witchcraft from blood witches, dark warlocks and shadowbinders, so you will know it because of the black witch. He became warlike due to magic and saw deep sea visions due to sea monsters.

"What did you see just now?" Garland couldn't help but asked curiously.

"We..." The two of them wanted to answer, but they didn't know how to answer. They even couldn't remember what they had just seen.

"Invisible, unheard, and unknowable, you may have seen a certain god sleeping in the deep sea. It may be the Drowned God or other gods." A bachelor explained: "Your situation is not bad, but Vomiting out sea water, I remember that several experimenters in the past had a large number of tentacles growing on their bodies and completely mutated into inhuman monsters."

After hearing what the maester said, the faces of the Red Viper and the Kingslayer became a little ugly, and they asked if there was a solution.

Linde said that there is a potion that can suppress illusions and will be produced as soon as possible.

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