Games come to all worlds

Chapter 338 The Formation of Loss is activated!

On the third floor of the game house, the two most powerful people in reality are currently fighting.

Yang Jian's basic skills were very solid, but Yuwen Tuo's strength was not weak either. Coupled with the complete Xuanyuan Sword, he had the upper hand for a while.

However, Yang Jian was not in a hurry. The Xuanyuan Sword was a sword of the holy way and was far more powerful than his three-pointed two-edged sword. The right choice was to avoid its edge.

When the distance was widened, Yang Jian opened his eyes and sent out a sharp beam of light.

His third eye is not an extraordinary thing, it is his most powerful killing move.

Feeling the threat, Yuwen Tuo instantly split into five flying bodies. The beam hit one of them, causing an explosion and setting off flames.

An improved version of the divine fire clone, Yuwen Tuo can change positions with any clone.

Yang Jian breathed a sigh of relief. It wasn't just a magic like turning three pure things into one breath. If it was just a phantom, it would not pose any threat to him.

Tianyan launched attacks one after another, attacking the remaining four clones and hitting Yuwen Tuo.

Although the latter blocked it with the Xuanyuan Sword in time and was not seriously injured, the blood bar on his head still dropped a small amount and returned to zero and lost the competition.

"you win."

"Concession! One to one, I hope we can decide the winner next time." Yang Jian said with cupped hands.

This was the second round of their competition. In the first round, he didn't pay attention to Yuwen Tuo's sword control skills and was directly stabbed through the body by the Xuanyuan Sword, killing him instantly.

In the second game, I didn't rely on my strength. I directly opened my eyes to face the enemy, and then I won a full attack.

"Haha, I also hope that one day." Yuwen Tuo said meaningfully.

The two walked down the ring together, and soon the next pair came on the stage. Since the opening of the third floor, the competition has never stopped.

Sitting on the chair, Yuwen Tuo handed Yang Jian a bottle of wine and asked a question.

"What do your gods think of mortals?"

Yang Jian was stunned for a moment, as if he thought of something, and sighed and said: "Most of the gods are actually pretty good. It's just that the Jade Emperor and the Queen Mother don't take mortals too seriously."

"In their eyes, it doesn't matter how many mortals die, because eventually the soul will return to the underworld and be reincarnated as a human again. This is why everyone wants to become an immortal, escape from reincarnation, and become an immortal!"

Yuwen Tuo took a sip of wine and said: "The world is unkind and treats all things as stupid dogs. It seems that the human world must still be dominated by humans."

"Yes." Yang Jian nodded in agreement, glanced at Xuanyuan Sword and said regretfully: "It's a pity that after the Great Tribulation of the Gods, there will no longer be an emperor in the world."

"Thanks for clearing up the confusion, I'll leave first."

Yuwen Tuo stood up and excused himself, walking to the first floor.

So far, only Jing Tian and Yang Jian's world exists in the shop.

As for these two heavens, to be honest, everyone has a bad impression.

Because we are humans, any decision we make is from a human perspective, but gods are not. They value their own face more.

Even if the Emperor of Heaven makes a mistake, he will never admit it.

For the sake of face, the Jade Emperor could let go of his weaklings and descend to earth.

Although the damage caused by the two to the human world is different, it can be seen that they do not treat humans as life.

Yuwen Tuo's expression was a little solemn, because he knew what he was going to do.

After coming to the game house, he has been taken care of by everyone, and now it is his turn to pay something back.

On the first floor, he found Li En and Yuwen Tuo took out the scroll and the four artifacts he had collected.

"Store manager, this is the formation map of the Lost Formation. If any players need it in the future, please give it to them."

The Lost Array has a wide range of uses, and its specific functions will change based on the core artifact.

Taking reality as an example, the most useful cores are the Kunlun Mirror, which can travel through time, and the Nuwa Stone, which can set up barriers.

The former can change the long river of time, and the latter can isolate the world, which is very useful. As long as the strength level is not too high in the world, it can play a huge role.

Among the four artifacts given by Yuwen Tuo, there was no Nuwa Stone because he needed it himself.

Looking at the things in his hands, Li En asked: "Have you decided?"

"Yeah!" Yuwen Tuo nodded slightly and said, "Ning Ke, please take care of me first. I... may not be able to come back."

Ning Ke is from the demon world. If the world is restarted, she will definitely be optimized, so she cannot return to the original world.

Li En rolled his eyes at him and said, "You are like an old general on the stage, with flags stuck behind your back."

"Husband what?"

"It's nothing." Li En thought for a moment and said, "Don't worry, I'll pick you up later."

Yuwen Tuo smiled slightly and said, "Then thank the store manager first."

"Oh~ you really don't want to consider backing up your memory?" Li En asked.

Of course they knew that if Yuwen Tuo replaced Chen Jingchou, he would lose all his memories, so Li En thought of a way.

Go to Two Point Hospital to back up a memory first, wait until everything is over, and then come back and replace it.

In this case, it means that Yuwen Tuo will be informed that he has succeeded just as he is about to set off to activate the Formation of Loss.

"No." Yuwen Tuo still shook his head and refused, saying, "That me is not me."

He instinctively expressed disgust at this matter. Retaining a memory of the present and transplanting it to the future would be equivalent to killing him in the future.

Although losing memory means killing the current self, it is not impossible to recover. At the end of the TV series, it can be seen that Chen Jingchou obviously still has residual memories.

So Yuwen Tuo believes that he will definitely be able to recall it!

"Okay, I respect your opinion. It wouldn't be a bad thing to start over."


Yuwen Tuo nodded, found Ning Ke, and after explaining some things to her, returned to the real world.

Moon River City, many people gathered here.

The reincarnation of the artifact, master and apprentice Chen Jingchou, the two immortals of Tianwai Village, basically all the key figures have arrived.

As soon as they saw Yuwen Tuo appearing, everyone's nerves became tense.

"Get ready to start, Xiaoxue, you take them to their positions, Mr. Jingchou Chen, when foreign enemies are coming to attack, please stop them and buy some time."

Yuwen Tuo arranged the work calmly. As a leader, he must not panic at such a moment.

Even Chen Fu, who had serious opinions about him, had to admit that Yuwen Tuo's magnanimity was extraordinary.

This time it was a battle between the human world and the demon world. After the explanation from the two immortals of Tianwai Village, they temporarily put aside their grudges and chose to come to help.

Immortal Gu Yue wanted to pass it on to Yuwen Tuo because he knew that he would use it as a divine weapon to form a formation later and his strength would be of no use, but he refused, and finally gave it to Chen Jingchou, hoping that in the new world, He can rebuild the state of Chen.

It can be regarded as Yuwen Tuo's compensation for them.

"Are you ready?"


"The Formation of Loss, activate!"

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