Games come to all worlds

Chapter 376 Ao Bing

There was a plan for the villagers to flee in all directions. One group of people went to Li Mansion to find Li Jing and asked him to come quickly and take Nezha away. The other group of people went to get weapons, that is, farm tools, so that they could have some peace of mind when Nezha hurt people. The power of protection.

This time, Nezha made little movement and blew up all the water tanks without using fire, so the villagers dared to watch from a distance.

They didn't understand what Nezha was poking at the water tank with his gun, so they could only stare at him, trying to see what bad thing Nezha was trying to do.

Without the fire control skill, Nezha was very slow to find Haiyaksha. If he wanted to find the monsters without destroying the water tank, he could only try one by one.

On the other side, when they heard that Nezha was violently attacking people with weapons in the village, Li Jing and Mrs. Yin immediately rushed over on horseback. Master Taiyi flew in the sky on a pig, and both parties arrived at the center of the village.

In fact, Li Jing didn't believe what the villagers said. He didn't believe that Nezha's previous good performance was just a show.

How could a two-year-old have such a mind?

What's more, Nezha always shows his thoughts on his face. He is really fierce at ordinary times, but he has never deceived anyone.

Therefore, when he rushed to the center of the village and saw Nezha, he did not act rashly. Instead, he and his wife silently guarded him.

No matter how much the villagers requested, he never stepped forward to take Nezha back because he believed in his child.

Nezha was still looking for monsters and had no intention of paying attention to the people next to him.

It took a long time. When he poked the next tank with his fire-pointed gun, the seawater jumped out and continued running along the path.

"Haha! Let's see how long you can hide it!"

After Nezha finished speaking, he chased after him. A voice came from the crowd behind him, asking: "What is that thing? Why did the water in the tank jump out?"

"That's a monster!" Li Jing and his wife said at the same time.


The faces of the villagers changed drastically. Unexpectedly, the monster actually flowed into the village. The scene was quiet for a while, and suddenly someone asked:

"Where are the children?"

At this time, they could no longer keep calm and immediately dispersed to look for their children, fearing that the children had been eaten by monsters.

Mrs. Yin unconsciously smiled, looked at Li Jing and said, "Did you see it, Zha'er... he's catching monsters!"

"Yeah!" Li Jing nodded very happily, with tears in his eyes, and said, "He's not just catching monsters, he hasn't hurt the people yet, he's really grown up!"

"It's great~" Mrs. Yin wiped the tears from the corners of her eyes and asked, "Are we going to help Zha'er?"

Li Jing shook his head and said, "No, this is his first time catching monsters, so it should give him a sense of accomplishment, but..."

He turned his head and looked aside and said, "I'd better trouble the Immortal to follow behind and take a look."

The monster's methods are weird, and he is also afraid that Nezha will suffer a loss if he is just starting out.

"Put it on me!" Taiyi Zhenren clapped his chest and followed on the pig.

On the other side, there were no houses blocking the way. Nezha chased the monster closely and did not let him run away.

When he was about to enter the woods, he thought that there was a little girl playing shuttlecock in front of him. In the movie, the monster would catch her.

In order to prevent accidents, Nezha shouted several times while chasing the monster:

"Nezha is coming, everyone, get out of the way!"

He is very smart and knows that if he shouts "There is a monster", others may not react at all, and may even freeze in place.

But if you shout "Nezha is coming!" no matter adults or children, they will run away quickly, and the effect is outstanding.

Sure enough, upon hearing Nezha's voice and movement, the older boy did not hesitate and quickly hugged his sister, wanting to take her farther away.

But it was such a coincidence that as soon as he walked to his sister, Haiyaksha rushed out of the grass, grabbed them both, and took them to the beach.

Nezha frowned and came to the beach outside the woods. He looked at Haiyaksha and felt a little guilty.

"Ao Bing should be here."

Haiyaksha grabbed a child with one hand, jumped up, made a funny face at Nezha, and said, "I'll see if any of you can catch me when we get to the sea, Luoluo~"

At this time, Taiyi Zhenren, who was watching from the sidelines, was about to take action, but he put his hand down again because he saw that the nearby sea area had condensed into ice.

"Are there any masters?"

Ao Bing, who was wearing a white robe, appeared and said calmly: "Monster, let go of those two children. The one kilometer sea area around here has frozen into ice. You can't escape."

With an angry look on his face, Haiyaksha opened his mouth and bit Ao Bing.

But the result was also obvious. He was knocked over on the ice by Ao Bing's moves, and the two children were also successfully saved.

Nezha also smiled slightly when he saw this, glanced at the big boy, and said coldly: "Go back quickly!"

The boy was so frightened that he turned around and ran away with the little girl in his arms. When he was about to leave the beach, he suddenly turned his head and shouted towards Nezha:

"Nezha! I'm going to find Mr. Li to save you!"

"Just mind yourself!"

Nezha waved his hand casually, and the smile at the corner of his mouth showed that he was very happy at the moment. He rushed towards Haiyaksha and said:

"I see who else can save you now!"

Flames burst out from the tip of the fire-pointed spear, and it stabbed downwards. Ao Bing suddenly stepped forward, waved his robe to block it, and said, "It has already let go of the child. Spare its life. Next time it does something wrong, I will definitely do it." Kill it."

Seeing that this guy helped him, Haiyaksha immediately pretended to be weak, hid aside and knelt down and said: "My hero, please spare my life, my hero, save me!"

"Next time? The next time it will be too late. I will take it back and imprison it to prevent it from causing trouble again!"

Ao Bing frowned slightly. Haiyaksha was a submarine demon clan, and he didn't really want to kill it, not to mention it hadn't caused serious consequences yet.

Therefore, he thought that Nezha, like everyone else, hated the demon clan from the bottom of his heart, so he sighed and said seriously:

"Although it is a demon clan, but..."

Before he could finish speaking, Nezha said: "This has nothing to do with whether it is a monster or not. I want to catch it just because it was causing trouble in the village and wanted to eat people. Do you understand?"

Ao Bing was stunned, shook his head slowly, and said, "I don't understand."

Nezha smiled slightly and said, "To put it simply, it is a bad monster, so I want to catch it. If it is a good monster, not only will I not catch it, but I will also make friends with it."

As soon as these words came out, Ao Bing's eyes widened and he was a little at a loss. He subconsciously asked: " don't discriminate against monsters?"

"Of course not. We all have bad people, let alone monsters."

Nearly three years after his birth, this was the first time Ao Bing heard words that did not discriminate against monsters from a human, and his mood was very complicated.

Seeing that they were chatting happily, Haiyaksha next to him also opened his mouth wide and spit out a bunch of bubbles, saying, "Jiejiejie, thank you for giving me the opportunity...ah!"

"Talk too much!"

Nezha threw out Huntian Ling and caught Haiyaksha easily. This guy's mission had been completed and he no longer had to play cat and mouse games with him.

Turning to look at Ao Bing, Nezha took out a shuttlecock and asked, "Want to play?"

After regaining consciousness, Ao Bing waved his hand to express his refusal, but Nezha didn't tolerate him, so he raised his leg and kicked the shuttlecock over.

Ao Bing is also a monster who doesn't mean what he says, he talks but doesn't play, but his body is still very honest.

The two of them played shuttlecock on the beach and had a great time.

After a long time, the villagers from Chentangguan rushed over, and Ao Bing was about to leave. Before leaving, he gave Nezha a conch, and Nezha also said:

"I will give you a gift on your birthday."

"Birthday?" Ao Bing smiled lightly, said nothing, nodded and left.

Nezha looked at his leaving figure and thought to himself: "Let's go play games tonight. I need to get an invitation letter for Ao Bing."

Having watched the movie, he knew that Ao Bing and him... were actually very similar.

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