That feeling of despair and depression always weighed heavily on his heart like a boulder.
Lu Sheng’s speed is fast, but his footsteps are light.
The closer to the giant city, the more zombies wandering in the gray mist, and as the number increased, the strength of these zombies also continued to increase.
Lu Sheng has already felt the strong and dangerous atmosphere that he has not seen for a long time from several zombies.
Fortunately, the perception of these zombies has not improved much due to the improvement of individual strength. As long as he is careful enough, he will not attract their attention.
Wangshan ran to death.
Lu Sheng ran for more than half an hour before he gradually approached the giant city. This is still the state he kept running in a hurry.
It is conceivable how big the giant city is.
Finally, Lu Sheng came to the foot of the giant city.
He hid under a ruined wall and looked up at the city in front of him.
This majestic city was truly displayed in front of him.
It is difficult to describe how big this city is.
Lu Sheng needed to raise his neck to an angle close to the limit, so that he could barely see the top of the city wall.
The whole city is surrounded by towering walls.
This reminded Lu Sheng of an anime in his previous life where he hid in a huge besieged city against an evil giant.
Compared with that anime, the city wall in front of me is undoubtedly much higher.
It’s hard to imagine that there is any power in this world that can tear apart such an impenetrable line of defense.
But what Lu Sheng saw.
But there are huge, shocking tear marks.
From the outside, the whole city looks like a huge broken bowl full of gaps.
The ruined wall that Lu Sheng is leaning on now is just an insignificant small fragment knocked off the giant bowl.
Thinking about the desperate scenes he saw in his memory, Lu Sheng’s expression became serious.
Perhaps the doomsday scenes he has seen in his memory are not even one-ten-thousandth of the real situation.
Height determines field of view.
Those zombies who can be easily killed by him, the despair that can be seen in life is undoubtedlyJust the edge of the real horror.
“Base 1359, that is to say, there are at least a thousand more bases like this.
So, where are the remaining bases, and are they still intact?
What has happened to the people in this world, and are there any survivors alive? ”
Many doubts arose in Lu Sheng’s heart.
About the origin of this world, about the origin of his dream, about the mysterious body refining technique and breathing method he is practicing now…
He walked towards the giant city.
He felt that the truth was waiting for him ahead.
018. Fallen Civilization 2
Lu Sheng didn’t see where the gate of the city wall was, so he found a huge gap that was torn from the top of the wall to the bottom, and approached carefully.
Just ten meters away from him, there were several terrifying zombies wandering around.
As long as Lu Sheng gets a little closer to them, he will feel a huge sense of horror with his scalp tingling.
Right now, he feels like he just got out of Novice Village’s trumpet and wandered around the map of high-level monsters.
Any mob around him has the ability to instantly kill him.
“The closer you get to the base, the stronger the zombies are. It’s hard to imagine what kind of martial arts powerhouse these zombies, which brought me a huge sense of threat, were before they were alive…”
Lu Sheng sighed in his heart.
No consciousness, no perception, only a bit of fighting instinct left in the body to drive.
Such a state can bring him such a strong sense of danger, these zombies were definitely unimaginable masters before they were alive.
Lu Sheng carefully kept a distance from each zombie.
After repeated experiments, he found that the safe distance between him and the zombies was about ten meters.
As long as you don’t get close to the zombies for ten meters, you won’t be discovered and attract hatred.
Lu Sheng approached the gap he saw little by little, carefully avoiding the zombies wandering around.
I couldn’t hide, so I picked up a stone from the ground and threw it into the distance to attract the attention of the zombies.
In this way, he successfully reached the foot of the target wall without any risk.
Although the gap was big, it was still seven or eight meters high.
Fortunately, Lu Sheng now possesses the strength of a first-level warrior, with a strong figure, and with the help of the depressions and gaps in the wall, he can easily climb onto the gap.
“I’m afraid the thickness of this city wall is more than 20 meters thick, and it was beaten like this…”
Lu Sheng walked in through the gap, secretly stunned.
Walking all the way to the inner side of the wall, the scene of the city was presented in front of Lu Sheng.
All kinds of tall buildings, streets, and styles are very different from the real world where Lu Sheng lives.
There are many vehicles scattered on the street that Lu Sheng doesn’t recognize.
Although most of these have been destroyed and dilapidated now.
But above the ruins shrouded in gray mist, Lu Sheng could still imagine how prosperous this city once was.
“The level of technological development should far exceed the world I am in now, and also surpass the previous life…”
Lu Sheng jumped off the city wall and landed on a vehicle that looked like a rowboat, with smooth lines and a sense of technology.
“It should be a world with a high degree of civilization, whether it is a technological civilization or a martial arts civilization.
No wonder the body refining technique and breathing method I got from memory before are so powerful…”
You know, in the world Lu Sheng lives in now, martial arts have only been developed for less than three hundred years.
Many aspects are in the groping stage.
It was also mentioned in history books that when martial arts first emerged, the most powerful martial arts masters in the world were only at the fifth level.
But now, human beings already have many seventh-level masters, eighth-level grand masters, and even ninth-level martial arts saints.
“Such a powerful civilization is still falling under the claws of alien beasts, what about us…”
Lu Sheng was suddenly a little worried.
In reality, his world is also fighting against the invasion of alien beasts.
Even though martial arts experts among human beings continue to emerge, the living space of the entire human being is still being compressed and reduced.
This is broadcast on the TV news every day.
“No matter what, it is a great opportunity for me to come here…
This world has failed, my world may not fail…
I can still absorb nutrients from this civilization, and when I become stronger in the future, I may be able to spread the advanced martial arts knowledge here…”
Lu Sheng’s eyes became firm again, and at the same time, there was a heavy responsibility on his shoulders.
This piece of devastated civilization ruins brought him too much shock and impact, and his mentality has also undergone some changes.
There are a lot of zombies inside the city walls, but their strength is generally relatively weak, and it is rare to see a few “advanced monsters”.
This is easy to explain.
The city wall protects vulnerable civilians, and those who are powerful naturally gather on the battlefield
Lu Sheng’s exploration progressed a lot faster.
He walked into a tall building.
This is an ordinary residential building.
Lu Sheng randomly found a house and walked in, but there was no one in the house.
The house is divided into several small rooms, but the overall space is very small.
There is a table in the middle of the living room, and some tableware and tableware are scattered on the table.
Lu Sheng imagined that the family was eating at that time, and then the end suddenly came.
Lu Sheng’s mood was inexplicably depressed.
There were no zombies in the house. Lu Sheng guessed that under the terrifying black mist, ordinary people might not even have the qualifications to transform into zombies.
It is also possible that it once became a zombie, and after a long period of time, it decayed because it was too weak.
Lu Sheng walked into a room and found something like a photo frame on the bedside table in the room, but there was no photo in it.
Lu Sheng guessed that this might be something like an electronic photo album. After the energy is exhausted, the photos inside will naturally disappear.
One of the remaining rooms should be the children’s room.There is a small single bed in the corner of the room, as well as a bookcase and a desk.
Lu Sheng tried to find some items that could record information.
But the civilization of this world is too developed, and books have long been completely freed from the shackles of paper, so he got nothing.
Finally, Lu Sheng found a palm-sized disk on the desk, which was lead gray in color and less than half a centimeter thick. There were traces of writing on it.
Lu Sheng wiped off the dust on the disc, and recognized a few small characters engraved on the bottom of the disc.
After reading these words, Lu Sheng was shocked.
He actually knew these words? !
The characters used by this fallen civilization are exactly the same as those used in the real world! .
full-time artist
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