Qin Shaojun couldn’t help asking.
Dong Qingxue’s eyes flickered, and she replied: “I haven’t thought about it yet, but the previous judgment on Lu Sheng must have been inaccurate, so let’s train him as the number one seed like Charlene for the time being.
after all…”
Dong Qingxue looked at the slender and tall figure of the young man on the screen, took a deep breath, and said slowly: “Leaving aside the talent and ability,. What he has shown so far is already amazing enough! ”
Qin Shaojun understood what Dong Qingxue meant.
Judging from Lu Sheng’s previous information.
Seventeen years old, a second-level warrior, a talented warrior with strength.
This may be a terrifying statistic in the eyes of ordinary people, but to Qin Shaojun and Dong Qingxue who have seen too many geniuses, it is not outstanding.
Even in the future, there is a great possibility that everyone will disappear.
Xiang Peng is the best example.
If you add prefixes such as “Perfect Realm Boxing”, “combat power comparable to a fourth-level warrior” and “easily crushing an official third-level warrior” in front of this resume.
Then, it becomes different.
Combat power and combat capability are two completely different concepts.
Just because you can hit tens of thousands of combat effectiveness index during the test doesn’t mean you can display this combat effectiveness in battle.
And Lu Sheng did it.
Still far beyond.
This is scary.
To use Qin Shaojun’s words to describe it, that is…
Practical monsters.
Fighting genius.
Naturally born…budo seedling!
Even if the current Lu Sheng is not a talented warrior, he does not have any natural abilities.
This is enough to greatly increase his rating in Dong Qingxue’s mind.
059. Goodbye Purple Headband 4
“It’s time for dinner…”
Lu Sheng opened his eyes, he was woken up by the soldiers in the training camp who had just gnawed off a few hard bones in the dream, and informed him that he could go to the cafeteria to eat.
Lu Sheng looked at the time, it was already evening, and he was indeed hungry.
Following the directions of the training camp map on the table in the room, Lu Sheng found the cafeteria of the base all the way.
The cafeteria is very large, divided into three floors, and their students eat on the first floor.
Walking into the cafeteria, all Lu Sheng saw were boys and girls the same age as him.
Obviously, they are also the students who participated in the training camp this time.
Lu Sheng even saw the group of people in Qingyuan City, including Lin Shaoyu, with a bandage on his head, queuing up for dinner with the support of two people with a pale face.
Many students in the cafeteria had obvious bandaging marks on their bodies, and they looked a little embarrassed.
“It seems that although there is an entry assessment, no matter whether you can pass the assessment or not, you are still eligible to stay…”
Lu Sheng thought to himself.
He found a casual window for lunch, and Lu Sheng lined up silently.
The students in front of him did not know which city in Dongning Province they were, and they were still discussing about the assessment in the morning.
“Those organ puppets are too fierce. I just got rubbed accidentally, and now my back still hurts…”
“You think, after all, they are puppets of the second-level organization, and the third-level fighters may not be able to fight head-on. We are lucky that we were not beaten to death or maimed.”
“How could it be possible for us to be beaten to death and maimed? There are examiners here. But one thing to say, this assessment is really abnormal…”
“Don’t tell me, I heard that someone beat up the examiners in this class, and they are still lying unconscious in the infirmary…”
“Really?! How can the examiner have to be a third-level warrior, otherwise we can’t protect us under the second-level agency. Is there anyone who can beat the examiner?”
“Listen to his nonsense! I also heard that all the organs and puppets in the assessment channel have been smashed to pieces. Some people saw the base soldiers loading those scrapped second-level organs into the car…”
“This is too exaggerated, it must be fake!”

Lu Sheng mixed in the team and kept silent. He has now deeply realized how much he played during the day.
Finally it was Lu Sheng’s turn.
The food in the training camp was unexpectedly good. There were more than 30 kinds of meat dishes, most of which were meat that Lu Sheng had never seen before, and they could be refilled indefinitely, which was most suitable for a big appetite like him.
After casually ordering a meal for five people, Lu Sheng looked for a place to stay with the plate.
Perhaps it was because the scale of the food in his hands was too exaggerated, which attracted the attention of many people, and many people cast sideways glances at him.
The group of people in Qingyuan City also noticed his existence, and they all turned around and ran away as if they had seen a ghost, some of them didn’t even eat their meals, and ran directly to the entrance of the cafeteria.
It can be seen that in the passage during the day, the psychological shadow left by Lu Sheng on them is too great.
Just when Lu Sheng was about to find a place to sit down, someone walked towards him quickly.
“Lu Sheng, right?”
She is a tall, tall girl who is still very pretty.
“I’m also a student of Baihe City participating in the training camp this time. If you don’t mind… sit down and eat together?”
The girl stretched out her hand to brush the hair on her temples, looking a little embarrassed.
Lu Sheng was hesitating whether to accept this sudden invitation, but the girl quickly said: “Actually, we met, in the Baihe City Martial Arts Association, when we participated in the official martial arts assessment… Do you remember?”
Lu Sheng froze for a moment, then recalled the other party’s identity.
“You are the…”
Lu Sheng thought about it for a while, and said affirmatively, “Purple headband.”
The girl smiled, nodded and said, “My name is Yang Yuan.”
When participating in the assessment at the Baihe Martial Arts Association, this girl, like Lu Sheng, was the youngest among all the examiners, and the two of them even looked at each other a few times, so they had an impression.
But she didn’t wear the purple headband today, but changed to a pink one.
“Speaking of which, we are actually quite destined. I know your sister, Lu Qinghe. Qinghe often mentions you in front of me…”
Yang Yuan blushed a little when she said this.
She has always been regarded as a high-cold goddess in school, but she never expected that there would be times when she would rely on her relationship to get close to a certain boy.
“haha, really…”
Lu Sheng smiled, but did not expose Yang Yuan’s lie.
How could his sister Lu Qinghe often mention him in front of others, it’s too late to think him ashamed.
But Lu Sheng remembered that Lu Qinghe did mention Yang YuanExistence, I met Lu Qinghe and her two best friends in the martial arts association before, and the three little girls seemed to go there just to accompany Yang Yuan.
Since they are all acquaintances, Lu Sheng readily agreed: “Yes, where to sit?”
Yang Yuan’s eyes lit up, and she walked quickly to lead Lu Sheng with alacrity.
“Here, all of us from Baihe City are sitting together.”
Yang Yuan led Lu Sheng to sit down on a long table, and there were seven or eight boys and girls sitting on the long table, all of whom looked at Lu Sheng with curious eyes.
During the period before they came to the training camp, the biggest news in Baihe City was this young man of similar age in front of him.
It is no exaggeration to say that Lu Sheng is the “star figure” among high school students in Baihe City.
Lu Sheng smiled at the group of people, then buried himself in his meal.
He is not good at communication, nor does he bother to communicate.
Watching Lu Sheng cook for a while silently, Yang Yuan, who had been deliberating for a long time, finally broke through the embarrassment.
“Lu Sheng… do you know anything about this talent training camp?”
060. Lu Sheng also disappeared from everyone 5
Lu Sheng picked up a piece of pink meat and stuffed it into his mouth without lifting his head.
I don’t know what kind of meat this kind of meat is. The meat quality is far firmer than expected, and the taste is quite good.
Yang Yuan’s mind was not on the food at all.
“I understand something, do you want to know?”
Yang Yuan stared at Lu Sheng for a long time, expecting Lu Sheng to respond, but Lu Sheng just buried his head in eating, which made her quite embarrassed.
I don’t know if I should continue talking.
Fortunately, Lu Sheng also realized this quickly, nodded symbolically, and said, “Speak.”
As he said that, he picked up another rib of an unknown animal and took a hard bite.
Really delicious.
Yang Yuan breathed a sigh of relief, and quickly said: “This talent training camp is jointly organized by the Dongning Provincial Department of Education, the Martial Arts Association and the Eastern Military Region. Lieutenant Colonel Dong Qingxue of the Eastern Military Region is the top person in charge of this training camp.
It is said that Dong Qingxue came from the master…”
Yang Yuan talked for a while, and found that Lu Sheng didn’t seem to be interested in these things, so she quickly changed the direction and continued: “I asked the brothers and sisters who participated in the training camps in the past, and learned from them that this training camp is actually The hardest part is not how to get in, but…
how to stay. ”
full-time artist
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